
The road of "butterfly change" in Xiajiabao Village

author:Jilin Rural Daily

Country business card

Xiajiabao Village, Lishu Town, Lishu County, covers an area of 4.6 square kilometers, with a total area of 412 hectares of cultivated land and 17 hectares of forest land. There are 560 farming households with a total population of 1,489. In 2020, it has achieved full coverage of safe drinking water, electricity, roads, cable TV, the Internet, and street lights. In 2021, Xiajiapu Village was rated as a Thousand Villages Demonstration Village.

In early summer, walking into Xiajiabao Village, Lishu Town, Lishu County, the air is fresh and comfortable, the roads are clean and tidy, the houses are scattered, every step is beautiful, everywhere is pleasant, in the strong "rural flavor", a beautiful rural picture shows in front of you——

The road of "butterfly change" in Xiajiabao Village

Create a "new look" and polish the "happy background"

To revitalize the countryside, the environment is the background.

Xiajiapu Village adheres to the guidance of planning, strengthens overall coordination, takes the improvement of human settlements as the entry point and starting point for promoting rural revitalization, promotes the construction of beautiful villages, and strives to achieve a great improvement in the "appearance" of the countryside and a great improvement in the happy life of the masses.

Walking into Xiajiapu Village, there is a plastic bucket in front of every few households to place domestic garbage, and at a fixed time, there will be cleaning staff to remove the garbage in the bucket. "The village has set up a public welfare post, equipped with two poverty alleviation households with the ability to work as cleaning personnel, and established and improved the village cleaning system, clarifying the work responsibilities of the cleaners, who are not only responsible for picking up white garbage, but also cleaning the village roads." Du Xuedong, secretary of the village party branch, introduced. Now, the villagers do not litter, and they also consciously develop environmental awareness and help the cleaning staff clean up together.

In order to improve the awareness and participation of villagers in environmental remediation, Xiajiapu Village has become a household name by using village loudspeakers, WeChat groups, issuing environmental protection proposals, and going to households. Call on the villagers to consciously become participants, builders and beneficiaries of building beautiful villages, and jointly fight the battle of improving the living environment.

The road of "butterfly change" in Xiajiabao Village

"The improvement of the living environment is a long-term task, in order to make the village environment good and the village beautiful, we have implemented the grid management system of the two village committees and the party members." Speaking of the renovation of the living environment in the village, Du Xuedong said that in recent years, we have greened, brightened and hardened the streets, and the village environment has taken on a new look, with both "face" and "lining", and made every effort to shape the "new look" of the rural living environment and polish the "happy background" of rural revitalization.

"There are many farmers in our village, and in the past, when it came to summer, the smell was bad." Villager Li Chunjiang said that now that the environment is better, life is more prosperous.

A courtyard is a landscape, and every house is strung together with beautiful countryside. In 2021, Xiajiapu Village was rated as a Thousand Villages Demonstration Village. In recent years, the village has taken the improvement of the rural living environment as a breakthrough and the creation of the "Thousand Village Demonstration" as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of rural revitalization, and a new countryside is booming with poetry and nostalgia.

The industry "cattle" is up, and there is a "Ben" head in the future

Industrial prosperity is the foundation and guarantee of rural revitalization.

In recent years, based on its own industrial advantages, Lishu County has vigorously developed the agricultural product processing industry, focusing on the construction of the "4+1" whole industrial chain of corn, beef cattle, broilers, pigs and modern green vegetable bases.

Walking into the cowshed of Gao Zhande's family, the "cattle broker" in Xiajiabao Village, it was clean and tidy, with bright hair and fat and strong flesh, and the cow cries of "moo, moo, moo" came and went.

The road of "butterfly change" in Xiajiabao Village

At noon, Gao Zhande pushed the spreading cart and skillfully poured the matched forage into the trough, and a sturdy Simmental beef cow leisurely ate a nutritious "lunch".

As a "cattle broker", Gao Zhande matches the villagers who buy and sell cattle in nearby villages, matches the two sides of the transaction, coordinates the price, and promotes the villagers' enthusiasm for breeding. Over the years, Gao Zhande has driven more than 20 households around the area to raise beef cattle, accelerated the large-scale process of the cattle industry and the transfer of rural labor, and broadened the channels for the masses to increase income.

"I raised cattle more than 30 years ago, and at that time, my family brewed 'small shochu' and fed the cattle with sake lees." Gao Zhande said, "At present, cattle are mainly fed with straw crushing, and the cow manure produced is treated with organic fertilizer by the manure treatment facility and returned to the field for use, so as to realize the green planting and breeding cycle and protect the black soil." ”

The number of cattle farmers in the village following Gao Zhande has been increasing, which has not only increased the income and strengthened the cattle breeding team, but also effectively improved the appearance of the village, and the momentum of rural revitalization and development is getting stronger and stronger.

The reporter learned that since the implementation of the "straw to meat" project, Lishu County has been based on the actual situation of the town and its own advantages, focusing on the development goal of thriving industry and rich people, actively responding to the policy, focusing on supporting breeding experts and large farmers, and giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of large farmers, so that the beef cattle breeding industry has become a leading industry for the healthy and sustainable development of agricultural and rural economy and the increase of farmers' income.

Catch the "chicken" and meet the richer life

Rural revitalization, industry must be done.

Over the years, relying on the advantages of resources, Xiajiapu Village has continuously optimized the industrial structure, actively innovated the breeding development model, seized the "chicken" encounter, and gradually developed the broiler breeding industry, driving the masses to increase their income and get rich, and boosting rural revitalization.

Walking into the chicken farm of villager Zhao Guiying's house, it is like entering a modern production workshop, where more than 20,000 laying hens are intensively raised and closed.

The road of "butterfly change" in Xiajiabao Village

Early in the morning, Zhao Guiying was busy, feeding the chickens, cleaning the chicken coop, and after checking the health status of each chicken, she began to pick up eggs again.

"My family is the first batch of laying hens in the village, with a history of more than 20 years, and currently has more than 20,000 eggs in stock, with a daily output of more than 2,000 pounds of eggs." Zhao Guiying said that she also led five villagers to raise laying hens, providing them with chicken seedlings, epidemic prevention and feed. This has also completely changed the pattern of "small, scattered and weak" production of laying hens in Xiajiabao Village in the past, and more villagers have increased their income and become rich through raising chickens.

"The price of eggs has fallen this year, but it has not affected sales." Zhao Guiying said, my family has an egg collection point, and you can sell it while sitting at home.

Liu Fengzhi, a villager who works on a chicken farm, said: "I earn 4,000 yuan a month. The work is easy, cleaning the chicken coop, feeding the chickens, picking up eggs. Close to home and able to take care of the family. ”

To implement the rural revitalization strategy, industrial prosperity is the focus. "If there is no industry in a village, it means that there is no sustainable and stable source of income, and we must find a way to build a rich industry for everyone." Du Xuedong said that in the next step, the two village committees will make a fuss based on the industry, rely on the superior resources of the village, vigorously develop the breeding industry, attract enterprises to station, absorb the participation of the masses, and walk out of a new road of development and prosperity.

Author: Jilin Rural Daily all-media reporter Hou Chunqiang

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Liyun