
Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

In the entire Journey to the West, the author clearly said that there are only two people who can "law heaven and earth". One is Sun Wukong, and the other is Erlang God.

However, Erlang God has only used the law once, that is, when he fought with Sun Wukong.

At that time, Erlang God was transferred by the Jade Emperor to deal with Wukong. The two fought for 300 rounds, regardless of victory or defeat, Erlang God then used the law of heaven and earth, and Sun Wukong also used the law of heaven and earth. However, even so, the two still did not distinguish between high and low.

But it was said that the true monarch and the great sage changed the scale of the heaven and earth, and when they were fighting, the great sage suddenly saw the demon monkeys in the camp scattered, and he felt panicked, took the magic image, and pulled out the stick.

Wukong used the magic heaven and earth twice, once to fight with Erlang God, and the other time to fight with the Bull Demon King. At that time, the Bull Demon King showed his true body, with a length of 1,000 zhang and a height of 800 zhang. In order to subdue the Bull Demon King, Sun Wukong used the law of heaven and earth.

The walker said: "The virtuous brother is meritorious, gratifying!" Gratifying! Lao Sun Kong and the old cow gambled on changes and never won. He turned into a big white bull, I changed the size of the heavens and the earth, and I was in conflict with him, fortunately the gods descended, and after a long siege, he recovered and walked into the cave. ”

This is clearly mentioned in the book, the only one, the two laws of heaven and earth, and only Erlang God and Sun Wukong can have such big spells and great skills.

However, there is such a saying on the Internet: Zhu Bajie can actually be a law of heaven and earth, and it is not weaker than Sun Wukong's law of heaven and earth. Zhu Bajie used it at least once on the way to learn scriptures.

The question is: Does Zhu Bajie really know how to teach heaven and earth? When did he use the Dharma Heaven and Earth? Can this great spell of his be able to calculate the heavens and the earth?

My answer is: Zhu Bajie doesn't know how to use heaven and earth, although he has used two similar spells (to make his body bigger), but after all, he can't be considered law heaven and earth.

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

Zhu Bajie made his body bigger for the first time

After three dozen white bone spirits, Tang Seng drove away Sun Wukong. The three masters and apprentices came to the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, and Tang Seng strayed into the demon cave and was caught by the yellow-robed monster.

The yellow-robed monster was originally one of the twenty-eight constellations, Kui Wood Wolf, because he had a personal affair with the maid of the Phi Xiang Palace, and he was afraid of defiling the heavenly court, so he agreed to go to the lower realm to be husband and wife.

It's just that the yellow-robed monster still carries memories, and the maid was reincarnated as the princess of the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, but she doesn't remember the agreement in her previous life. Therefore, the yellow-robed monster simply plundered Baihuasha, the two have been husband and wife for thirteen years, and they have two children.

Baihua is ashamed to remember the covenant in his previous life, and he is trapped in a demon cave, so he can hope to go back, but he can't help it. After Tang Seng was arrested, Baihua thought of a way, he pleaded with the yellow-robed monster, released Tang Seng, and asked him to bring a letter to the king of Baoxiang Kingdom, hoping that his father would save him.

When the king learned about it, he asked Tang Seng for help, and Zhu Bajie said that he would subdue demons. The king wanted to see his means, so Zhu Bajie grew his body up, and he was eight or nine feet tall.

He also has thirty-six changes in the eight precepts, just in front of the steps, showing off his means, but he twisted the trick and recited the mantra, and shouted "Long!" "When I bowed my waist, I grew eight or nine zhang long, but I was like a god who opened the way.

And nine zhang high does not seem to be the limit of Zhu Bajie.

From time to time, the general of the town hall asked: "Elder, it seems that when you become taller, you must grow to where you must go before you can stop at the extreme?" The idiot said again, "Look at the wind." The east wind is still good, and the west wind will be good; If the south wind rises, the blue sky will also be arched into a big hole! ”

It seems that Zhu Bajie can also grow to be very tall, but this time it is not fully revealed.

