
Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

author:Popular Science Bear


Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

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60-year-old Aunt Zhang is known for her love of cleanliness.

At home, it is generally enough to mop the floor once every two days, but Aunt Zhang must mop the floor every day, and she must spray alcohol on the ground before mopping.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Aunt Zhang didn't dare to be sloppy about the food she ate, whether it was vegetables, fruits or fish, she had to disinfect them repeatedly, and she was always afraid that it would not be cleaned in place.

For Aunt Zhang's cleanliness behavior, the family is very disgusted.

And she always thinks that the cleaner the better, the better, so there are often quarrels in the family.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Until one day, Aunt Zhang listened to a health lecture.

At the lecture, the doctor said that sometimes being dirty is also conducive to health and longevity, so Aunt Zhang was very puzzled.

1. The hazards of excessive cleaning

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to hygiene and health, and the media often promotes the importance of hygiene, so many people accept the idea that more hygiene is better for health.

As a result, some people become particularly hygienic. For example, as long as the place that can be touched by hands must be disinfected first, and it is not enough to put laundry detergent when washing clothes.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

If you ask them why they do this, they will say that it is for sterilization, and it is only good for the body to kill the bacteria.

But in fact, many people who over-clean their bodies often have problems, but they don't think it's caused by over-cleaning, but they feel that they don't clean enough.

Scientific studies have shown that many people today have allergies, which are largely related to over-cleaning.

There are several reasons why excessive cleaning can cause allergies.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Excessive cleaning can lead to a loss of beneficial bacteria in the environment, which can lead to an imbalance in the body's immune system, which can lead to allergies.

In fact, there are a large number of microorganisms in our daily environment.

While we admit that some microbes are harmful, some microbes are beneficial to our body and provide us with an important immune barrier.

For example, there are many microorganisms in the human mouth that are beneficial to the human body, and these microorganisms will enter the human respiratory tract and even the gastrointestinal tract through the oral cavity.

If we brush our teeth many times in order to keep our mouth clean and hygienic, the microorganisms in our mouth will be greatly reduced.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

In this way, the human body cannot absorb these beneficial microorganisms, thus losing the immune barrier, and the resulting consequence is that it is easy to suffer from allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc.

Secondly, the immune cells hide allergic memories inside, and if the environment we are in is too clean, the immune cells will lose allergy memories.

Allergy memory refers to the long-term exposure of the human body to some environments with moderate amounts of microorganisms.

Due to long-term stimulation by some microorganisms, human cells will not be overly sensitive to some microorganisms, because cells have already formed memories of such microorganisms.

Nowadays, many elderly people feel that they should pay more attention to hygiene when they get older, so they pay special attention to disinfection of food and clothing.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

The place where I live is also carefully cleaned inside and out, even the sanitary corners are not missed, and the cleaning of my body is also very frequent.

As everyone knows, they did not make their bodies better, but made them a high incidence of urticaria and various skin diseases, and their immunity was relatively low.

This is so because their immune cells lose their allergic memory to beneficial microbes, thus making their bodies overly sensitive to bacteria.

From this point of view, being in an excessively clean environment is not good for the human body.

Second, these three kinds of dirt are good for health

It is said that a dirty environment is more conducive to people's health, especially for the elderly, so what kind of dirty environment is more conducive to the health of the elderly? There are three main types.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

1. Microbial flora

There are a lot of microorganisms in both our bodies and our environment.

While microbes are a source of many diseases, there are also some microbes that are good for health, without which our bodies would lose their protective barrier.

Nowadays, with the popularization of the concept of healthy life and the improvement of living conditions, many elderly people pay great attention to hygiene.

No matter winter or summer, I take a bath every day, and my clothes are washed and changed frequently. It's really more hygienic to do that, but it also comes with some problems.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

The skin of the elderly is already relatively dry, and if you wash it too often, the little oil in the skin will be lost, and the skin will become drier and more prone to skin problems.

The same is true for clothes, after a person wears clothes, there will be some microorganisms such as dander left inside, and if you wash it too often, the microorganisms inside will also be washed off.

In such an overly clean environment, immunity will also decline unconsciously, and it is easy to suffer from immune system diseases, which will also affect the life expectancy of the elderly to a certain extent.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

2. Outdoor dust

We should stay away from the environment where the yellow sand is full of yellow sand and dust can be lifted on the ground.

Because there are a lot of harmful gases in such an environment, people can inhale harmful gases and harm the respiratory tract.

But no matter how fresh the air outside, dust is not completely avoided, and a proper step on it is good for health.

Stepping on dust here does not mean deliberately stepping on mud in the mud, but rather about doing more outdoor activities.

