
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

author:May said the shadow
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Text | May said the shadow

Edit | May said the shadow

According to the Xiaoxiang Morning News, on May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was attacked by mysterious people as he walked out of the venue after the day's meeting.

Judging from reports at the scene, the mysterious person fired a total of five shots, and Slovak Prime Minister Fizo suffered serious injuries in the abdomen, arm and leg.

This is the second assassination incident that has caused a sensation in the world after the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and according to foreign media reports, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fizo is now out of danger of his life.

As the case was further investigated and the identity of the murderer was exposed, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden spoke out one after another about the incident. What does this unusual scene reveal?

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Is it due to political factors or personal vendettas?

It all started on May 15, when Slovak Prime Minister Fizo had just finished a cabinet meeting and walked out the door to be interviewed during the intermission.

At this time, the suspect disguised himself as a supporter of Fizo and walked in front of Fizo with the flow of people, just as Fizo was about to shake hands with the suspect, but the suspect suddenly took out a pistol from his body.

Fizzo fired five shots in the body, and after hearing the gunshots, the security personnel at the scene reacted quickly, and the murderer was arrested by the police on the spot.

At the same time, after Fizzo was shot, the entourage around him also stepped forward quickly and lifted Fizzo into a nearby black car.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

According to a 66-year-old witness at the scene, he was waiting in line with other supporters to shake hands with Fizo when several gunshots rang out.

Then, Fizzo was seen falling in front of him, and Fizzo was bleeding from his head and chest. Subsequently, investigators corroborated the accounts of eyewitnesses.

They said the killer fired a total of five shots, one of which hit Fizzo in the abdomen, one in the head and one in the chest.

As soon as Fizo was attacked, the entourage gave Fizo a simple first aid measure, but because Fizo was shot at the location of the small town of Handlova, which is more than 100 kilometers away from the Slovak capital.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

After being shot with the assistance of security personnel, Fizo was first taken to the nearest hospital to the meeting place for first aid.

He was then transported by plane to a large hospital in Banska Bystry, not far from Handlova, the town where Fizo attended the conference.

Because when the suspect carried out the attack, several shots were accurately fired at Fizo's body. So when Fizo had just been transferred to the hospital, the Slovak Prime Minister's Office gave the news that Fizo was in danger of his life.
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful
Fortunately, the shooting did not hit Fizo's vital point, and on the afternoon of the 15th, the Slovak Prime Minister's Office released news again, saying that after several hours of surgery, Fizo is now out of danger of life.

Subsequently, the identity of the murderer was also revealed, so was his attack on Fizzo for political purposes or a personal vendetta? We may be able to infer one or two points from the reactions of countries around the world.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Fizo's political position

Fizo is the current Prime Minister of Slovakia, born on September 15, 1964, 59 years old, with a professional background, a doctor of law from the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the founder of the Slovak Direction party.

In 2006, Fizo became Prime Minister of Slovakia for the first time, and until now, Fizo has accompanied Slovakia for 18 years, and in September last year, Fizo began his fourth term as Prime Minister.

Judging from Fizo's political achievements, he strongly advocated ensuring the country's financial stability, and the Slovak people had a high degree of identification with Fizo.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

And, after Fizo was revealed to have a close relationship with the Italian mafia and resigned from the presidency as a result, on September 30, 2023, the former prime minister with black material was once again favored by voters.

And thus began his fourth term as prime minister, but the connection with the Italian mafia was not the main reason for Fizo's attack this time.

Judging from Fizo's political views, he is more inclined to support Russia than Ukraine, and even admires Putin's dictatorship.

Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Fizo has repeatedly publicly criticized the massacre of Russian civilians by Ukrainian French elements in 2014.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

And also said that a country close to the West is tantamount to a war criminal, and a commitment to guarantee good relations between Slovakia and Russia during the term of office is fundamental.

Especially after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US government has vigorously encouraged the West, especially several member states of the European Union, to make an economic break with Russia in order to profit from the war.

At the instigation of the United States, Western countries have not only imposed an economic blockade on Russia, but also provided military and economic assistance to Ukraine during the war many times.

Among them, the United States provided the most economic aid to Ukraine, reaching 170 billion US dollars, although according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky, it would be good for Ukraine to get 25% of the 170 billion US dollars.
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

But something is better than nothing, because once the battle starts, the money is spent as quickly as water.

Take the United States as an example, at the beginning, it was really refreshing to give money, millions and millions of dollars, but with the elongation of the Russian-Ukrainian war front, American aid has even become single digits.

Not to mention the European Union, which at the end of 2023 clearly passed an aid bill of up to 50 billion euros for Ukraine.

