
Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

author:Association for Science and Technology Channel

From May 18th to 19th, the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Paleozoology will hold a variety of popular science activities on the theme of paleontology for the public in the Chinese Museum of Paleontology.

Science Inquiry Curriculum

After completing the card puzzle and completing the stamping, visitors can redeem the activity participation card, and each set of stamps is limited to one activity exchange coupon; Visitors who collect 9 stamps on the day will receive a card and participate in a scientific inquiry course.

1. Dinosaur restoration and assembly science inquiry course

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

Under the guidance of the teacher, the participants restored a unique dinosaur skeleton model of their own and took the dinosaur home! Time: 10:00 a.m., May 18 Venue: Science Class at the Museum of Ancient Zoology of China: 20 people (recommended for children aged 5-10)

2. "Talking about Dinosaurs in the Year of the Dragon" hands-on activity

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

Do you know dinosaurs? How are dinosaurs classified? What are the world's best dinosaurs in China? After learning the basics of dinosaurs, participants can make a favorite "dinosaur" under the guidance of a teacher. Time: 14:00 p.m., May 18 Venue: Science Class of the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology: 20 people (recommended for children aged 3-6)

3. "China's first dragon" Xu's Lufeng dragon skeleton construction

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

The 1.7-meter-tall custom skeleton model allows young children to better assemble and learn the basic structure and taxonomic characteristics of the dinosaur skeleton of the original sauropod. Time: 10:00 a.m., May 19 Venue: Science Classroom at the Museum of Ancient Zoology of China: 15 (recommended for children aged 7-12)

4. Wilderness Sosei

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

Want to master a wilderness survival skill? How to make stone tools? How are stone tools used? Come to the Ancient Zoological Museum to see the stone tools! Here you can not only see the process of making stone tools with your own eyes, but also use stone tools to cut them yourself. Beware of the blades of the ancient times! Time: 14:00 p.m., May 19 Venue: Science Class at the Museum of Ancient Zoology of China: 10 people (recommended for children aged 7-12)

Dinosaur parade

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

A simulation model of the Chinese Raptor will parade around the museum over the weekend, taking visitors back to the Jurassic. The Chinese raptor was a large allosaurus that lived in the mid-to-late Jurassic period and was one of the largest predators on land at that time, about 166 million to 157 million years ago.

When: May 18 and May 19

9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m

Venue: Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Ancient Zoology of China

Public welfare explanation

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

Can't read fossils? Never mind! The docent of the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology will bring wonderful explanations to the audience, detailing the evolutionary journey of "from fish to man".

When: May 18 and May 19

10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m

Venue: Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Ancient Zoology of China

Graduate professional consultation and explanation

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

The Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology has specially arranged graduate students in the institute of paleontology to answer questions for the majority of senior paleontology enthusiasts. Time: May 18 & 19, 10:30 a.m., 14:30 p.m. Venue: Exhibition Hall of Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology

The little docent explains the exhibition hall

Activity Dynamics | Preview of activities of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology on the Public Science Day

The "Little Docent" training is a brand project of the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology, which makes full use of the resources of museums and research institutes to train a group of "little docents", and at the same time, it also provides a platform for young docents to systematically understand and learn paleontological knowledge and exercise their language skills. In this activity, participants will follow the professional introduction of the little docent and get a comprehensive understanding of the various exhibits in the ancient zoological museum. Time: May 18th and 19th, 11:00 a.m., 15:00 p.m., Venue: Exhibition Hall of Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology

The content is compiled from: WeChat public account of the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology

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