
My mother was slapped by my brother and daughter-in-law and kicked out the door and begged me to take me in, but I refused

author:Smoke Moon wrote

That afternoon, I was cleaning up my room at home when I suddenly received a call from my mother. She said with a crying voice: "Son, I was slapped by your brother and daughter-in-law and kicked out, and now I have nowhere to go, can you take me in for a while?" "I was stunned, my head was in a mess.

My brother-in-law is a strong woman, and since she married my brother, there has been no peace in the family. Mom has been putting up with her, but she didn't expect to be kicked out of the door this time. Although I was angry, I hardened my heart when I thought about the situation in my own family.

"Mom, you find a place to live first, and I'll give you an answer in two days." I try to keep my tone as calm as possible.

"Son, you're my only hope, I'...... I don't really know what to do anymore. "My mother's crying made me feel uncomfortable.

I comforted her a few words and hung up. That's when my wife walked in and asked me what was going on. I told her about the situation, and she was silent for a while, and then said, "Our house is not spacious now, and you know, I have been in poor health lately, and I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of my mother." ”

I knew she was telling the truth, but I still felt a little guilty. That night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, remembering how good my mother was to me when I was a child, and my heart became more and more uncomfortable.

The next day, I decided to go to my brother and see if I could fix the problem. When I got to my brother's house, I found that my mother's belongings had been thrown at the door. I knocked on the door, and when my brother-in-law saw me, she didn't shy away from saying, "You came just in time, tell your mother, she doesn't want to set foot in this house again." ”

I resisted the anger in my heart and asked her why she did it. She sneered and said, "I don't care about your family's affairs, but I have the final say in this family." Your mom is a liability, and I've had enough. ”

I couldn't help myself and had a big fight with her. Eventually, I left that house with my mom. I knew I couldn't take my mother into my own home, but I couldn't bear to let her live on the streets. So, I asked around and finally found a place for my mother to live at a distant relative's house.

On the day my mother moved in, she said to me, "Son, I know that you are also in trouble, and it is your mother who has dragged you down." "My nose was so sore that I almost burst into tears.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to make you live a good life." I comforted her.

In the days that followed, I worked hard hoping to earn more money so that my mother could have a good life. However, the sky was unpredictable, and a sudden serious illness put me in a difficult situation.

When I was most helpless, my mother actually took out a sum of money, saying that she had secretly saved it. I looked at her in surprise, and she smiled and said, "Son, at the critical moment, you still have to rely on yourself." You take this money to treat the disease, and plan the rest for the future. ”

I held my mother's hand tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. At that moment, I understood that no matter how difficult it was, I had to straighten my back and face it bravely. Because, I am my mother's dependence, and I want her to live a happy life.

After a period of treatment, my condition gradually improved. I picked myself up again, worked hard, and finally got my mom to live a peaceful life. And the younger brother and sister-in-law, in the quarrels again and again, realized their mistakes and began to learn to respect their mother.

Life is always full of twists and turns. But as long as we face it bravely, there will always be sunshine. And this difficult time also made me cherish the time with my mother even more.

The days passed like this, and my mother was still settled in a distant relative's house. I go to see her every few days, and every time I go, she always takes my hand and asks long and short questions, and her eyes are full of concern. I knew she still wanted to live with us, but she never said it so she wouldn't bother me.

On that day, I took my newly paid salary and planned to buy my mother something she liked. Walking on the road, I received a call from my younger brother, whose voice trembled a little: "Brother, can you come to the hospital?" ”

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" What happened? ”

"Brother-in-law, she...... She was in a car accident and is now in the operating room. There was a cry in my brother's voice.

I rushed to the hospital and was in a mess. Although my brother-in-law is not good to my mother, she is my brother's wife after all, how can I be indifferent? When I arrived at the hospital, I saw my younger brother sitting on a bench, his face pale and dispossessed.

I walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, my brother-in-law will be fine." ”

The surgery went on for hours and we waited outside. My brother looked at me from time to time, as if he wanted to say something, but he never spoke. After the operation, the doctor told us that my brother-in-law's life was saved, but her leg was seriously injured and there may be sequelae.

Hearing the news, the younger brother finally couldn't help crying. I knew he must have felt guilty in his heart. I accompanied him to the hospital room, where my brother-in-law was lying on the bed, her face pale, and her eyes were full of guilt when she saw us come in.

"I'm sorry, I used to be so bad to my mother." She said in a weak voice.

The younger brother held her hand and burst into tears: "It's all over, the most important thing for you now is to take care of your body." ”

I looked at them with mixed feelings. On the way home, I remembered my mother, who had always taught me to repay my grievances with virtue, and now was the right time. I decided to take my mother home so that my brother and sister-in-law could also learn what family responsibility and warmth are.

I discussed this decision with my wife, and she looked at me with understanding and support in her eyes: "You are the pillar of the family, you have the final say." Mom is here, and we will be more at ease. ”

And just like that, Mom returned to our home. After the younger brother and sister-in-law recovered, they often visited their mother, and the family gradually regained their former harmony. Mom always said that family and everything is prosperous, as long as we think in one place and work hard in one place, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed.