But less than two months later, at the beginning of 2024, this aid bill turned into a loan, and Zelensky complained many times about this. But even if it becomes a loan, this money has not yet been fully approved in the hands of Ukraine.

Because everyone can see that the Russian-Ukrainian war is a bottomless pit, and at the beginning, everyone was determined to win in Ukraine and took out a large amount of money and arms to aid Zelensky.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Just wait for the war to end and divide up Russia's possessions. But right now, the money is spent, but Ukraine has changed from an attacker to a defender.

There is no way, if Russia pulls its crotch again, it is also the eldest son of the Soviet Union, and if it continues to be consumed like this, I am afraid that the EU will be the first to fall.

But compared with the European Union, Fizo can be said to have seen it very clearly, and at the beginning of the war, he repeatedly emphasized that he would not provide military assistance to Ukraine, even if it was a bullet.

And in January 2024, in an interview, Fizo once again emphasized that Slovakia will not provide assistance to Ukraine, and openly opposed Ukraine's accession to NATO and sided with Putin.

In response to Fizo's statement, the EU has also repeatedly expressed its dissatisfaction, and in October 2023, the EU also publicly stated that it would suspend the membership of Fizo's party, the direction - the Social Democratic Party.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

But the EU's threats did not change Fizo's political views, and even on April 18 this year, Fizo once again stressed that Slovakia would prevent Ukraine from joining NATO if possible.

Some professionals analyzed that Fizo's attack was very likely to be for political purposes, and based on this, three suspicious points were summarized.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Three doubts

Just after Fizo was shot, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, China and other countries all commented on the incident. One of the most surprising was the opinion of the British media.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Just after the attack on the Slovak Prime Minister on May 15 and the attack on Fizo, the British media Sky News put two hats on Slovakia in the open news.

One hat is against the common European line, the other against the diehards who support Ukraine. There is an opinion that the British media attributed the reason for the attack on Fizo to opposition to support for Ukraine.

These two hats were buttoned down, and the attack on Fizzo was defined as "self-inflicted", which was unexpected by everyone, and it seemed that Britain knew something about this incident.

As for the second point, it is the timing of Fizo's attack, which happened to be stuck shortly after Fizo's trip to China in June and once again publicly stated his opposition to Ukraine.

According to the British, then the reason for Fizo's attack this time can be completely thrown out of personal grudges and attributed to political factors.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Yuraj Sintura was subdued

And if this hypothesis is true, then the attack on Fizo will have a completely different nature from the assassination of Abe. And if the purpose of the prisoner's assassination of Fizo is really achieved, it will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Because just before Fizo became the prime minister of Slovakia on September 30 last year, the former prime minister of Slovakia also promised to send arms to Ukraine and provide economic assistance.

This also shows that there is no unity of political views within Slovakia, which can be seen from the performance of the Slovak top management after the attack on Fizo.

The deputy speaker of the Slovak parliament, Blaha, said the opposition was responsible for the shooting.

As soon as they received the news, shortly after the attack on Fizo, the opposition canceled the demonstrations against the government scheduled for the evening of May 15.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful


This is because the political views of the Slovak leaders directly determine the future direction of Slovakia, and the change in the person who speaks will undoubtedly affect Slovakia's view of Russia.

And once the West's goal of asking Slovakia to provide assistance for the Russian-Ukrainian war is achieved, it will be a lot of pressure on Russia.

Then there is the third suspicion, which is the mystery of the identity of the Assassin who attacked Fizo, the name of the assassin is Yuraj Sintura, a 71-year-old male.

Sintura's son said his father had shown signs to himself that he wanted to assassinate the prime minister, and that as an anti-war activist, Cingula hated violence.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Yuraj Sintura's credentials were exposed

The only thing that is known is that Sintura used to work for a private security company, so the possibility of Cyntura assassinating Fizzo due to personal vendetta can be ruled out.

Shortly after Fizo's attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Biden of the United States also strongly condemned the incident and wished Fizo a speedy recovery.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

Other media said that the attack may have been a warning to Slovakia and Fizo, and now Fizo has regained consciousness, and it is not yet known whether Slovakia will have a major political change because of this.

And this incident is also equivalent to a wake-up call to Vučić, Orban and other leaders who have openly opposed support for Ukraine, and no one can say whether the hegemonism of reckless militarism will be repeated.

Information sources:

The assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fizo highlights fierce divisions in the country, Interior Minister: We are on the "brink of civil war"——2024-05-16 14:27·

The Slovak prime minister was shot and out of danger; 71-year-old suspect's photo exposed——2024-05-16 08:42·Xiaoxiang Morning News.

The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful
The Slovak prime minister was shot before his visit to China, and there are three major suspicions behind it, and Vučić and others should be careful

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