
Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

author:Heartbeat Theater


In the scorching summer, the scorching sun is in the sky, and the scorching heat is unbearable, and you will sweat after going out for a while, as if the whole person is going to be sunburned. In such weather, many people choose to stay at home and blow the air conditioner, and only go out at night or early in the morning. In such weather, there is a group of people who are particularly active, they are outdoor enthusiasts who like the outdoors, no matter how hot the weather is, they can't stop their love and yearning for nature.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

1. Find cool fun

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

In the scorching summer, whether it is in the city or in the countryside, there is a fiery scene everywhere, even the park is crowded with citizens who come to escape the heat, the lawn is covered with people who hide from the sun, and the shade of the trees is full of people sitting in the shade. And at times like these, it is even harder to find a cool and peaceful place than to climb to the sky, let alone enjoy the beauty of nature.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

However, at this time, the beautiful Xiaoya found an excellent place to escape the heat, that is, the gazebo in the park. Surrounded by trees, the shade of the trees resembles a natural parasol, even at midday, making you feel as if you are in an air-conditioned room.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

In such an environment, Xiaoya found a quiet corner and sat down, closed her eyes, quietly listened to the sound of the lake in the distance, felt the coolness and tranquility, and her mood suddenly became extremely comfortable, as if all the troubles and fatigue were blown away by this cool breeze.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟
Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

2. The inner journey of summer escape

Perhaps, escaping the heat is really not just about finding a cool place to escape the hot weather, but more importantly, about a change of mood. Just like Xiaoya, she found inner peace and contentment in the gazebo, and experienced the true joy of escaping the heat.

In this noisy city, people's hearts are often troubled by all kinds of trivial things, and it is difficult to get real relaxation and tranquility, and when they come to such a cool place and quietly feel the gifts of nature, they may really understand that the summer vacation can be a kind of inner journey, which can purify and relax people's souls, and feel the joy and comfort of the cool welling up in their hearts.

Perhaps, this is also the best gift that nature has given us, without any gorgeous packaging and decoration, just a tranquility and a touch of coolness, which is enough to make people feel the beauty of life and find the true satisfaction and peace in the depths of their hearts.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

3. The charm of reading

In such a cool place, you can not only feel the coolness and tranquility of nature, but also immerse yourself in the joy of reading. Xiaoya took out her schoolbag, took out a long-awaited book from it, and flipped through it quietly.

Reading is a unique enjoyment and a unique way to relax. Through reading, people can enter different worlds, experience all kinds of wonderful stories, have a spiritual dialogue with the author, and gain infinite inspiration and insight.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Xiaoya will be deeply immersed in the storyline created in the book, forgetting everything around her, as if she is the protagonist of the book, experiencing various fantasy adventures and touching stories with them, and gaining growth and courage.

In this process, all worries and exhaustion are slowly left behind, replaced by full joy and pleasure, and the heart becomes incomparably rich and fulfilling.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟

Fourth, the pure land of the heart

Perhaps, it is precisely because of reading that people can better feel the meaning of summer vacation. Escaping the heat is not simply to avoid the hot weather, but to find a pure land in the soul and let one's heart be purified and nourished.

And in this noisy city, many times, people's hearts are easily troubled by all kinds of negative emotions, unable to get real peace and happiness, and when they come to such a cool place, quietly read a favorite book, perhaps they will slowly find that the original inner pure land is not far away, it is hidden in the depths of each of our hearts, just waiting for us to find and manage with our hearts.

In this process, people can slowly adjust their mentality, learn to be relieved and tolerant, and can also draw strength from the positive energy conveyed in the book, and rekindle their love for life and hope for the future.

Beauty Kiyo Photo: 偷得浮生半日闲, 微风拂面柳如烟


In the scorching summer, whether it is the external heat or the inner anxiety, it needs a coolness to alleviate. Perhaps, when you also feel tired and helpless, you might as well find a quiet corner, quietly read a favorite book, maybe at that moment, you can find your own inner pure land, feel the joy and comfort of the cool welling up in your heart, and can also rekindle your love for life and hope for the future.

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