And I also worked harder to make this family more stable, so that my mother could enjoy her old age in peace. I know that there is still a long way to go, but as long as we are united, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. This home will become warmer and more loving because of our efforts.

The days passed quietly like flowing water, and when my mother returned home, the home was much warmer. When night falls, the lights come on, and the family sits around the living room, talking about family life and laughing constantly. Mom's face became more and more ruddy, her smile increased, and the satisfaction revealed in her eyes made my heart surge.

One day, when I came home from work, I saw my mother sitting on the sofa, and my brother and sister-in-law were surrounding her, talking and laughing. Although her brother-in-law's leg has not fully recovered, she is already able to walk on crutches. When she saw me coming back, my mother immediately beckoned me over.

"Son, today your brother-in-law told me that she wants to go out and find a job to reduce the burden on the family." Mom's eyes were full of relief.

I looked at my brother-in-law, her eyes were firm, there was no arrogance in the past, and it was replaced by a kind of maturity and responsibility. I nodded: "It's a good idea, you can discuss it, and everyone will share the affairs of the family." ”

The younger brother also chimed in: "Yes, we are now a family, and we have to work together." ”

That night, our family discussed the job search for my brother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I suggested that she could try to do some clerical work first, take her time, and not rush too much. After hearing this, a trace of gratitude flashed in the eyes of the younger brother-in-law.

In the following days, my brother-in-law began to submit resumes online to find suitable jobs. In my spare time, I also helped her revise her resume and prepare for the interview. Mom was in charge of cooking soup at home and cheering us on.

Finally, my brother-in-law received an interview notice from a company. On the day of the interview, our whole family accompanied her to the company. While waiting, my mother held her brother-in-law's hand tightly and encouraged her, saying, "Don't be nervous, just be yourself." ”

After the interview, my sister-in-law walked out with a smile on her face: "I think I did a good job and should have a chance." ”

A few days later, my brother-in-law received an offer from the company. She jumped up with joy, hugged her mother and said, "Thank you, Mom, thank you for your support." ”

At that moment, I understood that the warmth and strength of family are endless. We have been through difficult times together, and now we are sharing the joy of success together. This family, after going through the wind and rain, has become more united and harmonious.

To celebrate my brother-in-law's job, we decided to go on an outing together on the weekend. It was a sunny day, a light breeze was blowing, and we took our food and drinks to a picturesque lake.

My mother looked at the mountains and water in the distance and said with emotion: "In this life, like this lake, sometimes calm, sometimes magnificent. But as long as we hold hands as a family, we can get through everything. ”

We sat around the lake, enjoying the food, chatting, and laughing all over the lakeside. I know that such times are short-lived, but they are also precious. We must cherish every such moment, and let this warmth and happiness become the driving force for us to move forward together.

Life is always challenging, but as long as we walk hand in hand and support each other, we can overcome all difficulties. This home, because of this love, because of this persistence, has become more beautiful.

As time passed, my brother-in-law's work in the company became more and more handy. She commutes to and from work on time every day and takes the initiative to take on some household chores. Seeing the transformation of her brother and daughter-in-law, her mother was very relieved and often praised her at the dinner table.

One night, my brother-in-law came back from the company with a document in her hand and said excitedly: "Brother, the company is going to send me to a foreign branch to exercise, this is a rare opportunity, but I am a little worried about the situation at home." ”

I looked at her with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I am happy that she can have such an opportunity, but on the other hand, I am worried that after she leaves, there will be less warmth in the home. I comforted her and said, "This is a good opportunity, you can go with confidence, we will take care of the affairs of the family." ”

The younger brother also encouraged her on the side: "Yes, this is the result of your efforts, and we all support you." ”

The mother held her brother-in-law's hand, smiled and said, "Go, child, you don't have to worry about family affairs, we will wait for you to come back." ”

My brother and daughter-in-law looked at us gratefully, tears shining in their eyes: "Thank you, I will work hard." ”

In the days when my brother and daughter-in-law left, our family became more united. The younger brother takes on more of the household chores, while the mother takes care of the younger brother-in-law's children. And I, after work, try to find time to go home and help.

One day, I came home from work early and saw my mother busy in the kitchen. I walked over and helped her wash and chop the vegetables. My mother looked at me and said with a smile, "Son, you have grown up and know that you feel sorry for your mother." ”

I smiled and replied, "Mom, that's what I'm supposed to do." ”

During that time, although my brother and daughter-in-law were not at home, our lives were still full of laughter. We support and encourage each other to face life's challenges together.

Finally, my brother-in-law finished the work of the branch and returned home. Our family cheered at the sight of her. My brother-in-law said with emotion: "During this time outside, I deeply experienced the warmth of home. In the future, I will cherish the time I spend with my family even more. ”

Since then, our family has cherished each other even more. No matter what difficulties we encounter in life, we will work together to get through them. We understand that as long as we are united, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

My mother often said: "Home is a warm harbor, no matter how stormy it is outside, as long as you return home, you can feel endless warmth." "And our home is a place of love and hope. We cherish this hard-won family affection, and jointly protect this happy harbor with love and responsibility.

Life is always challenging, but as long as we walk hand in hand and support each other, we can overcome all difficulties. This home, because of this love, because of this persistence, has become more beautiful.