
The eldest sister wants to live permanently, and I have the right to refuse

author:Smoke Moon wrote

The eldest sister wants to live permanently, and I have the right to refuse.

On this day, I was tidying up the house at home, and suddenly received a call from my eldest sister: "Sister, I plan to come and live permanently, are you okay?" ”

My hands shook and I almost didn't throw my phone on the floor. I secretly complained in my heart: This eldest sister is a difficult lord to serve, if she lives here, how will I live?

"Auntie, if you want to come and live, I welcome you. However, you know that my house is small, and I am afraid that I will not be able to live in it. "I tried to decline as tactfully as I could.

"Hey, sister, you don't understand. I am your aunt, and it is only natural for me to come and live. Besides, I've done you a lot of good. The eldest sister's tone was full of pride.

I sighed to myself, knowing that this might not be so easy to solve. Sure enough, within a few days, the eldest sister moved over with a large bag and a small bag.

What can I do? I had a hard time. Just then, my husband came back from a business trip and I told him about it.

"Wife, I know it's hard for you to do this. In this way, let's take a look at the eldest sister's plan first, and then make a decision. "My husband comforted me.

In this way, the eldest sister stayed. At first, she was quite polite, helping with housework and chatting. But it didn't take long for her to start pointing fingers, thinking this and that.

One day, I was stewing soup in the kitchen, and my eldest sister suddenly rushed in: "Sister, why do you use such a small pot to stew soup?" How long does this have to be stewed? ”

I held back my anger: "Auntie, this is my home, I can stew as much as I like." ”

"You're on a par with me, aren't you? I'm telling you, I'm your aunt, you have to listen to me! The eldest sister glared.

I was trembling with anger, and was about to refute when my husband walked in: "Auntie, this is our family's business, don't get involved." ”

"You have stiff wings, dare to teach me a lesson?" The eldest sister glared at her husband.

The scene was awkward for a while. I know that if this continues, this family will have to be turned upside down.

At night, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep. Suddenly, I thought of a solution: since the eldest sister likes to take care of things so much, then I will let her take care of it.

The next day, I left all the housework to my eldest sister. She was happy at first, but within a few days, she was complaining.

On this day, the eldest sister pulled me aside: "Sister, I kind of understand, you are fixing me." ”

I smiled: "Auntie, I just want you to know that it's not that easy to manage things. ”

The eldest sister sighed and didn't say anything more. Since then, she has stopped interfering in our lives and we try to respect her as much as possible.

The days went by peacefully. Although there were occasional minor conflicts, overall we got along well.

Until one day, my eldest sister suddenly told me: "Sister, I plan to go back to my hometown." ”

I was a little surprised and asked her why. The eldest sister smiled and said, "I found that I am still not used to living here. Besides, I can't keep bothering you. ”

My nose was sore, and I suddenly felt a little reluctant to give up my eldest sister. On the day she left, my husband and I went to see her off.

The eldest sister hugged me with tears in her eyes: "Sister, thank you for taking care of me during this time." In the future, you will live a good life. ”

I nodded heavily, looking at the back of my eldest sister fading away, and my heart was mixed.

The days slipped by like flowing water, and the departure of the eldest sister seemed to bring a subtle blank in our lives. The house suddenly became much more spacious, but I felt an indescribable sense of loss in my heart. My husband seemed to feel this too, and every night we would sit quietly on the couch, each immersed in our own thoughts.

One night, the husband broke the silence: "Wife, after the eldest sister left, the house seems to have become a little deserted. ”

I looked at him and said lightly, "Yes, but we have to get used to such days." ”

"Actually, I don't think the eldest sister is bad, but sometimes she is too strong." The husband sighed.

I nodded, thinking back to the days when my eldest sister was there, although there were sometimes contradictions, but her concern for us was also real. "She's also for our good, but we don't accept the way and the way."

In the days that followed, we began to slowly adjust the pace of our lives, trying to fill the void left by our eldest sister. I started getting involved more in the community, and my husband signed up for an amateur calligraphy class.

Just as our lives were getting back on track, an unexpected piece of news shattered the peace. That afternoon, I received a call from my eldest sister, and her voice sounded a little urgent: "Sister, something is wrong with me here, and I may need your help." ”

My heart tightened suddenly, and I hurriedly asked, "Auntie, what's wrong?" Don't worry, speak slowly. ”

It turned out that the eldest sister's house in her hometown was in disrepair for a long time, coupled with the recent continuous rainstorms, which caused serious roof leakage, and it was really difficult for her to cope with it alone.

"Auntie, don't worry, we'll go over." I put down the phone, explained the situation briefly to my husband, and we immediately packed our bags and set out on the way back to our hometown.

When I returned to my eldest sister's house, I was taken aback by what I saw. The originally tidy yard was made a mess by muddy water, and the furniture in the house was moved everywhere. The eldest sister stood at the door, looking tired.

"Auntie, we're here." I stepped forward and held her hand tightly.

"It's great that you're here." The eldest sister's voice was a little choked.

In the next few days, my husband and wife helped my eldest sister clean up the house and repair the roof. Although it was hard work, seeing the smile of the eldest sister, I felt that everything was worth it.

