
My grandmother died, and my father was silent for three days

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Xiaoqiang, I am fifty years old in Chinese New Year's Eve, and I have been living with my grandmother and father in a quiet small village. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the people are simple and kind, and although the life is hard, it is full of warmth. However, this peaceful life was completely shattered by the death of my grandmother.

That day, the sky was clear, and suddenly there was bad news, and my grandmother had left me forever. I was overwhelmed with grief and tears rained down, but my father, uncharacteristically, was silent when he heard the news of my grandmother's death.

I was worried about my father's health and tried to talk to him many times, but he always avoided my gaze and immersed himself in his own world. In the past three days, the atmosphere at home has been depressing, as if dark clouds are thick, making people breathless.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, my father suddenly jumped up from the bed, widened his eyes, and said to me, "Xiaoqiang, I want to go to a place, you come with me." With that, he picked up a shovel and walked straight out of the house. I was overwhelmed, but worried about my father, so I had to follow suit.

We came to a hill behind the village, where there was a wasteland, overgrown with weeds. The father walked to a place, stopped, and began to dig hard. I asked him, "Dad, what are you doing here?" He didn't answer, just dug hard.

After digging for a long time, my father finally stopped, panting heavily. He uncovered a dirt-covered box containing a yellowed piece of paper. I asked curiously, "What is this?" My father carefully picked up the piece of paper and said, "This is a promise I made with my grandmother when I was young." ”

It turned out that when my father was young, he had made a promise with his grandmother that he would create a business on this land and make a good life for the people of the village. But for various reasons, this dream has never been realized. After the death of his grandmother, his father felt deeply guilty and felt that he was sorry for his grandmother's expectations.

I looked at my father with mixed feelings. I said, "Dad, since this is the agreement between you and grandma, then let's work together to make it happen!" My father looked at me with a flash of relief in his eyes and said, "Okay, let's go and fulfill this agreement together." ”

From that day on, my father and I began the arduous road of entrepreneurship. We consulted with the elders of the village, learned agricultural techniques, and worked hard to reclaim the wasteland. After countless days and nights, the wasteland finally turned into a golden wheat field, fluttering in the wind.

Father smiled, the first time he had laughed after three days of silence. I know that he is laughing at his grandmother's spirit in the sky, and he is also laughing at his insistence. And I have also found my own value and belief in this land.

Nowadays, life in our village is getting better and better, and people no longer have to worry about food and clothing. I am sure that my grandmother will be relieved to see this scene in heaven. My father and I will continue to work hard to make this land more prosperous.

This is my story, a story of family, beliefs, and dreams. Although it has gone through twists and turns, it has finally ushered in the dawn. I believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and write our own legend.

As the days passed, the crops in the wheat fields grew tall and strong under the moisture of the sun and rain. Every dusk, my father and I would sit on the edge of the field, looking at the golden patch, enjoying the caress of the breeze, not saying a word to each other, but expressing our feelings better than a thousand words.

One day, an elder in the village came to us with a hint of anxiety on his face and said, "Xiaoqiang, your father, everyone in the village sees that you have paid too much for this land. But, you know what? There is little rain this year, and I am afraid that there will be a drought. ”

I looked at my father, and his face became solemn. Drought, that means our efforts could be in vain. I tried to comfort my father: "Dad, no matter what, we're going to get through it." ”

The father was silent for a long time, and finally spoke: "We can't let the people in the village worry, we have to find a solution." "So, we started collecting ways to save water in the village, and even went to distant towns to consult with agricultural experts.

During that time, we traveled day and night, and although we were exhausted, the faith in our hearts supported us to keep moving forward. Finally, under my father's leadership, we invented a simple drip irrigation system that maximizes water conservation.

The dry season is coming, but our wheat fields are still green. When the people in the village saw it, they all came to ask us for advice. My father always told them unreservedly, with pride and hope in his eyes.

One day, a strange middle-aged man came to our village, and he looked at our wheat field with surprise in his eyes. He introduced himself as the head of an agricultural extension station in a neighboring county, and he wanted to work with us to promote this water-saving technology.

My father and I looked at each other and smiled, and we knew that it was Grandma's spirit in heaven who blessed us. I looked at my father and said, "Dad, is this a new beginning?" The father nodded, with a firm smile: "Yes, Xiaoqiang, we still have a long way to go, and we still have to help more people." ”

We started getting busy, not only to promote water-saving technologies in the village, but also to go to other places to explain and demonstrate. Every time I see others reaping the rewards of our help, my father and I are filled with joy.

In this way, we started from a small village and slowly affected more surrounding villages. Grandma's promise is no longer a dream on that wasteland, but has become a reality that benefits countless people.

In the process, I have come to understand that the meaning of life is not about how much we have, but how much change we can bring to the world. My father's story and I continue, and we will continue to write our own legend in this land.

