
Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

author:Educational and cultural exchanges

(Reporter Yang Chuanzhi Correspondent Hu Yifan) In order to improve teachers' professional ability, accelerate teachers' professional growth, and promote the efficient development of classrooms. On the morning of May 16th, a special training activity on "Teacher Growth in the Context of the New Curriculum" was held in the No. 6 Middle School of Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, and the members of the Xiangshan Art Teaching and Research Community in Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, including the art teachers of Xiangshan Primary School, Babao Primary School, Shiqiao Primary School, Huayuankou Primary School, Jinwa Primary School and Gongzhai Primary School, participated in the activity.

Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

Tian Jinliang, a teacher and researcher of art and calligraphy in Zhengzhou City, Huang Jinhong, deputy director of the Teaching and Research Office of Huiji District, Cao Qing, a senior teacher and lifelong teacher of Zhengzhou 47 Zhongzheng School, and art and calligraphy teachers and researchers of Huiji District attended the event.

Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

First of all, Li Miaomiao, an art teacher from Zhengzhou 106 Middle School, a member of Cao Qing's famous art studio, brought us a vivid on-site demonstration class, the content of which is the second volume of the eighth grade of the people's education version "Understanding Patterns". This lesson has given us a leading demonstration, layer by layer of progressive guidance, inspiring students to continue to discover and explore problems, and various forms of works are showing us the students' expectations and love for a better life.

Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

Secondly, Mr. Li Yan from Zhengzhou Fengyang Foreign Chinese Middle School brought us a lecture and training on "Methods and Strategies for Primary and Secondary School Art Teachers to Meet the Standards".

Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

Teacher Cao Qing's "The Road to the Growth of Famous Teachers and You" starts from his own growth experience, and shares in detail the significance of the growth of young teachers and how to grow rapidly. Based on his personal teaching experience and detailed cases, Mr. Cao expounded the teaching strategy and design of art classrooms, which triggered our new thinking about art classroom teaching.

Expert guidance promotes growth, based on professional research and true knowledge

Finally, Tian Jinliang, a teacher and researcher in Zhengzhou, made a summary of the activity, and he emphasized that as an art teacher, he must carefully study the course standards and teaching materials; It is necessary to continuously improve one's professional quality, and look at some excellent resources such as famous teachers' classes to improve one's classroom; Effectively achieve "effective learning" for students and "efficient" classrooms.

Through this training, the members of the community not only have a deeper understanding of the new art curriculum standards, but also have a further grasp of art teaching, which has laid a solid theoretical and practical foundation for everyone to carry out teaching work in the future.