
CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

author:Lin Zi Lin Lin

The 2023-2024 CBA Playoffs Finals finally ushered in the showdown between the Xinjiang team and the Liaoning team, which was also a very fierce competition between two very strong teams. In this game, the Liaoning team was able to play well, and finally defeated the Xinjiang team with a score of 121-112, and won a very important victory for themselves. It can be said that in order for the Liaoning team to win the championship, they played very important in the first game, and now, they are one step closer to the championship.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

Of course, in this game, everyone has also seen that some of the referee's blowing penalties have also created a lot of controversy for the game, and the blowing penalties of these controversies have also directly affected the outcome of the game. So, what do you think of these four controversial blowing penalties?

The Liaoning team successfully won the first game through a controversial penalty and is one step closer to the championship!

In the first game of the game, in fact, both the Xinjiang team and the Liaoning team hoped to win a very good start for themselves through victory, however, in the end, the Liaoning team was able to cross this hurdle and they successfully won the game.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

At the beginning of the game, the Liaoning team did not have an advantage, on the contrary, the Xinjiang team has always had some lead, however, in the first quarter of the game, the Liaoning team began to usher in an outbreak, their offense is very good, and the defense is also very good, through this play, the Liaoning team successfully overtook the score, and in the case of maintaining the lead, in the end, the Liaoning team won the Xinjiang team with a score of 121-112.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

It can be said that the Liaoning team was able to succeed and win this game, and indeed a large part of it was due to their own efforts, however, the victory of this game was also inseparable from some controversial penalties from the referee.

The so-called blowing penalty is that the referee deals with the violation of the rules according to the rules of the game, which is the performance of the referee's fairness and objectivity of the game.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

Originally, everyone thought that the game of the Liaoning team would be affected by Han Dejun's injury, however, they did not expect that in the first game of the game, the Liaoning team was able to win a very important victory for themselves through controversy.

For such a victory, I believe that the fans of the Liaoning team are very happy, after all, in this way, the probability of the Liaoning team winning the championship has become very high, and for the fans of the Xinjiang team, they are also very unconvinced, thinking that such a game should be their own victory.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

1. Blow penalty 1: Wu Guanxi cut the ball successfully, but gave Han Dejun 2 free throws.

In such a game, no matter which side of the fans, seeing such a game, must be very excited, after all, such a game is really very rare, and in the process of the game, the referee's blowing penalty also created a lot of controversy for the game.

It can be said that in such a game, some of the referee's blowing penalties are very crucial, and each of their judgments may directly affect the outcome of the game, and in this game, there are some very controversial blowing penalties.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

One is that in the first quarter of the game, Liaoning team center Han Dejun attacked with the ball, but under the basket was cut off by Xinjiang team center Wu Guanxi, and then, the South Korean referee standing on the bottom line first blew a ball out of bounds, and gave the ball to the Xinjiang team, Han Dejun was very dissatisfied with this, so he complained to the referee, and the referee Yang Hongfeng, who was standing on the other side, changed the judgment of the South Korean referee's blowing, blew Wu Guanxi a defensive foul, and gave Han Dejun two free throws.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

It can be said that this kind of blowing penalty is a very big blow to the Xinjiang team, they believe that Wu Guanxi's cut ball, there is no foul at all, his actions are very clean, and he did not hit Han Dejun's hand at all, however, the referee did not have his consent, and changed the situation of the game without authorization, such an extreme behavior naturally caused the fans present and the dissatisfaction of the Xinjiang team.

In fact, in such a thing, indeed, it can be seen that the referee is indeed not good enough, obviously through the video playback to confirm whether his blowing penalty is correct, but did not do it, instead, after listening to some people's suggestions, he took the initiative and changed his blowing penalty results.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

Second: Qi Lin received a technical foul because of complaining.

And in the fourth quarter of the game, there were some very controversial blowing penalties, this time, it was about Qi Lin, a player of the Xinjiang team, shortly after the game, Qi Lin complained to the referee because he was not satisfied with some of the referee's blowing penalties, however, the referee was not very friendly to this, he directly gave Qi Lin a technical foul, and given that Qi Lin had some ordinary fouls before, this technical foul also made Qi Lin foul six times and was directly sent off the court.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

It can be said that this kind of blowing penalty is a very big blow to the Xinjiang team, because Qi Lin played very well in the game, and he can contribute a lot of points to the team, however, because of some controversial blowing penalties by the referee, Qi Lin was directly sent off the field, which undoubtedly made the Xinjiang team, at the last moment of the game, lose the best pitcher, and also lost a chance to overtake the score.

Third: Wiggington's complaint also received a technical foul.

In the game, in addition to Qi Lin, the foreign aid of the Xinjiang team, Wiggington, also suffered a technical foul because of some complaints, and in the game on the spot, the fans were also very unconvinced, why the players of the Liaoning team can have all kinds of complaints, but their complaints will be converted into technical fouls by the referee, what is going on with such a thing, is this the well-known double standard of the CBA?

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

It can be said that because of this kind of blowing penalty, it also makes the fans present question the fairness of the game, they feel that some of the decisions made by the referee in such a game are indeed very unfair and very problematic.

Fourth: Obvious foul by the thug, but no penalty was blown.

And at the last moment of the game, there was a very obvious blowing penalty, that is, in a basket offense by Wu Guanxi, Zhao Jiwei obviously had a foul by a beater, his actions were very obvious, and it also made the audience see some of his actions, however, the referee did not make any deal with this, he did not blow such an action, nor did he give any help to the Xinjiang team.

CBA Finals! There were 4 controversial penalties, fans: Dahan roared and got a free throw, and Qi Lin roared and got T

After all, in such a game, the referee's blowing penalty is very crucial, and every penalty he makes may determine the outcome of the game, and it is also related to some emotions of the players, so I hope that the CBA league can deal with this matter, and it is also for the referee to do better, and can bring more help to the game, instead of, to the gameto create some very bad effects.

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