With the spread of water-saving technologies, our wheat fields have become a model for the neighborhood. The livelihood of the villagers has also improved significantly as a result of the increase in agricultural output. His father's name began to spread in the surrounding area, and he became an agricultural hero in the hearts of the people.

One sunny afternoon, I was checking the drip irrigation system in a wheat field when a familiar figure walked by. It was the head of the agricultural extension station in the neighboring county, and his face was full of excitement.

"Xiaoqiang, what you and your father did has attracted the attention of the above." "They would like to invite you to the provincial capital to participate in an agricultural development forum and share your experience." ”

I was stunned, the news was too sudden. I looked at the stationmaster, and an inexplicable nervousness surged in my heart: "Dad, does he know the news?" ”

The stationmaster nodded: "I already told him, and he asked me to ask your opinion." ”

When I got home, my father was sitting in the hall, his eyes full of anticipation. I stepped forward and said, "Dad, let's go to the provincial capital and let more people know about our water-saving technology." ”

A smile bloomed on his father's face, which was brighter than he had for many years: "Okay, Xiaoqiang, this is our common journey." ”

The scale of the forum in the provincial capital was very large, and my father and I stood on the stage, looking at the black crowd below, nervous and excited. My father told our story in his unpretentious language, and the audience was deeply moved and applauded.

After the forum, many people came up to us to pay their respects, and some even shed tears. They say that our story gives them hope and makes them believe that no matter how difficult it is, as long as there is faith, there will always be a way.

Back in the village, our lives have not changed because of this honor. We are still busy in the wheat fields every day, and we still share the joys and challenges of agriculture with the villagers.

But I know that some things are no longer the same. My dream and that of my father are no longer the small village that belongs only to us, it has flown out of this small mountain village and into a farther place.

One night, I looked at the starry night sky and felt a wave of emotion in my heart. I turned to my father beside me and said, "Dad, if grandma has a spirit in heaven, she will be very happy to see us like this." ”

The father was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "She's been watching us all the time, Xiaoqiang. She watched every step of our way. Every achievement we have is a consolation to her. ”

I held my father's hand tightly, and we looked at the starry sky together, our hearts full of thoughts for my grandmother and longing for the future. On this quiet night, we know that our story will continue, just like the hope that lives on in this land.

Early one morning, while my father and I were busy in the wheat fields, an uninvited guest came to our small village. He is an agricultural expert from abroad who came to visit us and wanted to learn our water-saving technology.

The expert's name was Tom, and his eyes were full of curiosity and admiration. He looked at our wheat fields and couldn't help but exclaim, "Your water-saving technology is amazing!" I've never seen such an efficient and environmentally friendly approach. ”

I smiled and replied, "This is the result of our joint efforts, and we believe that as long as we have the heart, we can always find a solution to the problem." ”

Tom nodded, his eyes glinting with excitement: "I would like to invite you to my country and share your experience and technology. We are facing a severe drought problem there, and your technology may give us hope. ”

My father and I looked at each other, both surprised and a little hesitant. Going abroad? This is something we never thought possible. But it's exciting to think that our technology can help more people.

After some deliberation, we decided to accept Tom's invitation. We said goodbye to the villagers and embarked on a journey abroad. The plane crossed the mountains and the ocean, and we came to a whole new world.

Led by Tom, we toured the local farmland and learned about how they are grown. We found that despite the advanced technology, there are still many problems in their agriculture. We decided to share our water-saving technology with them to help them improve their farming.

We spoke at local agricultural forums where we shared our stories and experiences. The audience was mesmerized and amazed by our courage and wisdom. Our story, in this strange country, has also attracted widespread attention and praise.

However, in a foreign land, we also face various difficulties and challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, and unadaptability to climatic conditions all make us feel stressed. But when we thought that our technology could help more people, we gritted our teeth and persevered.

After a period of hard work, our water-saving technology has been widely applied and promoted locally. Yields in the fields have increased dramatically, and farmers' livelihoods have improved as a result. We watched all this with joy and pride in our hearts.

Time abroad passed quickly, and we completed our mission and prepared to return home. The day before leaving, Tom came to say goodbye to us. He held our hands tightly, tears of gratitude flashing in his eyes: "Thank you, you have not only brought technology, but also hope and courage. ”

My father and I looked at each other and smiled, and our hearts were full of emotion. We understand that this journey has not only allowed us to grow a lot, but also strengthened our faith. We believe that as long as there is love in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and write our own legend.

The moment we returned to the village, we felt the warmth of home. We were warmly welcomed by the villagers, and their smiles were as warm as the sun. We understand that no matter where we go, we have our back.

At Grandma's grave, we prayed silently to thank her for her constant protection and guidance. We believe that Grandma will be extremely relieved to see all this in heaven.

My story with my father continues. In this land, we will continue to write our own legend. We believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can create a better future.

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