
CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

author:Incense for entertainment

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In the first game of the CBA finals last night, the Liaoning team defeated the Xinjiang team with a score of 121-112 and made a good start to the series.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

The focus of this game was not just the score, but the Xinjiang team player Qi Lin was dissatisfied with the referee's controversial decision in the game, and angrily sprayed the referee on the spot, which eventually led to being sent off the field.

After the game, Qi Lin expressed his grievances about this controversial incident, which aroused widespread attention and discussion.

At the beginning of the game, the Liaoning team showed their strong strength as an opponent in the finals.

The players of the Liaoning team quickly grasped the initiative on the field through the tacit cooperation of the inside and outside lines.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

Their precise shots and sharp breakaways kept scoring for the team, and it didn't take long for them to close the score.

In the face of the offensive of the Liaoning team, the Xinjiang team did not give up easily, but quickly adjusted its tactics.

They stepped up their defence, trying to limit Liaoning's scoring with tight markers and quick reinforcements.

At the same time, the Xinjiang team also actively looked for opportunities to counterattack, taking advantage of the mistakes and defensive loopholes of the Liaoning team to carry out a quick counterattack, and gradually narrowed the point difference.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

After entering the second half, the Liaoning team once again showed their championship strength.

They take advantage of the deep bench depth and constantly send substitute players on the field to maintain the vitality and fighting power on the field.

These bench players also possess excellent basketball skills, and they quickly found their rhythm on the court, contributing key points to the team.

At the same time, the Liaoning team's defense has also become tighter, and they have repeatedly frustrated the Xinjiang team's offense through close marking and timely defense.

In the course of the game, Qi Lin became the focus of attention on the field. As an important player of the Xinjiang team, he bears the heavy responsibility of the team's scoring.

During the game, he was whistled by the referee for a foul on several occasions, which made him very frustrated.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

After a controversial penalty, Qi Lin's emotions were completely out of control. He believed that the referee's decision was unfair and expressed strong dissatisfaction with the referee.

He waved his arms, loudly questioned the referee, and even used inappropriate language. After several warnings were invalid, the referee finally made the decision to send Qi Lin off the field.

Qi Lin's departure undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to the Xinjiang team.

He was an important scoring point for the team, and his departure deprived Xinjiang of an important firepower on the offensive end.

The players of the Xinjiang team did not give up on the game because of this.

They are united and continue to fight on the pitch and fight for every minute and every second for the team.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

Although the Xinjiang team failed to reverse the game in the end, their fighting spirit and professionalism still won the respect and applause of the fans.

This game is not only a basketball game, but also a test of emotional management and professionalism.

Qi Lin's departure reminded all players and fans to stay calm and rational at all times during the game, and avoid irrational behavior due to impulsiveness.

At the same time, this game also showed the fighting spirit and professionalism of the players of the Liaoning team and the Xinjiang team, and brought a wonderful basketball feast to the fans.

The incident quickly became the focus of fans and media attention after the game.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

Emotional control is often an extremely important challenge in the heat of confrontation on the pitch.

People have different opinions about Qi Lin's behavior.

Some people felt that his reaction was too violent, which not only affected his own game form, but also caused the team to lose a scoring point at a crucial moment, which undoubtedly had a negative impact on the team.

They point out that as a professional player, one should have a higher level of emotional management skills to deal with the various situations that may arise during the game.

There is also another group of people who hold a different view.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

They believe that the referee's decision was indeed controversial at that moment, and Qi Lin's reaction, although fierce, also reflected his pursuit of fairness in the game and his desire to win.

In basketball, the referee's decision plays a crucial role in the direction of the game, and any unfair decision can change the outcome of the game.

Therefore, Qi Lin's doubts about the referee are not unreasonable. After the game, Qi Lin expressed his feelings frankly in an interview.

He first expressed his confusion and disappointment with the referee's decisions, believing that those decisions were unfair to him.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

But he also admitted that he was emotionally out of control on the pitch and used inappropriate words, causing unnecessary trouble to the team.

He was deeply remorseful and said that he would seriously reflect on his actions and learn how to better control his emotions.

Qi Lin said that he is well aware of the importance of emotional management in the game, but sometimes in the fierce confrontation, emotions will inevitably be affected.

He promised that he would step up his training in this area and learn how to stay calm and rational in the game in order to better contribute to the team.

He is well aware that as a professional player, he should not only pay attention to his technical training, but also pay attention to the cultivation of mental qualities to cope with the various challenges that may arise in the game.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

Qi Lin's statement shows his deep reflection and understanding of this incident.

His willingness to admit his mistakes and work hard to correct them is a testament to his quality and commitment as a professional footballer.

At the same time, he also set an example for other players, reminding them to control their emotions during the game and avoid irrational behavior due to impulse.

For the Xinjiang team, Qi Lin's departure is undoubtedly a huge blow.

As one of the team's important scoring points, his absence will bring a lot of difficulties to the team on the offensive end.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

This is also the moment to test the rest of the Xinjiang team.

They will need to play to their potential in the next games, fill the void left by Qi Lin, and fight for more wins for the team.

At the same time, this incident has also sparked a discussion about the level of CBA referees.

While referees play a vital role in the game, the level of their decisions has also been a subject of much debate.

Some people believe that the penalty standards of CBA referees are not uniform enough, and sometimes there are obvious misjudgments and omissions.

Others believe that referees need to face all kinds of complex situations and pressures during the game, and need to be more understood and supported.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

In any case, this incident is a reminder that the CBA league needs to strengthen its efforts in referee training and management, and improve the level and fairness of referees.

At the same time, players also need to better control their emotions and behaviour and avoid irrational behaviour on the spur of the moment.

Looking ahead, the Xinjiang team needs to make tactical adjustments in the next games, limiting Liaoning's fast attacks and breakthroughs, while strengthening their own defensive and counter-attacking capabilities.

Qi Lin, on the other hand, needs to learn from this incident and show a more mature attitude and leadership.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!

As a player and a member of the team, he needs to always look out for the interests of the team, not just for personal glory and profit.

Although the first game of the CBA Finals was full of controversy and twists and turns, it also showed the fighting spirit and professionalism of the players.

Whether it is the outstanding performance of the Liaoning team or the stubborn resistance of the Xinjiang team, it has brought a wonderful game to the fans.

The controversy over Qi Lin is also a reminder of the need for players to better control their emotions and behaviour and contribute to the team's victory.

CBA finals Qi Lin angrily sprayed the referee! was sent off the field on the spot, and responded to the controversial penalty after the game!
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