
Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls

author:Medical care is red and blue
Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls

Falls can bring great pain and distress to the elderly, as well as a heavy economic burden on families and society. So, how can older adults prevent falls?

Causes of falls in older people

There are both intrinsic and extrinsic causes of falls in older people.

Internal causes: decreased balance (visual, proprioceptive, vestibular sense) function in the elderly; In the elderly, the explosiveness and endurance of skeletal muscles are weakened, and the range of motion of the joints is reduced; Older adults often have a combination of high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and other medical conditions, which also increase the risk of falls.

External reasons: (1) Environmental factors: such as dim indoor and outdoor lighting, lack of necessary anti-slip facilities and handrails and other auxiliary facilities, unreasonable placement of indoor furniture or chaotic environment, clothes or shoes do not fit, etc. (2) Drug factors: the elderly have many comorbidities and often need to take multiple drugs, which is an important factor in the increased risk of falls. There is evidence that psychotropic and hypoglycemic drugs increase the risk of falls in older people, and that taking multiple medications at the same time also increases the risk of falls in older people.

Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls

"Two slow, three not urgent, three 30 seconds", the implementation of prevention into daily life.

Aging is a normal physiological process, and with aging, the risk of falls increases as well. The elderly do not need to worry too much about this, as long as they actively learn and master scientific prevention methods, they can effectively reduce the risk of falls.

It is necessary to actively adjust the behavior and adapt to aging.

In daily life, the elderly should develop the habit of "two slow, three not urgent, three 30 seconds" - "two slow" that is, slow turning, slow turning; "Three not in a hurry" is not in a hurry to stand up and turn around, not in a hurry to cross the road, not in a hurry to catch up with the bus; The "three 30 seconds" are to lie on the bed for 30 seconds after waking up, sit on the bed for 30 seconds before getting off the ground, stop (stabilize) for 30 seconds after standing up, and then stand up and walk again.

The daily clothing of the elderly is also very important, and it is necessary to choose clothes that are of the right size and elastic as much as possible. Do not wear tight clothing to reduce disruption to blood circulation, and do not choose pants with ankle-length trousers to prevent stumbling. When the elderly choose shoes, they should pay attention to the heel of about 2 cm, and the sole should have a clear texture, non-slip and good grip. Older people can raise the arch of their shoes to provide support and relieve pressure. In addition, the elderly should try to minimize going out at night when the light is not good, snowy, rainy, or foggy. When traveling, it is not advisable to carry heavy objects, and you should try to choose a smooth road surface and walk slowly.

Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls


Older people often have multiple illnesses and take multiple drugs at the same time. Some medications may have side effects such as dizziness and limb weakness. The elderly must take medicine in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions, and cannot increase or decrease the amount and type of medicine at will. At the same time, it is necessary to understand whether the drugs you are taking will cause side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness, and you should try to take such drugs before going to bed, or reduce activities after taking the drugs to reduce the risk of falls.

Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls

Carry out age-appropriate transformation of the home environment

Toilets, kitchens, and showers are prone to water accumulation and slippery floors, so in these locations, non-slip floors and handrails should be installed. Adjust the lighting in the room, especially at night in the passage leading to the bathroom. The room should be kept clean and orderly, the room should be cleaned up in a timely manner, and the carpet that is easy to move or bulge should be fixed. Elderly people with limited mobility or sensory impairments such as hearing and hearing should take the initiative to choose assistive devices for functional compensation, such as walking with crutches or other walking aids, using visual aids to improve vision, and hearing aids to improve hearing.

Be a healthy tumbler: Seniors beware of falls

Develop good exercise habits

Exercise is a good medicine and an effective measure to improve the ability of the elderly to prevent falls. Seniors should choose one or more sports that they like and are suitable for, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, Baduanjin, swimming, cycling, soft ball, etc., for long-term regular exercise. This type of exercise will improve the balance of the elderly, improve the flexibility and flexibility of the body, enhance physical strength, and delay the rate of deterioration of body functions. The elderly must do what they can and step by step in exercise, and should not be in a hurry.

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