
The baby was asleep, the mother poured her anger on the baby, and the doctor's words made her "blush"

author:Eight early childcare


Hello everyone~ I'm Hachi

The baby always doesn't sleep at night, the mother has a critical collapse for five days, the mother is angry and directly lets the baby cry by himself, and does not sleep every night, so that the baby can sleep when he is tired of crying.

At first, the mother thought that this practice was very good, and the baby's sleep quality was higher, but later she found that the baby's mental state was not good, and the doctor made her blush after the examination: Are you not following the baby's sleep rules?

Experienced doctors knew at a glance that the child must be a sign of lethargy caused by sleepiness, and also had mental malaise.

Later, I also asked a friend, she is a pediatrician, and she said: Infant sleep is harmful to the brain, especially long-term sleep babies may have brain development delay, mental decline.

The baby was asleep, the mother poured her anger on the baby, and the doctor's words made her "blush"

Baby crying is actually a very common phenomenon, but when the baby is asleep, it will make the baby cry excessively, at this time mothers should be careful, these effects should be paid attention to:

Therefore, the situation of sleep is very harmful to the baby, mothers must not sit idly by, the baby's bedtime work should also be done, do not affect the baby because of their rough behavior, this point should still be valued.

If the baby's sleep quality is poor, it will also cause the baby to fall asleep, which is also relatively affected for the baby, and mothers should not be negligent.

The baby was asleep, the mother poured her anger on the baby, and the doctor's words made her "blush"

Then again, why do babies have sleep?

This is also a concern for many mothers.

Two days ago, a mother also reported in the group: After coaxing for almost two hours, the baby did not fall asleep, and finally cried for a while before falling asleep.

In fact, this also reflects that it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and it has become the key for the mother to fall asleep.

There are many factors for the success or failure of sleeping, and each baby's sleep method is different, and mothers should also choose the appropriate sleep method according to the baby's situation.

The baby was asleep, the mother poured her anger on the baby, and the doctor's words made her "blush"

How to help babies fall asleep quickly, these are the points that mothers should know:

In addition, a sense of security is also the key, mothers should accompany the baby, create a fixed environment for the baby, help the baby fall asleep faster and better, which mothers should not neglect.

After the baby is born, the sleep time is very long, but the sleep quality is really poor, although the baby spends about 15 hours a day in sleep, but mothers will find that the baby is almost light sleep.

After entering the age of two months, the higher the baby's perception, the shorter the sleep time, the baby's sleep problem will come out, and the difficulty in falling asleep and the need to sleep has also become a problem for the mother.

Therefore, if a mother wants to have a higher happiness index, it is the key to do her sleep homework, and if she can't master the skills of sleeping, her mother will also have a hard time.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]