
The truth about running to lose weight: it's not just about losing fat

author:Yugong Fitness

What is the truth about running to lose weight? Is all we lose when we run fat? Let's talk about this topic today!

Running, as an aerobic exercise, does have a positive effect on weight loss. During running, our body consumes a lot of energy, and the main sources of these energy are glycogen and fat in the body.

The truth about running to lose weight: it's not just about losing fat

When we first start running, we first use glycogen and a very small amount of fat in the body as the main energy to maintain exercise. When the intensity and duration of subsequent running reach a certain level, about 30 minutes, the body will begin to accelerate the burning of fat for energy, so as to achieve the effect of weight loss.

However, it's important to note that while our runs are going on again, losing weight isn't just about losing fat.

During running, after about 40 minutes, with the continuous energy supply, the decomposition of sugar and fat burning gradually cannot meet the needs of exercise, and the body's muscle protein will also participate in the decomposition and consumption, so that a part of water and muscle will be lost.

The truth about running to lose weight: it's not just about losing fat

If we run incorrectly, such as exerting physical strength too early, or not eating enough calories, it is more likely to lead to muscle loss, which will seriously affect the health of the body.

The truth about running to lose weight: it's not just about losing fat

Therefore, in the process of weight loss running, we also need to control the exercise time and arrange the diet and nutrition reasonably, such as ensuring sufficient protein and nutrients to maintain the normal metabolism of the body and the growth of muscles.

In particular, it is not only fat that is lost during long runs, but also body water and muscle. Therefore, if you want to lose weight healthily and effectively, in addition to insisting on running, you also need to pay attention to your diet and nutrient intake to make your body more energetic.

The truth about running to lose weight: it's not just about losing fat