After the matter was dealt with, the eldest sister insisted on inviting us to dinner: "Thanks to you this time, I want to thank you very much." ”

At the dinner table, the eldest sister looked at us and said with emotion: "I always felt that you were still young and needed my care. Now it seems that you are able to take charge on your own. ”

I smiled: "Auntie, we will always be your relatives, and it is right to take care of each other." ”

The husband also raised his glass: "Yes, auntie, we will face more challenges together in the future." ”

That night, we talked a lot, as if we were going back to the old days. Only this time, we all understand that no matter what life brings, we will work together and face it together.

Before you know it, the days are back to the rhythm of the past, only this time, our relationship seems to be more harmonious. With our help, my eldest sister's house gradually returned to its former appearance, and her mood was much better.

One day, while I was sorting through my old things, I accidentally pulled out a yellowed photo album. In the album are photos of the eldest sister when she was young, and those black and white images record her youth. I couldn't help but show it to my eldest sister, who looked at the photos with a glint of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Sister, you see, how young I was at that time." The eldest sister stroked the photo, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Auntie, you're also very young now." I comforted her.

"Hey, the years don't spare people." The eldest sister sighed.

I looked at her, and a thought suddenly surged in my heart: "Auntie, do you want to move to the city to live with us?" We can take care of each other. ”

The eldest sister was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head: "I know you mean well, but I have lived here for most of my life, and I am reluctant to leave." ”

I understood her feelings, and I didn't force it anymore. In the days that followed, we cherished the time we spent together even more, and every time we met, it was like a reunion after a long absence.

In the fall, I got a call from my eldest sister who said she wanted to invite us back to a traditional harvest festival. My husband and I readily agreed, it was the first time we had participated in such a festival, and our hearts were full of anticipation.

On the day of the harvest festival, the village is bustling with activity. My eldest sister took us on a tour of her vegetable garden, where the green vegetables looked extra vibrant in the sun. She proudly tells us that she grows them with her own hands.

"Auntie, you're amazing." I am truly amazed.

"This is all the habit of life before, and I can't be idle." The eldest sister smiled from ear to ear.

At the festival dinner, we sang and danced with the villagers, and laughter echoed in the night sky. At that moment, I felt the warmth of home, and I also understood why my eldest sister was reluctant to leave here.

After the festival, we are ready to go back to the city. When we were leaving, my eldest sister sent us to the entrance of the village, and she held my hand tightly: "Sister, you should come back often." ”

"Auntie, don't worry, we'll try to find time to come back." I promised.

The husband also patted the eldest aunt on the shoulder: "Auntie, you have to take care of your own body." ”

The eldest sister nodded and watched us leave. The car was getting farther and farther away, and I looked back to see that my eldest sister was still standing there, looking very lonely in the sunset. I silently made a wish in my heart that my eldest sister's life would be safe and happy, and that we would do our best to care for her, just as she once cared for us.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's spring again. In the eldest sister's vegetable garden, spring flowers are full of life. She called me, and her voice was full of anticipation: "Sister, come quickly, the flowers in the vegetable garden are blooming, so beautiful!" ”

My husband and I smiled at each other and decided to visit my eldest sister on the weekend. As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw that the eldest sister was already waiting there, she was wearing bright clothes, and she was in good spirits, as if she was much younger.

"Auntie, you look so good!" I said happily.

"Yes, the air here is good, and the mood is better." The eldest sister smiled from ear to ear.

We followed her into the vegetable garden, only to see the garden full of spring and the fragrance of flowers. The eldest sister proudly introduced: "I planted these flowers myself, and they bloom so well every spring." ”

I couldn't help but take out my phone to take a picture of this beautiful moment. The eldest sister also picked up her mobile phone and said that she wanted to take a few group photos of us.

"Sister, you two look like a real match." The eldest sister looked at the photo and nodded with satisfaction.

"Auntie, you are also beautiful." I really compliment.

The vegetable garden that day was full of laughter. We chatted while admiring the flowers, as if we had returned to our carefree childhood.

In the evening, we had dinner at my eldest sister's house. At the dining table, the eldest sister took out a bottle of wine that had been treasured for many years: "I'm so happy today, let's have a drink." ”

I was a little surprised: "Auntie, do you still drink?" ”

The eldest sister smiled: "When I was young, I was a famous wine god in the village. ”

We drank and chatted. The eldest sister told the story of her youth, and the ups and downs made us listen to them with relish. Before we knew it, a bottle of wine had bottomed out, and we were drunk and poured on the kang of my eldest sister's house.

The next day we woke up with the sun shining on our faces through the window. When I opened my eyes, I saw that my husband was still asleep, with a satisfied smile on his lips. I nudged him gently, "Husband, get up." ”

My husband rubbed his eyes and asked me with a smile, "Did we drink too much last night?" ”

"Yes, the story of the eldest sister is so fascinating, we drank too much before we knew it." I said with a smile.

"Well, I did have a lot of fun last night." The husband nodded.

We had breakfast at my eldest sister's house and then said goodbye to her. On the way back, I looked at the scenery outside the window and felt a lot of emotion in my heart. Over the years, our relationship with my eldest sister has grown deeper and deeper, and we have become an indispensable part of each other's lives.

And I know that no matter how difficult the days ahead are, we will work together and face them together. Because we are a family, we are connected by blood and our friendship is eternal.