
How to understand the phrase "only one child is good, and the country will provide for the elderly" in the past family planning propaganda?

author:Help my brother talk about the workplace

The mainland's one-child policy began to be calculated from the early 80s to the end of 2015, which has gone through more than 30 years, affecting three generations of one-child parents, of which the most affected should be the post-50s and post-60s.

According to the policy regulations at that time, although the state's policy was to advocate that a couple have only one child, in the course of implementing the family planning policy, because family planning had become the most important central task at that time, a surprise work, and was included in the evaluation targets of party and government cadres, especially grassroots cadres, it became the greatest correctness in the family planning policy.

How to understand the phrase "only one child is good, and the country will provide for the elderly" in the past family planning propaganda?

Although the cadres of the county-level organs did not directly do the work of family planning, in order to support the work of the township and neighborhood districts, each department of the organ had to contract a township to supervise and supervise family planning, and this was linked to the work performance of the organ and the evaluation of the first.

At that time, in order to do a good job in family planning, there was a well-known slogan, that is, "only one child is good, and the country will provide for the elderly". This slogan can be seen everywhere in the east, west, north, south, and middle. Its enthusiasm resounded throughout the country. Although time has passed now, those who experienced that scene still remember it vividly.

It is good to give birth to only one, and the country will provide for the elderly, from the original intention at that time, the first is to promote the benefits of having only one child. This advantage is that it can save the huge cost of having children and raising children, and can release the pressure of parents to have children, free them from heavy family chores, and devote more energy to social affairs and their own work.

Although there are still many controversies about this sentence, behind the slogan is the establishment of a policy system. In fact, the issue of old-age care is not only a problem for parents of only children, but also an overall problem.

From the perspective of the overall situation of family planning, because the level of social and economic development on the mainland was still relatively low at that time, and especially because it was facing tremendous pressure from population growth, it seriously affected the distribution of material wealth in society, and even the carrying capacity of the environment and the supply capacity of material wealth. Due to the excessive expansion of the population, it not only restricts the level of social and economic development, but even poses a certain pressure on the basic problem of survival.

From the analysis of the political and economic situation at that time and the situation faced at home and abroad, the practice of having only one child per couple is not only a requirement of the domestic social and economic development situation, but also a contribution to global social and economic development. Although there were some extreme and radical practices in the implementation process, it was still understandable in the social environment at that time.

How to understand the phrase "only one child is good, and the country will provide for the elderly" in the past family planning propaganda?

Although the difficulty of family planning at that time was in the rural areas, it was possible to have a second child in the rural areas at that time, and the difficulty was the sterilization measures after giving birth to the second child. The more they are not allowed to give birth, the more they will give birth. Despite family planning, the proportion of second and third children in rural areas was even higher than the current level.

Compared with rural areas, the pressure on family planning in urban areas is much less, because the unit is responsible for the main responsibility, and there are a series of punitive measures, such as dismissal from work, payment of social maintenance fees, etc. At the same time, there are a series of incentives, such as health care expenses for only children, incentives and support policies for parents of only children, etc., all of which provide conditions for urban residents to have fewer children and better children.

According to today's results, the relative proportion of parents of one-child children in rural areas is relatively low, and almost all of them have one person in the family who works outside the home. However, in urban families, because it involves a series of welfare issues such as household registration and material supply, the proportion of only children in urban families is relatively large.

In the essence of the slogan of the state to provide for the elderly, it is not that the pension of the parents of only children is fully responsible for the state to be fully responsible, even according to the current level of social and economic development and material conditions, it does not have the material basis and economic conditions for the state to provide for the elderly, but is reflected in the process of formulating the pension policy and social welfare policy, including the measures and methods of the state to provide for the elderly.

For example, in the endowment insurance policy, it is divided into two parts: unit payment and individual payment, of which the unit payment part has a certain social welfare nature, regardless of whether the unit is a private enterprise or a state-owned unit, not only to include the operating costs of the unit, but also to include the scope of tax incentives, which is a manifestation of the state to provide for the aged.

In the process of calculating and issuing pensions, including the basic pension and personal account pension, if it is calculated purely from the unit payment and individual payment, the payment of a single individual is not enough to support the lifelong pension. This does not include the annual adjustment and increase of pensions by the state, funeral expenses and pensions after death, etc., which also reflect the essence of the state's pension.

How to understand the phrase "only one child is good, and the country will provide for the elderly" in the past family planning propaganda?

In accordance with the provisions of the Population and Family Planning Law, the State continues to provide incentives and support to parents of only one child during the period when the State encourages a couple to have only one child. Among these incentives and support measures, rural areas have rural policies, and urban residents have urban residents' policies, and different rural and urban policies are implemented, which are due to the different factors required by the cost of living and the different factors of paying in the process of population control.

Although the amount of the current incentive and support policy is not high, it is also made from the national and provincial conditions, and the starting point is to ensure that the implementation of the policy is more in line with the current level of social and economic development, and to ensure that the implementation of the policy is sustainable and operational. The family planning incentive and support policy is one of the contents of the state's pension for the elderly, but it is not the whole content of the state's pension. Pension is still reflected in the pension of retirees and retirement expenses.

To sum up, it is not an empty slogan to give birth to only one good and the country to provide for the elderly, which is a true portrayal of the characteristics of the times. In the current pension insurance policy, in the process of calculating and issuing pension benefits, the specific content of the pension, and the reward and support policy for parents of only children all contain the basic content of the state's pension.

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