
Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

author:Yeonyan Storyteller
Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

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In 1957, Wang Shihuai was born in an ordinary family in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. Since childhood, he has shown an incomparable passion and talent for the performing arts, and in his spare time, he always revelsed in the world of stage plays, fantasizing about the day when he can stand under the bright spotlight and bring an audio-visual feast to the audience.

When he was 12 years old, he was successfully admitted to the Anhui Peking Opera Troupe with excellent results. When he heard the news, he was overjoyed and anxious to share the exciting news with his parents.

However, when he faced his parents, from their serious faces, he felt an ominous omen, and sure enough, his father frowned and said in a serious voice: "Son, you do have this talent, but as an artist, life is full of hardships and instability, and now you are still young, you should concentrate on your studies".

His mother looked at him with affection and persuaded him earnestly: "My dear, of course we hope that you can chase your dreams, but dreams also need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

At the moment, your most important task is to study hard, and we will fully support you in whatever career you choose in the future."

Hearing these words, Wang Shihuai's mood instantly fell to the bottom, and his eyes became gloomy. He had expected his parents to be proud of him, but he had not expected such a response.

Although he had doubts about his parents' views in his heart, out of respect for his elders, he eventually complied with his parents' wishes and gave up this coveted opportunity.

In this way, Wang Shihuai sighed dejectedly, buried her love for the acting career deep in her heart, and temporarily let go of her dreams. Although his heart is full of endless regrets, he firmly believes that one day, his dream will set sail again.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

In 1975, after graduating from high school at the age of 18, Wang Shihuai actively responded to the call of the country and devoted himself to labor training in rural areas. In the context of that special era, young people were sent to the grassroots level of the motherland to experience first-hand the hardships of the hard work of the peasants.

For Wang Shihuai, this heavy farm work is undoubtedly a kind of torture. Whenever he sweats and runs out of energy, he always remembers his dream of becoming an outstanding actor and showing his talent on stage.

Just when Wang Shihuai was facing a difficult choice, a huge open recruitment activity ignited the dawn of his artistic dream. Hefei Chaohu Art Troupe recruits talents from all walks of life, and Wang Shihuai enthusiastically signed up without hesitation.

The interview process was tortuous and arduous, including written examinations, interviews and performance tests and other rounds of assessment, Wang Shihuai did his best and worked tirelessly, and finally stood out among many opponents and successfully became a member of the art troupe.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

At that time, it was a joy for him to be able to get rid of the heavy agricultural work and return to the field of acting.

In the day and night of the art troupe, Wang Shihuai seems to have rediscovered the artistic dream that was once stranded. He dedicates himself to the creation of every character, whether it is a play, opera or stage play, and strives to present the work perfectly in front of the audience.

Although the conditions of the crew are relatively simple, Wang Shihuai always has a warm heart and regards performance as the whole value of life.

What's even more rare is that their performances cover all grassroots communities, and every wonderful performance attracts the majority of audiences to stop and enjoy. It is in such high-intensity and high-frequency practical training that Wang Shihuai's acting skills have become more and more exquisite, and her perseverance has been tempered and improved.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

In 1977, with the full recovery of the college entrance examination system, Wang Shihuai was full of passion and determined to apply for the long-awaited Shanghai Theater Academy and push his dream to a new peak. Although Anhui Province was only approved for a limited number of admissions at the time, and the number of applicants was as high as thousands, Wang Shihuai was not discouraged.

He did his best, and finally succeeded in being admitted with his outstanding performance, and finally stepped into the dream palace of art.

In college, Wang Shihuai met Wang Yun, who was also obsessed with drama, and the two met late, and quickly developed a deep love for each other.

At first, they were just ordinary classmates, but in the years spent together, the seeds of love quietly took root and sprouted deep in their hearts. Wang Shihuai is fascinated by Wang Yun's pure and kind character, and Wang Yun is also deeply intoxicated by Wang Shihuai's handsome and chic appearance and persistent pursuit of art.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

The eyes of the two often met inadvertently, and then they dodged in a panic, and a faint flush appeared on their cheeks.

In 1977, Wang Shihuai was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent grades, and the other half of his life, Wang Yun, chose to stay in his hometown Hefei and study at a local institution of higher learning.

On that parting night, they were full of emotions for each other, and they used their courage to bravely express their sincere love to each other.

Despite the reality of their imminent separation, they firmly vowed to protect this hard-won sweet relationship with the warmest love.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

In the next few years, Wang Shihuai and Wang Yun were like messengers of love, starting a long and challenging love journey. Although they can't see each other often, every weekend, they will always pour out their thoughts and share each other's joys, sorrows and sorrows by phone or letter.

Even just a few words of greeting can bring endless warmth to each other's lonely hearts. In this way, their love has gone through the tempering of time, but has become more tenacious and solid.

When the day of graduation was approaching, Wang Shihuai and Wang Yun decided to confess their relationship to their respective parents. However, unexpectedly, when Wang Yun told his parents the news, he was strongly opposed by his family! As parents from merchant families, they were conservative in their thinking and valued face and family values.

