
The 38-year-old Horford exploded with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 hats and 1 break to send the Cavaliers home for 18 days, and the old Tanhua Horford will be 38 years old, and today, he used a peak performance to send the rider

author:Brother Chi who runs hard

The 38-year-old Horford exploded with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 blocks and 1 steal to send the Cavaliers home

In 18 days, the old scout Horford will turn 38 years old, and today, he sent the Cavaliers home with a peak performance.

22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 blocks and 1 steal, which is a typical performance he had in his prime. After a season-long hiatus, Horford used an efficient burst to easily take the Green Army to the Eastern Conference Finals.

Usually the team doesn't need him to help, the team has the sky-high double scouts Tatum, Brown, and the fourth-pick talent player Porzingis, but Porzingis is always injured, so the old scout Horford will occasionally have the opportunity to perform. Back in the days of the Hawks, only Horford was still playing, and his evergreen performance was mainly due to a good family atmosphere, as well as his low-key and humble personality, as long as he was on the court, he firmly implemented the team's tactics, did not be greedy, did not rob, and did not care about statistics.

It has been 17 seasons since he entered the league in 2007, and now there are only six players like him who are still playing in the NBA at the age of 38, while the other five have gone home to fish, they are James, Paul, Tucker, Lowry, and Jeff Green.

Of course, there may be a more important reason for this, Horford married a model wife Amelia Vega, who is a Miss Universe and a host, 2 years older than Lao Huo, and they have 5 children together, which can be described as a fairy couple. It is not difficult to understand why the 38-year-old Huo can still maintain such a good state!

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The 38-year-old Horford exploded with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 hats and 1 break to send the Cavaliers home for 18 days, and the old Tanhua Horford will be 38 years old, and today, he used a peak performance to send the rider
The 38-year-old Horford exploded with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 hats and 1 break to send the Cavaliers home for 18 days, and the old Tanhua Horford will be 38 years old, and today, he used a peak performance to send the rider
The 38-year-old Horford exploded with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 hats and 1 break to send the Cavaliers home for 18 days, and the old Tanhua Horford will be 38 years old, and today, he used a peak performance to send the rider

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