
"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

author:An Yi Qi Qi H

Introduction: The return of "Singer 2024" has set off a frenzy in the music industry, not only attracting the participation of many well-known singers, but also attracting more than 15 advertisers of big brands. However, as the number of ads increased, viewers began to express concerns that too many ads would affect their viewing experience.

"Singer 2024" has rekindled the enthusiasm for music variety shows, setting off a new wave with record Weibo ratings. The news not only got the audience excited, but also the advertisers' eyes lit up. When the show has only been broadcast for a few episodes, more than 15 big brands have sent out "petitions" to "Singer 2024", hoping to compete for more exposure opportunities on this fanatical stage.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

The return of "Singer 2024" is regarded as a feast in the music variety show industry, and its record-breaking Weibo score has regained its glory on the stage. Audiences are looking forward to the return of the long-established show, and advertisers see the opportunity. This craze has driven more than 15 big brands to join the competition, hoping to get more exposure and attention on the stage of "Singer 2024".

As the show went on, viewers gradually discovered that in addition to the great music performances, the number of advertisements in the show was gradually increasing. This has led some viewers to worry that too many ads will affect their viewing experience. However, for advertisers, it is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to be exposed in such a popular program, so they have issued a "letter of request" to the program team, hoping to show their brand image on this stage and attract more consumers' attention.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

The return of "Singer 2024" not only brings an audio-visual feast to the audience, but also provides a rare marketing opportunity for advertisers. However, how to control the number of advertisements while maintaining the quality of the program and ensuring the viewing experience of the audience is a challenge that the program team and advertisers need to face together. In the future, whether "Singer 2024" can continue to maintain its popularity remains to be tested by time.

The high ratings of the first episode of the show and the joining of many stars have indeed brought huge attention to "Singer 2024" and aroused great interest among advertisers. The live format of the show makes it impossible for viewers to skip or block ads, which provides a great exposure for advertisers to get them engaged in the show.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

However, as the number of ads gradually increased, viewers began to express concerns. They worry that too many ads will have a negative impact on their viewing experience and even affect their enjoyment of the show. For viewers, they want to be able to enjoy a smooth viewing experience while watching the show, and too many advertisements may interrupt the rhythm of the show and affect their perception.

Although advertising is a necessary marketing tool for both program producers and advertisers, how to ensure the viewing experience of the audience while maintaining commercial interests has become an urgent problem to be solved. Program producers need to balance the relationship between the number of advertisements and the content of the program to ensure that the advertisements do not interfere too much with the viewing of the program, so as to maintain the stickiness and loyalty of the audience.

In summary, although advertising is essential to the commercial operation of a show, too many advertisements can have a negative impact on the viewer's viewing experience. As a result, programbuilders and advertisers need to work together to find a balance that delivers commercial benefits while maintaining the viewer experience to ensure the continued success of the program and viewer satisfaction.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

The high traffic and attraction shown by "Singer 2024" not only made singers rush to join, but also advertisers rushed to join it, which reflected the huge appeal of the show. At present, there are six major "financiers" who have joined the title and sponsorship ranks of the program, however, it remains to be seen whether this means that the commercial value of the program can continue to grow steadily.

As an influential and attractive large-scale variety show, the show has attracted the attention and pursuit of a large number of audiences, and has also attracted the attention of advertisers. These advertisers hope to increase their brand exposure and attract more consumer attention and recognition by placing ads in their programs. Therefore, they have joined the ranks of naming and sponsoring the show, hoping to use the popularity and influence of the show to achieve the growth and development of their own brands.

However, although the program currently has the support of the six "financiers", its commercial value can continue to grow steadily, which needs to be further observed. With the broadcast and development of the program, the feedback from the audience and the reaction of the market will have an important impact on the commercial value of the program. If the program can maintain its high traffic and attractiveness, and attract more viewers, then its commercial value is expected to continue to grow steadily.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

However, it will not be easy to achieve this goal. Program producers need to continuously improve the quality and attractiveness of their programs to maintain the attention and affection of viewers, while also balancing the relationship between advertising and content to ensure that the audience experience is not compromised. Only in this way can we ensure that the commercial value of "Singer 2024" can continue to grow steadily and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the program.

At the same time, other variety show platforms are also preparing more "Wang Bang" content, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. "Singer 2024" is the first to "rush", but how to maintain its leading position in the fierce competition has become an important challenge for Mango Supermedia.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

With the increasingly fierce competition in the variety show market, major platforms are striving to launch more attractive and influential programs to attract the attention of audiences. "Singer 2024", as a highly anticipated large-scale music variety show, debuted first, but it does not mean that it can easily win the favor and support of the audience. On the contrary, program producers and Mango Supermedia need to continue to innovate and continuously improve the quality and attractiveness of programs in order to maintain a dominant position in the fierce competition.

First of all, program producers need to pay attention to the innovation and quality improvement of program content. As a music variety show, "Singer 2024" needs to constantly introduce new elements and ideas to make the show more attractive and unique. Only by constantly innovating can we attract the attention of more audiences and maintain the continuous popularity of the show.

Secondly, program producers need to be good at grasping current affairs and popular trends, and adjust the program content and program format in a timely manner. With the changing times and changing tastes of the audience, program producers need to constantly adjust and improve the program to keep pace with the times and meet the needs and preferences of the audience.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

Finally, program producers need to strengthen their cooperation with advertisers to develop more business models and monetization channels. In addition to traditional advertising sponsorship, program producers can also consider cooperating with brands to launch derivatives and carry out offline activities to increase revenue and enhance the commercial value and competitiveness of the program.

To sum up, "Singer 2024", as an important program of Mango Supermedia, is facing fierce competition and huge challenges. Only by continuously improving the quality of programs, seizing the opportunity, and strengthening cooperation can we stand out from the competition, maintain a leading position, and achieve long-term development and sustained success.


The return of "Singer 2024" not only brings an audio-visual feast to audiences, but also provides an opportunity for advertisers to compete for market share. With the start of the show, the audience has been immersed in the sea of music, and advertisers are also hoping to be able to show their brand image on this lively stage and attract more attention and attention.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

However, how to control the number of advertisements while maintaining the quality of the program to ensure the viewing experience of the audience will be a challenge that both program producers and advertisers need to face. Viewers expect a smooth viewing experience while watching the show, and too many ads can interrupt the rhythm of the show and affect their perception. As a result, producers and advertisers need to balance commercial interests with the viewer experience, finding a balance that can achieve both business goals and meet the needs of viewers.

"Singer 2024" makes advertisers crazy, and more than 15 brands "apply to compete"

In the future, whether "Singer 2024" can continue to maintain its popularity remains to be tested by time. Only on the basis of continuous innovation and continuous improvement of quality can we win the support and recognition of the audience and achieve the long-term success and sustainable development of the program.


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