Although Wang Shihuai has a good character, handsome appearance, and affectionate friendship, he can be called an excellent son-in-law, but in the eyes of Wang Yun's parents, the profession of actor seems too frivolous and unstable.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

In the face of the prejudice of his family, Wang Shihuai has visited her many times, trying to let them understand that the profession of actor is not as unbearable as the outside world imagines. However, no matter how hard he tried to explain, Wang Yun's parents were always resolute and still had a negative attitude towards the marriage.

Watching his beloved leave in tears, Wang Shihuai was in great pain in her heart, and tears kept rolling in her eyes. In this way, a pair of once sweet lovers fell into trouble and finally had to choose to break up.

In 1983, Wang Shihuai starred in the movies "Zhang Heng" and "Hua Luogeng" which were great successes, and he became a well-known actor with his superb acting skills.

Just when his career was in full swing, actress Zhang Xiaoming, also from the Shanghai Theater Academy, broke into his life.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

At first, Wang Shihuai and Zhang Xiaoming were just ordinary friends, they talked and laughed and shared happy times. However, before they knew it, their relationship began to permeate with a sweet ambiguity.

There was a moment when Wang Shihuai did not hesitate to water himself from head to toe in order to deeply experience the inner world of the character, and ran wildly in the cold stairwell.

Since then, Mr. Zhang's views of Mr. Wang have changed dramatically. She was impressed by his ardent pursuit of his career, and decided that he was the ideal partner she longed for.

And Wang Shihuai gradually realized that Zhang Xiaoming is full of enthusiasm for the acting career like herself, and there are countless common topics between the two that can be exchanged in depth. So, they were with each other day and night, and the seeds of friendship quietly germinated in the depths of each other's hearts, and finally thrived and bloomed into the beautiful flowers of love.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

Wang Shihuai once naively thought that this marriage would become his eternal safe haven, and he would spend every stage of his life hand in hand with this like-minded wife, guarding their warm home with strong arms.

However, the reality is not as good as he hoped, and the married life of the two is full of alienation and coldness.

Wang Shihuai is too obsessed with her career and rarely finds time to spend with her wife and children, while Zhang Xiaoming, as a woman, is also eager to make achievements in the workplace, and it is difficult to balance family and career.

Once, his son suddenly fell ill and needed to be hospitalized, but Wang Shihuai did not hesitate to abandon his family and returned to the crew without hesitation to continue to work.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

This incident made Zhang Xiaoming completely lose confidence in him, and the contradiction between the two intensified.

In the end, Wang Shihuai and Zhang Xiaoming decided to part ways and end the marriage, and their son was raised by Wang Shihuai. At this moment, he realized how hasty and selfish his actions were in the first place, and he completely ignored the importance of his wife and son to him.

As the pillar of the family, he failed to fulfill his due duties and lived up to his wife's deep expectations of him.

During that dark and desperate trough period, Wang Shihuai could only grit her teeth and take on the heavy responsibility of raising her son with epilepsy alone. Although the pain in his heart is like a knife, eroding his body and mind all the time, he knows that no amount of regret can restore the past, and only by moving forward can he bring his son the warmth and care he deserves.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

In that period of darkness, helplessness, and extreme despair, fate threw a life-saving straw to Wang Shihuai again! That is his first love who he has not met for many years - Wang Yun.

This goddess-like figure blooms on the path of his life, like a ray of warm sunshine, bringing him new hope and igniting the burning passion in his heart.

Life is sometimes like a wonderful idol drama plot, and the two of them unexpectedly reunited at a busy airport. When Wang Shihuai saw the familiar and cordial figure from afar, his heart instantly stirred up layers of waves, and those bits and pieces of the past instantly surged into his heart.

Their once fiery love is now burning like lava again.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

As time passed, Wang Shihuai and Wang Yun reconnected, and they began to meet frequently as friends, sharing each other's joys and sorrows. Whenever Wang Shihuai sincerely confided in Wang Yun the bitterness of taking care of her son, the kind and considerate Wang Yun would always listen quietly and do her best to provide valuable advice and care.

Sometimes, she would also hand-pick small gifts for the troubled father and son.

Looking at Wang Yun's every care and love for them, Wang Shihuai's heart was full of deep gratitude. Perhaps God deliberately gave them a second chance, and the relationship between Wang Shihuai and Wang Yun gradually sublimated, and the long-lost sweetness and happiness quietly grew.

In the end, after countless twists and turns, they finally entered the sacred marriage hall.

Wang Shihuai: After the divorce, I took care of my epilepsy son, and met my first love in my second marriage

It is worth mentioning that before this, Wang Shihuai had been worried, worried about whether Wang Yun would be able to accept and take care of this epileptic stepson wholeheartedly. However, the reality surprised him, Wang Yun not only did not complain, but took care of the poor child wholeheartedly like a mother.

Whether in daily life or in the process of children's rehabilitation training, Wang Yun always has selfless love and meticulously takes care of everything for his stepson. When night falls, she even goes to her son's room to visit him with trepidation, and she will not leave until she sees him sleeping peacefully.

What is even more touching is that at the critical moment when the child's illness was sudden, Wang Yun was able to imitate Wang Shihuai's behavior, and did not hesitate to lend a helping hand and give full support and warmth.

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