This is especially true for the elderly, who have degraded their own physical functions and will decline faster if they do not engage in outdoor activities.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Outdoor activities are not only beneficial to the bone health of the elderly, but also conducive to promoting blood circulation and maintaining smooth blood circulation in blood vessels.

In addition, regular outdoor activities for the elderly are also beneficial to improving the immunity of the elderly.

3. "Imperfect food"

Nowadays, major media outlets generally promote a low-fat diet, eat more whole grains, and have less oil and sugar.

In this way, the public has formed the concept that a healthy food cannot have oil, sugar and fat.

In fact, this is a misconception, the truly healthy elderly are not far away from oil and sugar, nor are they blindly low in fat.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Paying too much attention to low sugar and low fat can sometimes lead to some nutrient deficiencies.

Because the digestion and absorption function of the elderly is reduced, the one-time intake itself is less than that of young people, and if the type of diet is too controlled, the body will not be able to absorb nutrients and lead to illness.

3. How to keep it moderately dirty

It is said that the elderly love to be clean too much, which is not good for the body, and keeping a moderate amount of dirt is more conducive to health and longevity, so how can we keep it moderately dirty?

First of all, cleaning should be moderate. This cleaning includes laundry, bathing, and housekeeping.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Although the habit of bathing and changing clothes frequently is good, if the skin of the person who bathes and changes clothes too often is easy to lose the protection of microorganisms, which is prone to skin problems, especially the elderly.

Therefore, for the sake of health, it is best for the elderly to take a bath once a week in winter, and they can take a bath every day in other seasons, but the use of shower gel should be moderate.

In terms of laundry, you can wash it every time you change it, and if the home is a floor or tile, the clothes will not be too dirty if they occasionally fall on the floor, so you can leave it unwashed.

Remember that you don't need to put disinfectant when you put laundry detergent when washing clothes, because clothes washed with disinfectant are very irritating to people's skin.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

In addition, you also need to pay attention to indoor cleaning, although the room should be scrubbed frequently, but there is no need to scrub too clean.

I have seen some elderly people who pay special attention to hygiene, mop the floor twice a day, wipe the furniture clean and shiny, scrub it repeatedly when there is a little dust, and always feel that the sterilization is not enough and sprinkle disinfectant.

As everyone knows, such a sterile environment has great harm to the immunity of the elderly, so for the elderly, the home does not need to be too clean, and it is dirty to be dirty.

For the floor at home, you can mop it once every 2 days, and the furniture can be wiped once a week, so that you don't have to be too tired and won't damage your health.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Second, you don't have to be fully armed when you go outdoors. I have seen some elderly people fully armed when they go out, wearing masks, sunglasses, hats, gloves, etc., whether it is cold or hot.

According to their words, there is always dust outside, and inhaling dust is not good for the body, so keep it clean.

As everyone knows, in this way, the body cannot get sunlight, and the body that lacks sunlight is prone to calcium deficiency.

The bones of the elderly are themselves fragile, and if there is a lack of calcium, the bones will be even more unable to withstand the toss.

In addition, the body is isolated from the outside world after being wrapped, so that the person's immunity will also deteriorate. So such old people are more likely to get sick.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Therefore, if the elderly want to live a long and healthy life, they must do outdoor activities every day, and they should not wrap their bodies too tightly in the process.

It is more healthy to let the body come into contact with the sun, rain and even some dust from the outside world.

Finally, don't be overly particular about your diet. According to nutrition, people need a variety of nutrients, including basic nutrients and trace elements.

Influenced by some propaganda, some elderly people pay too much attention to low-fat diets, and they strictly control oil and salt, but in fact, this is not necessarily good for the body.

Because if a certain part is too controlled, there will be a lack of relevant nutrients.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

The elderly who are really healthy and long-lived usually do not pay much attention to their diet, whether it is vegetables or meat and eggs, they do not reject it, and never refuse to eat a certain food, but eat everything and do not overdo anything.

In daily life, we are usually repulsed by dirty, but no matter how much we reject it, there is always visible and invisible dirt that accompanies us.

We have always been taught to be hygienic and clean, but if it is too clean, our body will lose its protection and become more prone to illness.

Again, everything must have a degree, and sometimes it is beneficial for our body to keep some bacteria.

Doctor: The older people are, the more dirty they are, the longer they live, especially these 3 kinds of viscera, many people don't know

Therefore, in the future, don't clean too often, don't be too picky about eating, be sloppy about the hygiene of the house, and let the body feel outdoors when you go outside.

In this way, you will have fewer worries and your family will get along more harmoniously.


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