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

Zhu Bajie made his body bigger for the second time

In the Seven Peerless Mountains, Tang monks and apprentices encountered difficulties again. Originally, there were originally a lot of persimmon trees here, and every year the persimmon trees bear a lot of persimmons, which fall when they are ripe, and for many years, they are actually covered by persimmons, forming a place similar to a silt swamp, and the smell is incomparable.

Tang Seng couldn't get by, and it was difficult for mortals to clean up (more than 800 miles long), and this matter finally fell on Zhu Bajie.

Under the persuasion of Wukong and Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie ate a lot, once again exerted his skills, and made his body huge, arching for two days in a row, resting when he was tired in the middle, and continuing to eat full, which allowed Tang Seng to pass the persimmon smoothly.

And this time, Zhu Bajie's body has become bigger.

What a nerd, twisting the trick, turning into a big pig, really a big pig - long mouth hair, short half fat, since childhood. The black face is like the sun and the moon, and the round head and big ears are like plantains. Cultivating strong bones is the same as longevity, and refining coarse skin is stronger than iron. Nasal croaking, chirping and snorting. The four white hooves are thousands of feet high, and the sword is long and long. From seeing the fat pigs in the world, I haven't seen today's old pigs. Tang Seng and others praised it, envying the high mana of the beautiful canopy.

The black face is like the sun and the moon, and the round head and big ears are like plantains, which can already show that Zhu Bajie has become very big. However, a more direct description lies in the two sentences "The four white hooves are thousands of feet high, and the sword is long and the body is a hundred feet".

White hooves are 1,000 feet tall (note that hooves are not 1,000 feet tall, but 1,000 feet tall); The long mane on his body (long hair on the animal's neck, mostly fingered on the back of the neck) is like a long sword, and his body is also very long, more than a hundred zhang (rao means more).

In short, after Zhu Bajie became bigger, he was as tall as 1,000 feet (that is, 100 zhang), and his length was more than 100 zhang.

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

Is Zhu Bajie getting bigger or not?

Becoming nine feet tall at a time does not seem to have reached the limit; At one time, he became a hundred feet tall and more than a hundred feet long. It seems that Zhu Bajie does know how to do it.

However, strictly speaking, this is not a matter of heaven, but of change. Because there is a very important condition: the Fa Heaven and Earth must become bigger, but the Dharma Heaven and Earth must become bigger.

Let's take a look at Zhu Bajie for the first time.

Before Zhu Bajie's changes, the author emphasized, "That nerd he also has thirty-six changes", obviously saying that Zhu Bajie's ability to become bigger is just a change technique.

And when the king spoke, if you look closely, you can also find that the king is making Zhu Bajie change, and it is going to become bigger.

The king said, "Since the heavens are coming, there must be good changes." Bajie said: "Don't dare, don't dare, and you will know a few changes." The king said, "I'll see if you try to change one." Bajie said: "Please come up with the topic, and it will change according to the way." The king said, "Make a big one." ”

Moreover, before the change, Zhu Bajie was "twisting the trick and reciting the mantra", and he also called "long". When Zhu Bajie grew up, the king said, "After receiving the supernatural powers, I know that it has changed like this." These two places can also prove that Zhu Bajie is using the magic power of the change technique, not the magic power of the law heaven and earth.

Therefore, the fact that Zhu Bajie has become bigger here can only be said to be a change technique, not a law of heaven and earth.

There is another question: If there is really a south wind, can Zhu Bajie really be big enough to "arch the blue sky into a big hole" as he himself said?

No way. Because the author emphasizes, "the idiot speaks stupid again". Since it is a "stupid talk", it is obviously a stupid word, and it cannot be taken seriously. Therefore, this can be understood as Zhu Bajie bragging, or gagging.

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

Let's look at Zhu Bajie getting bigger for the second time.

Before he changed, Zhu Bajie emphasized that he would change thirty-six times, but he couldn't change into a smart thing, he could only change a bulky thing.

