
"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

author:The old witch chases the drama


"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless
Disclaimer: In order to better describe the content of the article, the characters and plots are fictional

For everyone, home should be the warmest harbor, and parents are the umbrella of their children. However, in real life, some mistakes made by parents, intentionally or unintentionally, may become stumbling blocks on the road to children's learning and career development.

They had to bear the fault of their parents and abandon their ideals.

This point is vividly reflected in the political review link. If the parents have a criminal record, and the child wants to take the civil service examination or go to a police school, political and legal school, etc., the political examination will generally not be passed.

Many people don't understand why the pot has to be carried by the child, even though it is the fault of the parents?

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

1. My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?

Xiao Gang has dreamed of being a police officer since he was a child, and whenever he sees the majestic appearance of the police on TV, he is very excited, and he always learns from him.

In order to be able to become a police officer, he has been studying hard and insisting on physical training. Because he knows that in order to be admitted to a good police university, it is not only necessary to look at the professional results, but also to take a physical fitness test, and if the physical fitness is not up to the mark, everything will be in vain.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

With his efforts, he achieved good results in the college entrance examination, and his first choice was to fill in his favorite police school. I thought I would finally have the opportunity to realize my dream of becoming a policeman, but I didn't expect to be stuck in the political trial.

The police academy is different from ordinary universities, and when recruiting students, the school not only pays attention to the results of the college entrance examination, but also conducts physical examinations and political examinations. As long as one link fails to meet the standard, it will face the fate of being eliminated.

Xiao Gang's college entrance examination score is good, and he has already exceeded the admission score line. He has been in good health since he was a child, and coupled with his insistence on physical exercise, he has passed the physical examination easily.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Finally waited for the political trial, Xiao Gang was full of expectations. Because as long as he passes this hurdle, he can successfully enter the police academy, and his dream of becoming a police officer is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that it was about to be completed, he received a notice that the political trial had not passed. Xiao Gang doesn't understand, he has been very obedient since he was a child, he has never done anything illegal or criminal, and he has never bullied other classmates, how can there be a situation where he can't be tried politically?

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Xiao Gang found the political examiner and told him the questions in his heart. The political examiner said that whether it is the recruitment of the police academy or the examination of civil servants, the standards for political examination are quite strict. In addition to the students themselves, the three generations of immediate relatives, namely parents and grandparents, will also be examined. The three generations of immediate family members are all innocent before they can pass the political trial.

After a rigorous review, they found that although Xiao Gang did not have any problems, his father had stolen several other people's computers when he was young, and he was imprisoned for several months, leaving a criminal record.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Although his father did not commit the bad incident of murder and overkill, he did violate the law and left a bad record, which in turn had an impact on Xiaogang's political trial, resulting in a failed political trial.

Faced with this result, Xiao Gang couldn't accept it anyway. He couldn't help but question the political trial: Father is father, I am me, he made a mistake, why should I pay for it?

In Xiao Gang's view, it is now a new society, and it should no longer stick to the outdated concept of "joint sitting". In his view, this outdated concept is incompatible with the development of modern society and should be discarded.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

And he thinks that he loves the police profession very much, and he is very good, and he is fully qualified to become a police officer who serves the people. For people with such qualifications, the political trial should be appropriately relaxed and let him pass.

For Xiao Gang's question, the political examiner also gave a patient explanation: political review is not child's play, if you can pass it if you make a fuss, how can you talk about management? If parents do wrong things and do not implicate their children, they will definitely be more unscrupulous when they do wrong things.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

After listening to the answer of the political judges, Xiao Gang felt like he had been beaten in the face. Although helpless, I can only accept such an ending.

2. Controversy over political trials

All along, debate and dissent over political censorship have been like endless ripples, rippling on the lake of public consciousness, and there has never been a moment of tranquility.

If the person being examined has made a mistake himself, the political trial is understandable. However, in many cases, the person being examined is innocent, but his father or grandparents have a criminal record, and in this case, the political trial is not successful, and it is usually questioned.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Many netizens believe that through their own diligence and outstanding achievements, their children deserve a new life opportunity independent of their parents' past mistakes. Their efforts should not be overshadowed by the shadow of their elders, but should be scrutinized by social justice.

