
Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

author:Yeonyan Storyteller
Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

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Li Zimeng, an authentic Northeast girl from Shenyang, has shown unique and extraordinary personality traits since she was a child. She is vibrant, cheerful and generous, and behind her seemingly naughty and naughty nature, she is actually full of vitality and endless vitality unique to young women.

However, what is quite different from other little girls is that Li Zimeng embodies extraordinary wisdom and leadership temperament.

Back in her childhood, Li Zimeng's mother often told an unforgettable anecdote. It happened one afternoon when Li Zimeng was in elementary school, and she was playing with her classmates on the school playground.

When she saw the bicycles parked outside the playground as dense as stars, she had a whim and instigated dozens of friends around her to jointly plan a "prank" against these bicycles.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

In that era when automobiles were not yet popular and bicycles had become the main means of transportation for many families, Li Zimeng and his accomplices actually removed all the bicycle valve cores in the courtyard, making them unable to run normally.

Despite such a "bad" act, Li Zimeng did not feel guilty, but hid in the corner and snickered, expecting to witness the shocking reaction of the car owner when he found out.

This seemingly trivial thing actually shows Li Zimeng's personality, that is, she is never satisfied with the ordinary, has the courage to challenge the unknown world, is smart and cunning, and is eager to attract attention.

It is precisely because of this unique personality that Li Zimeng has shown "contrasting charm" in her future career and has become a controversial but widely loved well-known host of CCTV.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

When talking about Li Zimeng's career in CCTV, the first thing that many people think of may be some classic mistakes in her authoritative column "News Network".

For example, she once misinterpreted "Labor Day" as "Sister Labor", and repeatedly grabbed the conversation when she partnered with the famous host Kang Hui, these unexpected episodes were carefully sorted out by the majority of netizens and made into a collection that was widely spread on major video websites, and some people even bluntly said that she was "taking out a loan to work".

It is true that as one of the most eye-catching news programs in the domestic media field, "News Network" is extremely strict in the selection and requirements of the host. No matter how small a mistake is, if it happens on this sacred stage, it will arouse strong attention and severe criticism from a wide audience.

However, it is amazing that such a long-term controversial and questionable host has successfully joined the hosting team of "News Network" in just one and a half years!

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

In fact, the reason why Li Zimeng was able to achieve a "counterattack" and become the host of CCTV's top program is not accidental, but because of his excellent professional quality. Since graduating from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, she has hosted popular columns such as "Cultural Report" and "International Information", and then appeared in well-known news programs such as "News at 8 A.m." and "Morning News".

Although Li Zimeng occasionally has some small flaws in the hosting process, her dedication to work and adaptability are impeccable. Once, due to the sudden receipt of an urgent and important news release, there was no time to prepare the unique "nine-character teleprompter" of "News Network".

In the face of such an unexpected situation, other hosts may be at a loss and incoherent, but Li Zimeng showed extraordinary courage and decisively chose to bow his head and read the original manuscript directly.

What is shocking is that Li Zimeng completed the reading of this urgent manuscript without pause or mistake in just 8 minutes. This scene not only won the warm applause of the staff present, but also allowed the audience to appreciate her extraordinary strength and calm demeanor as a professional host.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

The incident, known as the "Golden Eight Minutes", is undoubtedly a major test in Li Zimeng's career, and she completely shattered the outside world's doubts about her "lack of ability" with her outstanding performance.

The naughty girl who once unplugged all the bicycle valve cores in the yard is a true portrayal of Li Zimeng's childhood. In that era of scarcity of materials, bicycles were an essential tool for every family to travel, and once the valve core was removed, it could not run normally.

When Li Zimeng, who was good at amusing herself, was playing a prank, she never thought about how much trouble and inconvenience such an unintentional act would bring to others! She just thought that this approach was quite interesting, so she did not hesitate to incite her friends to act together, and all the hundreds of bicycles parked in the entire courtyard had a "dismantling battle"!

When the mischievous children accomplished this shocking act, instead of feeling uneasy, they whispered in the shadows, expecting to see how the adults would react when they found out.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

As expected, Li Zimeng's mother quickly noticed that something was wrong, because the naughty bag daughter actually brought all the hundreds of valve cores that had been removed back to the home.

Faced with this puzzling pile of small parts, as a mother, she immediately understood the truth of the matter. So, her mother severely reprimanded Li Zimeng and personally led her to apologize to the victims from house to house.

For Li Zimeng, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, this lesson is undoubtedly a heavy punch.

For the first time, she seems to have learned that sometimes curiosity and mischievous behavior do need to be restrained and disciplined. Since then, Li Zimeng's personality has gradually become more introverted and cautious.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

However, this does not mean that she has completely abandoned her naughty habits as an adult Li Zimeng, and still maintains that witty, well-behaved, lively and cheerful personality, but when faced with situations that need to be taken seriously, she can also behave calmly and calmly.

This strong contrasting charm was the key factor in her subsequent widespread attention on CCTV. As one commentator put it: "Li Zimeng is usually like a naughty little girl, but once she stands at work, she can immediately transform into a professional host with elegant manners."

Li Zimeng, who has shown artistic talent since childhood, firmly chose to apply for the broadcasting major of Beijing Broadcasting Institute before the college entrance examination. She is passionate about her field and confident in her expressiveness.

However, when she stepped into this top university with a reputation at home and abroad, Li Zimeng realized that there was a huge gap between herself and the rest of her classmates.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

Li Zimeng, who is in the northeast, her Mandarin level is naturally relatively weak compared with her classmates who were born and raised in the capital of Shanghai. What is even more worrying is that there are significant problems in her mastery of pronunciation and breathing, which she did not pay enough attention to when filling in the application because of blind confidence.

Suddenly, this "academic bully", who had a great record in middle school and always topped the honor list, unfortunately slipped to the tail of the class after stepping on the university campus.

However, facing such a huge test, Li Zimeng's heart did not fall because of this. As a student who has been cared for by her teachers since she was a child and has excellent grades, she has never experienced such a sense of frustration and embarrassment.

However, she quickly adjusted her mentality, bravely faced those congenital deficiencies, and vowed to make up for them with sweat.

Facts have proved that Li Zimeng, who is 46 years old and "unmarried and infertile", has already embarked on another road in life

Therefore, Li Zimeng began to devote herself to learning with unprecedented perseverance, engrossing herself in class during the day and practicing basic skills repeatedly in the dormitory at night. Starting from correcting the most basic pronunciation, she corrected her shortcomings step by step, and with the enthusiastic help of her classmates, her progress became more and more obvious.

In this way, after a long and arduous self-tempering, Li Zimeng finally succeeded in counterattacking, got rid of the backward situation at the beginning, not only caught up with the average level of the class, but also surpassed it, becoming a veritable "scholar".

For Li Zimeng, who later became a CCTV host, the grinding during college is undoubtedly an important turning point in her life. She understands the dangers of complacency, but also knows firsthand that only perseverance can lead to real progress.

It is this spirit of diligence and never-say-die that enables Li Zimeng to show her strength on the bright stage of CCTV after graduation, overcoming obstacles and moving forward bravely.

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