Bajie said with a smile: "Master is above, the donors are here to stop laughing, my old pig originally had thirty-six changes, if it is said to become a lightweight, gorgeous and soaring thing, it really can't; If it is said that it will become a mountain, a tree, a rock, a mound, an elephant, a pig, a buffalo, or a camel, it will be a real plenum. It's just that the body has become bigger, and the stomach and intestines have become bigger and bigger, and you have to eat enough to do things. ”

Therefore, here Zhu Bajie is still using the change technique to make his body bigger. When Zhu Bajie really changes, it will be the same as before, and it will still be a twist.

What a nerd, twisting the trick, turning into a big pig.

It can be seen that this place Zhu Bajie is still using the transformation technique to make his body bigger, not the magic power of the law and the heavens and the earth.

This time, Tang Seng and his apprentices wanted to pass through the persimmon as soon as possible, so Zhu Bajie must have used a lot of skills. In other words, Zhu Bajie's change technique is fully exerted, and it is only a hundred zhang tall and more than a hundred zhang long, and that's it.

What's more, the hymns of Journey to the West often have exaggerated elements, such as the Yellow Wind Monster's activation skills, and the hymns are simply "Ragnarok". That is to say, Zhu Bajie's height may not be as tall as 100 zhang, let alone 100 zhang long, but the author is exaggerating.

What is the real Dharma heaven and earth?

In fact, not to mention that Zhu Bajie has become only 100 zhang tall and more than 100 zhang long, even if his body becomes ten times larger, it is not a law heaven and earth.

The real Fa Heaven and Earth, at least it is ten thousand feet tall.

For example, in the battle between Erlang God and Sun Wukong, he took the lead in using the ability of the law to heaven and earth, and his body was ten thousand feet tall, and Sun Wukong became the same as him.

That Zhenjun shook his might, changed his body, and became ten thousand feet tall, with two hands, holding a three-pointed and two-edged divine blade, like the peak on the top of Mount Hua, with a green face and fangs, vermilion hair, vicious, and cut off the head of the great sage. This great sage also made supernatural powers, becoming the same as Erlang's body, with a general face and a ruyi golden hoop stick, but it was Kunlun on top of the Optimus Pillar and resisted Erlang God.

This body is much larger than Zhu Bajie's hundred-foot body!

Journey to the West: The hooves are thousands of feet high, the body is 100 feet long, and Zhu Bajie will also "law heaven and earth"?

When Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King were fighting, they also used the law of heaven and earth, and they were still ten thousand feet tall.

The bull king grinned, revealing his original body, a big white ox, with a head like a mountain, eyes like flashes, two horns like two iron towers, and sharp blades. From head to tail, there are more than 1,000 zhang long, from the hoof to the back, there are 800 zhang high, shouting to the walkers: "Splash the monkey!" What will you do to me now? The walker also appeared in his original form, drew out the golden hoop stick, bowed his waist, and shouted: "Long! "He is ten thousand feet tall, his head is like Mount Tai, his eyes are like the sun and the moon, his mouth is like a pool of blood, his teeth are like a door, and he holds an iron rod in his hand, and he hits his head.

Afterwards, Wukong also said that he used the magic power of the law heaven and earth (see the beginning of the quotation).

It can also be seen from this paragraph that after Zhu Bajie became bigger, he was only a hundred feet long, only one-tenth the size of the Bull Demon King. Even if the Bull Demon King has a thousand-foot body, in Wukong's eyes, it is only "no big or small", and it cannot be called the law of heaven and earth.

Moreover, after Erlang God and Sun Wukong used the Heaven and Earth, the movement was also very large, which would scare many people, and would also alarm all the gods in the past Void.

After Zhu Bajie became bigger, he couldn't even compare to the true body of the Bull Demon King, less than one percent of Wukong's body, how could it be regarded as the law heaven and earth?

To sum up: don't say that Zhu Bajie just became 100 zhang tall and 100 zhang long, even if he became 1,000 zhang taller, it was not a celestial phenomenon.