
In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

author:Holy Ran


In the vast rural areas, at the turn of spring and summer, you will always find some farmers busy building nests and brooding under the eaves, while others are crowded with birds, and the swallows do not seem to patronize them. People often say, "Swallows don't enter the bitter cold door", can swallows really distinguish between rich and poor and choose the door?

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

In fact, the choice of swallows to build a nest has their own logic and considerations behind it. So, what kind of farmer households are more likely to attract swallows? Is it the structure of the house, the surrounding environment, or the living habits and interpersonal relationships of the farmers that play a role? Next, let's walk into this amazing natural phenomenon and explore its mysteries.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?


When it comes to where swallows choose to nest, that's a big question. You may not know that this little guy is picky! They not only consider whether the structure of the house is stable, but also whether the surroundings are comfortable and pleasant. If the eaves of a farmer's house are crumbling, or if there is a pile of debris underneath, the swallow will turn around and fly. After all, who wouldn't want to make a home in a safe and comfortable place?

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

In addition to the hardware conditions, the software aspect is also important. Swallows are incredibly intelligent, and they observe the habits and relationships of farmers. You think, if the family is noisy all day long, and the neighborhood is tense, then the swallow must not think this is a good place. On the contrary, if the farmers live in harmony and the neighbors are friendly, the swallows will feel that the place is full of warmth and love, and they will naturally be more willing to stay and build their nests.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

In addition, the food source is a factor that swallows will also consider carefully. As the saying goes, people live on food, and the same is true for swallows. Swallows prefer to nest in farms close to water sources, farmland and orchards, where food is abundant and they can easily forage for food. In remote, barren areas, where swallows are afraid of starvation due to lack of food, they usually avoid such places.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

At this point, you may ask, "So how did the swallow choose?" "Actually, when choosing a nesting site, the swallows will conduct a detailed investigation. They will first hover in the air to observe, and then land tentatively on the right eaves to build their nests. If all goes well, they begin to build their nests officially; If it doesn't feel like it's right, it's going to look elsewhere.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

Interestingly, once the swallows choose a farmer's house to nest, they do so every year, and even call their friends to come with them. In this way, those farmers who are selected by the swallows will be lively, and those who are not selected can only look at the swallows and sigh.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

But then again, while the choice of nesting may seem mysterious and finicky, the swallows are just following their own rules of survival. Just like we humans consider various factors when choosing a house, swallows also have their own criteria and preferences. So, don't be discouraged if you don't have swallows to nest in! Maybe a swallow will visit your house next year!

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?


Through getting along with and observing swallows, it is not difficult for us to find that creatures in nature have unique survival wisdom and selection criteria. The choice of swallow nesting is not just a simple natural phenomenon, but also a profound ecological story. It tells us that even the tiniest of beings are trying to find the most suitable environment for themselves and to live in harmony with it.

In rural areas, why do some people have swallows and others don't? Can swallows distinguish between rich and poor?

At the same time, we should also reflect on whether our relationship with the natural world is harmonious and respectful enough. When we provide a more friendly living space for wild animals such as swallows, we are also protecting the diversity of the planet we all live on. So, let's cherish and protect the natural environment around us even more from now on! Maybe one day your home will become a popular place for swallows to nest!

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