
used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

author:Ye Ning Wantang said entertainment

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used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy


The innocent little swallow back then is now a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats him.

Why did the once dominant superstar fall from the altar and become the target of public criticism? Is fame and fortune blinding you, or is lust getting carried away? Let's walk into Zhao Wei's story and find out.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Little Swallow's Metamorphosis: Where the Dream Begins

In the 90s of the last century, a "Huanzhu Gege" swept the country.

In the play, Xiaoyanzi played by Zhao Wei is lively, kind, innocent, and deeply loved by the audience.

At that time, she was like a free-flying bird, full of longing for the future.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Who would have thought that this little bird would one day break its wings and fall and never be able to soar in the blue sky again?

Zhao Wei was born in rural Shanxi Province and has been yearning for acting since she was a child.

With her own efforts, she was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and started her own acting career.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

The success of "Huanzhu Gege" gave Zhao Wei a taste of popularity.

She became a household name and had countless fans.

However, this is only the beginning of the story.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

The "Pro-Japanese Insult to China" Incident: Ignorance or Fearlessness?

In 2001, a group of photos of Zhao Wei wearing clothes printed with the Japanese military flag were exposed, causing an uproar.

At a time when Sino-Japanese relations are sensitive, such a dress undoubtedly hurts the feelings of the Chinese people.

Although Zhao Wei apologized afterwards, her words were perfunctory and her attitude was not sincere enough.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

She blamed her "naivety" and "ignorance", and it seemed that it was not her who was wrong, but the "glass heart" of the public.

A superstar should be more cautious in his words and deeds, and always pay attention to his influence.

But Zhao Wei obviously didn't realize this, and her apology was insincere, but disdainful.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

A person's moral cultivation can be seen in the details.

This incident undoubtedly greatly reduced Zhao Wei's image.

Turning against your best friend: When money meets friendship

Zhao Wei's reputation plummeted after the "pro-Japanese humiliation of China" incident.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

At this time, her best friend Zou Xue stepped forward and offered advice to her.

Zhao Wei was grateful for the friendship of friends, so she proposed to open a bar with Zou Xue.

However, the bar was not doing well, and both faced losses.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Seeing that the investment was in vain, Zhao Wei was dissatisfied, and even instructed the driver to beat Zou Xue, who was pregnant!

Although this matter was suppressed by Zhao Wei, it was widely circulated in the circle.

People saw a cold-blooded and selfish Zhao Wei, who did not hesitate to hurt her best friend for money.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

This is in stark contrast to the positive image she portrays on screen.

A person's ugliness in Vanity Fair can often see his true face.

Zhao Wei proved with her actions that she was just an ordinary man and had no noble sentiments.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Husbands and wives join forces to manipulate the stock market: greed is despicable

If the previous incident was not enough to ruin Zhao Wei's reputation, then the scandal of her and her husband's stock market manipulation undoubtedly made the public completely chilled.

In 2014, Zhao Wei and his wife bought Alibaba Pictures shares at a low price, and then sniped when the stock price rose, easily cashing out 2.2 billion Hong Kong dollars! In 2017, they manipulated "Longwei Media" with the intention of acquiring the listed company "Wanjia Culture".

Although it was finally stopped by the regulator, it also highlighted the insatiable greed of the two.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

In the eyes of ordinary investors, Zhao Wei and his wife are "white wolves with empty gloves", making huge profits with very little investment.

They don't pay any attention to securities laws and regulations, and act recklessly.

This kind of mercenary and unscrupulous behavior is like Zhao Wei's positive character in film and television works.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

The public was shocked by her moral slippage and spat on the "wolf couple".

Tax evasion and tax evasion: "The Emperor's Daughter" will not escape justice

In 2018, Zhao Wei was once again exposed to a scandal of tax evasion of 130 million yuan.

In the face of ironclad evidence, she only said through the studio that she would "cooperate with the investigation and pay back taxes", but did not respond to the outside world.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

In the eyes of ordinary people, tax evasion is illegal, and even the "emperor's daughter" should be punished by law.

But Zhao Wei obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and still went her own way.

A public figure should lead by example, but Zhao Wei has repeatedly taken the lead in violating laws and disciplines, which is despicable.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Paying taxes is the obligation of every citizen, and her reckless evasion of huge taxes is undoubtedly a contempt for the law and a disrespect for taxpayers.

What qualifications does such a person have to stand in the spotlight and accept public worship?

Supporting "Taiwan independence" artists: the deep self of the soul

In 2019, Zhao Wei strongly supported the "Taiwan independence" element Dai Liren to star in the movie she directed, causing public outrage.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

In the face of the boycott of netizens, instead of repenting, she hired a water army to launder her name, and even openly deleted the criticism of the "Central Committee of the Communist Youth League"! Zhao Wei's behavior touched the bottom line of the Chinese people, and in the face of overwhelming public opinion, she was finally forced to give in and postpone the release of the movie indefinitely.

However, the public has not forgotten about it because of this.

In their opinion, Zhao Wei has put her personal interests above the national interests, which is a red line that no one should touch.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

A person's position and view of right and wrong are often reflected in actions.

Zhao Wei supported the "Taiwan independence" elements with practical actions and completely destroyed her character.

High-ranking disciple Zhang Zhehan visited the Yasukuni Shrine: Grace will take revenge

In 2021, Zhang Zhehan, who was brought out by Zhao Weiti, was exposed to visiting the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

This shrine enshrines war criminals who invaded China, and Zhang Zhehan's actions once again caused an uproar.

Although he tried to jump out and clarify, the public didn't buy it.

After all, he is Zhao Wei's apprentice, who knows if "there is a teacher and there must be an apprentice"?

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Zhang Zhehan used his actions to live up to the teacher who helped him, and even more so to live up to the audience's expectations.

He should have taken this as a warning, but he repeated the mistakes of the past, which is embarrassing.

And although Zhao Wei tried to clear up the relationship, she could not escape the blame.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, and the evil consequences that Zhao Wei planted at the beginning finally came to her head.

The whole network is blocked, and the personality collapses: reap the consequences

The incident of Zhang Zhehan's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine became the last straw that crushed Zhao Wei.

After 20 years, the hat of "pro-Japanese and insulting China" was buttoned on her head again.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Soon, Zhao Wei was banned by the whole network, her works were taken off the shelves, and even her name was deleted from Baidu Encyclopedia.

For years, she had tried to create a positive, sunny image, but now, it all came to naught.

Once a beloved idol, he was once reduced to a street rat.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Zhao Wei used her own actions to challenge the public's moral bottom line again and again, and ruined her former image.

Even if she learned from the pain at this time, it would not help.

Stars who have lost credibility are destined to have no chance of turning over.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Zhao Wei used her personal experience to leave a profound lesson for the world.


Zhao Wei's story is by no means an individual case, but a mirror that reflects the greed and selfishness of human nature.

When fame and fortune blind you, no matter how glamorous your character is, it will fall apart.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

This once dominant superstar lost to desire, lost to arrogance, and lost to his dark side.

Her fall is not only a personal tragedy, but also a warning to the whole society.

No matter what position we are in, we should have a heart of awe, look down on fame and fortune, and distinguish between right and wrong.

used to be Xiaoyanzi and now Zhao Wei, how much did she do, and the end was really happy

Only by staying vigilant at all times and not being moved by external temptations can we take every step of the way and achieve the best version of ourselves.

Zhao Wei's experience is a wake-up call to everyone, and her path to depravity is a dangerous situation that everyone must be vigilant against at all times.

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