
Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

author:Heartbeat Theater


In recent years, with the fast-paced development of society, people's pace of life has become faster and faster, and work pressure and trivial matters often make people breathless, and it seems that they can't find a trace of tranquility and peace. At present, the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets is also being advocated more and more, and people have begun to realize the importance of protecting the environment, and gradually have a yearning and love for nature. In this context, more and more people choose to go out of the city and into nature, to feel the beauty and tranquility of nature, to find the long-forgotten peace and freedom in their hearts.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

1. Go out to enjoy the flowers and feel the breath of nature

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡
Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

The sun is warm and bright in May, and it is a good time to enjoy the flowers. On this May afternoon, the heroine came to a large meadow in the suburbs alone, only to see all kinds of flowers mixed with all kinds of flowers in the verdant green, colorful and beautiful. The breeze blows and the fragrance of flowers fills the nose, which suddenly makes people feel refreshed and happy, and the worries and fatigue disappear.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

The original feeling of some sorrow was completely dispelled at this moment, and was replaced by love and gratitude for life. Perhaps, life is like this colorful flower, which needs to go through wind and rain, and also needs to bear the baptism of ice and snow in order to bloom the most beautiful fragrance.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

In such an environment, the heroine also unconsciously blends into the embrace of nature, slows down, and feels every beauty of nature with her heart, as if all her troubles have become insignificant.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡
Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

2. Walk in the woods to find inner peace

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

In addition to walking in the green and enjoying the flowers, walking in the woods is also a favorite way for many people, you can wander in the green woods, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and find the peace and tranquility in the depths of your heart.

The heroine is also immersed in such a good time, wearing a fresh and elegant dress, stepping on comfortable little white shoes, light and comfortable, like a fairy in the forest.

The winding forest paths are sometimes broken by the setting sun, sprinkling dappled light and shadow, and sometimes obscured by the foliage, making them dark and quiet. The birds sing happily in the branches, as if telling the story of nature, and the breeze brings a burst of refreshment, so that you can't help but close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel it all to the fullest.

Perhaps, man and nature are so compatible, when you feel with your heart, nature will also respond to you in its unique way, giving you everything you need in your heart.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡

3. Get in touch with nature and regain your love for life

During this walk in the woods, the heroine also unexpectedly encounters an injured little squirrel, whose calf is injured and shivering, seemingly helplessly looking for help.

Seeing such a situation, the heroine's heart was suddenly touched, she quietly squatted down, stretched out her little hand, and gently stroked the little squirrel, as if she was comforting it in this way and giving it a trace of warmth.

Perhaps it was the heroine's sincerity that moved the little squirrel, it actually quieted down in the heroine's palm, obediently closed its eyes, and even the pedestrians hurrying by next to it were no longer afraid, as if they could feel the warmth and kindness exuded by the heroine.

Through careful observation, the heroine noticed a slight wound on the little squirrel's calf, so she quickly took out a band-aid from her bag, treated the wound for the little squirrel, and after making sure that it was not in serious trouble, she put it back into the tree.

Maybe this little squirrel is just passing by the heroine's life, but in this moment of encounter, it silently conveys to the heroine a love and persistence for life, and also makes the heroine understand that it turns out that when you care for everything around you with your heart, life will give you the same warmth and touch.

Beauty Lin 间白丝写真:翠影轻摇梦未央,燕语花香绘心乡


Perhaps, when we are faced with troubles and troubles, we only need to stop at the right time, slow down the pace, feel everything around us, and get close to nature, we can find the peace and peace in our hearts, and we will also understand that the essence of life is so simple and beautiful.

May we all be able to have a sensitive heart, to discover the beauty and touching in life, and to become a shining scenery in the lives of those around us, giving others warmth and strength.

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