
Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

author:Ah, Dikan Sports
Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

In the first game of the just-concluded CBA finals, the Liaoning men's basketball team performed well and defeated the Xinjiang men's basketball team with a big score to take a 1-0 lead.

However, this game did not only cause heated discussions because of the victory or defeat, but also because of the emotional loss of control of Qi Lin, the core player of the Xinjiang men's basketball team, which became the focus of fans' attention.

In the fourth quarter of the game, the situation on the court became more and more tense.

The Liaoning men's basketball team led 98-82, at which point Qi Lin was judged to have committed a foul while defending Fu Hao.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Qi Lin, who was dissatisfied with the referee's decision, lost control of his emotions and angrily scolded the Korean referee in English.

As a result, he was not only given a technical foul, but also sent off for accumulating six fouls.

This heavy penalty caused the morale of the Xinjiang men's basketball team to suffer a big blow, and finally they were unable to recover and lost the game.

After the game, some fans at the scene questioned the referee's decision and accused the South Korean referee of being a black whistle.

However, through the video replay after the game, it can be clearly seen that the referee's decision was not improper.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

When Qi Lin was defending Fu Hao, there was obviously too much movement in his hands, there were pushing movements, and he did not move enough in the process of defense, relying on hand confrontation.

In addition, he did not withdraw his hand in time when Fu Hao turned around, violating the opponent's cylinder, which were the reasons for the foul.

The media conducted a detailed analysis of Qi Lin's fouls during the game, pointing to two main problems.

First of all, he relied too much on hand movements when defending, which could easily be recognized as a foul by foreign referees.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

He swung his arms frequently and tried to push his opponents hard, which was absolutely not allowed in international competitions.

Netizen basketball fanatics commented on social media: Qi Lin's defensive action is simply asking for trouble, how can the current referee be deceived by such a small action?

Secondly, Qi Lin's foot movement when defending is not flexible enough, but relies too much on hand strength to fight.

His footwork appears a bit heavy and lacks quick movement and agility, which makes it impossible for him to keep up with his opponent's pace when defending.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Netizen basketball fans posted on the forum: Qi Lin's defensive actions in this game are too blunt, his steps are like rust, and he can't keep up with the changes of the opponent at all, so he can only rely on his arms to support him.

These details were strictly enforced by foreign referees, which is also the reason why Qi Lin was frequently whistled for fouls in the game.

Although some fans were skeptical of the referee's decision, in the post-match replay video, these details were clearly displayed, proving that the referee's decision was justified.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Netizen fan Xiaobai commented on Weibo: After watching the video, I found that the referee's penalty was really correct, Qi Lin's actions were too obvious, no wonder he was blown off.

The incident also raised questions about the defensive skills of domestic basketball players.

Some media pointed out that domestic basketball training focuses too much on offense and ignores the training of defensive skills, which has led to many problems for many players when defending.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Netizen basketball enthusiasts said in the WeChat group: There are indeed problems in domestic basketball training, not only the technical level needs to be improved, but also the attention to defense is far from enough.

Fans and media have pointed out that some domestic players habitually rely on hand movements rather than foot movements when defending, which is mainly due to the lenient attitude of domestic referees, which spoils the players.

They believe that if these problems are not corrected, the Chinese men's basketball team is likely to suffer more penalties and fall into trouble in international competitions because of these irregular defensive actions.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

On social media, the idea sparked heated discussions.

Some netizens believe that domestic referees have always been relatively tolerant of fouls on the defensive end, which has led players to form a habit of relying on hand movements.

Netizen basketball fanatics wrote in the Weibo comment area: Domestic referees spoil players too much, this kind of hand action in the previous games is not considered a foul, and now the international competition is another way, it is really miserable for the players.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

At the same time, there are also some fans who believe that this habit of relying on hand movements is due to problems with the domestic training system.

They believe that domestic basketball training focuses too much on offense and ignores the training of defensive skills, which has led to many problems for players when defending.

Netizen basketball enthusiasts said in the WeChat group: The domestic training system needs to be reformed, not only the offensive end of the technology, but also the defense is equally important, otherwise domestic players will suffer a big loss in international competitions.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Qi Lin's loss of control not only made the Xinjiang men's basketball team lose the opportunity to win in this crucial game, but also exposed the shortcomings of domestic basketball players in basic skills and psychological quality.

This incident is a profound lesson for the Xinjiang men's basketball team and Qi Lin himself, and it also reminds the entire CBA league and the Chinese basketball community that they need to pay more attention to the technical specifications and psychological quality training of players in order to gain a firm foothold in the international arena.

Looking back on Qi Lin's evaluation on the Internet, Qi Lin inherited the physical fitness of his elders, and he has become a player who plays above the basket at a young age.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

He is tall and has long arms and excellent physical qualities, which makes him always able to take advantage of the high altitude on the court.

Many coaches and fans marveled at his physical gifts, believing that he was expected to become a top player in the CBA in the future.

His basic skills are also quite solid.

Despite his tall stature, Qi Lin's dribbling skills are very skillful, and many short guards look a little clumsy in front of him.

Once, he broke through the opponent's defense in a game, made several quick stops in a row, shook down the opposing defender in an instant, and then ignited the whole field with a wonderful dunk.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

The audience erupted in thunderous applause and cheers, and Qi Lin seemed to be flying in the air at that moment.

Qi Lin's style of play is extremely entertaining, and every one of his attacks is full of passion and power.

A lot of fans love to watch him play because he always brings surprises.

His dunk is not only powerful, but also very graceful, and often makes people sigh: this guy's dunk is like a work of art.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Not only that, Qi Lin's handsome appearance is also an important reason for his popularity.

Many fans, especially female fans, were fascinated by his looks.

Whenever Qi Lin is on the court, he can always see a group of mobile phones and cameras held high, and everyone hopes to capture his wonderful moments on the court.

On social media, photos and videos about Qi Lin always get a lot of likes and retweets.

Netizen basketball fan girl wrote on Weibo: Qi Lin is really the face of the basketball world, and every time I watch him play, I feel pleasing to the eye.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Not only on the playing field, Qi Lin is also very attractive in daily life.

At the end of a game, there is always a large crowd of fans waiting outside the stadium, hoping to take a photo with him or ask for an autograph.

Qi Lin patiently accommodates the fans' requests every time, which makes his fans more loyal.

Netizen Xiaoxiao shared a photo of her and Qi Lin in the circle of friends, with the text: I finally met Qi Lin himself today, he is really tall, handsome, and very kind!

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

Netizen basketball uncle left a message on Weibo saying: Young people are not afraid to make mistakes, the key is whether they can learn from them.

I hope that Qi Lin can be more mature and win glory for the national team in the future.

Overall, the Liaoning men's basketball team won the first victory of the finals with its stable performance, while the Xinjiang men's basketball team needs to adjust its mentality and improve its defensive skills in the next games to avoid similar emotional out-of-control incidents from happening again.

Players must not only pursue technical improvement, but also improve their psychological quality in order to be invincible in high-level competitions.

Qi Lin exploded and sprayed the Korean referee angrily! The 8x mirror restores the details of the foul, which is habitually faulty by domestic referees

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