Despite this, in the whirlpool of public opinion, this issue is still controversial, triggering heated discussions and collisions of diverse views from all walks of life.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Mr. Luo Xiang once expressed his opinion, he believes that criminal law should not only focus on how to deal with criminals, but also need to pay attention to educational significance.

If the perpetrators are able to turn over a new leaf, they should be given a chance to start anew, rather than completely killing their future path.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Some netizens have different opinions on this point of view. If the restriction on the review of the third generation is lifted and only the person under review is concerned, it may lead to an increase in the crime rate.

Many people consider that their actions may affect their children's future development and stifle the idea of committing crimes. Once one's actions no longer affect their children, they may act more recklessly.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

There are also some netizens who believe that a person's growth path has a lot to do with the original family, and the behavior and values of parents often unconsciously leave a deep imprint on their children's life concepts and behavior patterns.

These subtle influences, like a trickle of water, penetrate into the depths of a child's soul and become the cornerstone of shaping his or her future life trajectory.

Removing the need to delve into the past behaviour of the applicant's parents during the political vetting process could invisibly provide an avenue for those with criminal records to have their values influenced by the next generation.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

This potential transmission effect, if left unchecked, may have a negative impact on social harmony and order. Therefore, careful consideration of the far-reaching impact of this policy is essential to maintain the long-term peace and stability of society.

As children, they will enjoy many benefits that their parents seek for them in their lives, and children should also pay for the mistakes made by the same parents.

Although the child is innocent, it is a big mistake for parents not to think about their child's future before making a mistake. Focusing only on political trials without considering the problem from one's own point of view will not lead to effective solutions.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

3. The reasonableness of the political review system

Political censorship is often aimed at people who are about to or will be going to work in the country, and this process is necessary and rigorous to protect the national interest.

Its guidelines are not tailored to individual individuals, but are the same, meaning that this principle applies universally to all students.

From the perspective of ordinary people, it may be difficult for everyone to accept that the descendants of criminals will become state officials, or even leaders, and take on the responsibility of managing everyone.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Despite the development of the times and the advancement of ideas, the prejudice against the perpetrators is still deeply rooted. When it comes to learning that a person has had a criminal history, few people can fully trust.

This distrust extends not only to the perpetrators themselves, but also to their parents or children.

There are only a few jobs in the country, and they must be given to the best people in all aspects. There are many students with excellent academic performance, exemplary conduct, and clean family history, so why choose a student whose father has left a criminal record?

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

We live in a society that is not only deeply rooted in the solid foundation of the rule of law, but also tightly bound by moral bonds. In such a society, there are usually high expectations and high expectations for the key role of state workers.

Naturally, there is a stricter code of ethics for those who hold these positions. They are usually required to perform their duties with high virtue and integrity to ensure that justice and conscience are fulfilled.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

Whether you join the army, take the police academy, military academy, or civil service exam, the political examination is indispensable. If problems are found in the process of political review, no matter how strong the individual's ability is and how good the results are, they can only face the end of being eliminated.

Not only on the mainland, but also in European countries such as France and the United Kingdom. If you want to become a national civil servant, or enter other positions of national interest, you need to go through a special examination. It can be seen from this that the existence of the political examination system is reasonable.

While this system is not perfect, in the new era, political censorship can help regain the lost sense of social trust.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless

At the same time, it can also serve as a huge warning. In particular, it can warn parents who already have children that when they have the idea of breaking the law and committing crimes, they should think more about their children and their families, and calculate how high the cost of their crime is.

In addition, political review can also encourage family members to supervise each other and jointly maintain family and social harmony.

In recent years, despite repeated voices advocating the abolition of political censorship, this proposal has not received widespread support.

Many people firmly believe that the removal of this link will pose an immeasurable risk to social security. After all, political censorship exists to maintain social order and stability and to prevent inappropriate elements from infiltrating important areas.

"My father made a mistake, why should I pay for it?" The political examiner said one sentence, leaving the students speechless


Of course, the process of political review is not public, and sometimes some standards are not completely clear, so the common people have room for reverie and have questions about this system.

Therefore, the political review system should continue to be improved to ensure the transparency and openness of the political review process.

Just as there is no hidden corruption under the sun, once all proceedings are brought into public view, the voices of skepticism will gradually dissipate. Instead, people will begin to understand and accept certain necessary measures.


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