
Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

author:Ye Ning Wantang said entertainment

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Text: Yening Wantang said entertainment

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Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life


Do you remember that familiar figure who was active on the screen? She is a CCTV host who has hosted well-known programs such as "News 8 A.M." and "News Network".

With hard work and perseverance, she has grown from a girl from an ordinary family to a CCTV celebrity.

However, when she was successful in her career, she had been questioned and urged to marry by the outside world about her love life.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

How did she go through this extraordinary life journey? How do you view marriage and relationships? Let's take a closer look at the story of this resilient woman.

Starting - ordinary is always inseparable from the purest original intention

Li Zimeng was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, from an ordinary family.

Since she was a child, she has been a playful and active child, often playing trick-and-seek in the yard with her friends, making her parents helpless.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

It wasn't until one time, when she and her friends removed the valve cores of all the bicycles in the community, that Li Zimeng realized how bad her behavior was.

Fortunately, instead of punishing harshly, the mother patiently taught her daughter.

She took Li Zimeng to apologize door-to-door and apologize, so that Li Zimeng deeply realized the horror of her mistakes.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

From that moment on, Li Zimeng made up her mind to get rid of her childishness and become a sensible and good child.

The wise parents discovered Li Zimeng's unique leadership skills and desire for expression, and encouraged her to develop in the direction of broadcasting and hosting.

Under the guidance of professional teachers, Li Zimeng gradually fell in love with the feeling of talking, and the dream of the host sprouted in her heart.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

The starting point of the dream - overcoming obstacles can lead to the road to success

In 1996, with excellent results, Li Zimeng was admitted to the dream school Beijing Broadcasting Institute as he wished.

But after enrolling, she found that it is not easy to become a good host.

The strong Northeast accent made Li Zimeng a laughing stock among her classmates at school, and some teachers even bluntly said that her pronunciation was too ordinary.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

In the face of such a blow, Li Zimeng was confused for a while, and even thought about dropping out.

But the stubbornness in her bones made her rekindle her fighting spirit and determined to change her accent.

Since then, Li Zimeng has started a long and arduous road of training.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

She studied hard all day long, flipped through the dictionary to correct her pronunciation, and practiced broadcasting day and night.

Finally, after four years of perseverance, she was able to speak standard Mandarin, and she ranked among the best in various assessments and became a leader in the eyes of teachers.

Struggle on the road - opportunities always favor those who are prepared

In my senior year, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appeared - to intern at CCTV! As the dream of a student majoring in broadcasting, Li Zimeng naturally seized this precious opportunity and devoted herself to work and study.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

At first, she was at a loss in the broadcast studio, but fortunately, her predecessor Li Ruiying reached out and guided her to familiarize herself with the environmental process.

Soon, Li Zimeng quickly entered the role, performed well, and got a rare opportunity to test it.

But because she was too nervous, she actually read the entire line of scripts wrong at the start of the broadcast!

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

After the failure of the trial broadcast, Li Zimeng hid in the corner and blamed herself and cried.

Fortunately, Luo Jing, the news host at the time, encouraged her in time: "Don't be discouraged, although there are mistakes, you played well on the spot." Luo Jing's words made Li Zimeng regain her confidence and continue to work hard for the internship.

Li Zimeng always maintains an attitude of learning with an open mind, humbly asks for advice from his seniors, and often reports his learning situation and listens to opinions.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

With extraordinary efforts, she was finally officially hired by CCTV as she wished, and started her ideal broadcasting career.

Get on the stage of life - hardships are for dreams to come true

In 2001, Li Zimeng began to host "News 8 A.M.", a morning news program with strict requirements for hosts.

In order to ensure that the show starts on time at 8 o'clock, she has to go to the station at 6 o'clock every day to make up and prepare, and after the show, she has to review and sort out the information, and she has very little sleep time.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

In order to save commuting time, Li Zimeng had to rent a house near the TV station, and long-term "loan to work" became her norm.

Colleagues jokingly called her "Sister Labor."

However, even if it was so hard, Li Zimeng never shouted tired, but just worked hard and indomitable.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

The hard work paid off, and in 2006, Li Zimeng, who was only 29 years old, was transferred to "News Network" and became one of the youngest female anchors.

She understands that "News Network", as a "national business card", has extremely high requirements for the image of the host, so she deliberately made a neat short curly hair to cater to the public's aesthetics.

Since then, Li Zimeng's work schedule is full, sometimes recording four programs a day, and there is very little space to go to the toilet.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

However, even so, she is still conscientious and meticulous, and has won the praise of the audience with her "model worker" work frenzy.

Not bound by reality - persistence is the key to happiness

Although her career is booming, Li Zimeng is always urged to marry by the outside world, and is even crowned with the title of "Top Ten Singles".

In fact, since she was 30 years old, her parents and friends have been on blind dates for her, but she always looks down on her.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

In Li Zimeng's view, a happy marriage requires two people to resonate in the depths of their souls, rather than compromise.

Instead of blindly getting married, it is better to wait patiently for fate to come.

After all, finding someone with whom you have a heart is no less difficult than winning the lottery jackpot.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

Li Zimeng knows that her excellence has become a stumbling block on her road to marriage and love.

On the one hand, there is outstanding talent and great fame, which makes many people ashamed of themselves before pursuing it; On the other hand, her parents are looking forward to her marriage, wanting her to live a "perfect life" in the traditional sense.

Under the conflict between the two concepts, Li Zimeng once fell into a dilemma.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

However, in the end, she chose to insist on herself and resolutely embarked on another path in life.


In Li Zimeng's body, we see a kind of determination and courage to pursue ideals.

Despite the thorny path of life, she never gave up, just because she knew what she wanted in her heart.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

For her career, she is diligent and tireless; For feelings, she dares to insist on herself and dare to find another way.

Isn't this desire and pursuit of freedom exactly the attitude of life pursued by contemporary women?

Now 46-year-old Li Zimeng is still majestic and radiant.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and childless", has embarked on another road in life

She has her own unique views on happiness and her own attitude towards life.

Her story inspires us with the determination to never give up and move forward, and makes us realize that happiness is not a given, but to be embraced and pursued with our own courage.

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