
"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

author:A small water in the countryside

Today is the ninth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, and the old people in the countryside say that "the wheat is not harvested, and the ninth day of the fourth month is seen in April". Let's take a look at the agricultural proverb.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

Open the calendar we will find that the ninth day of the first month of April is the "closed day", the mainland folk according to the "construction of the twelve gods" to choose auspicious, and the old saying "closed is not quite", the closed day belongs to the "underworld fierce day", in order to be auspicious, people in the marriage, funeral, moving, opening and other major events, generally will not choose to carry out on this day, although there is no scientific basis, but reflects the psychology of people's "good fortune and avoiding evil", we may as well abide by it.

Of course, for the peasants, the most concerned is the grain harvest, into the middle of April, means that the wheat harvest season is approaching, the peasants are hoping for smooth weather and bumper harvest. When the wheat is about to ripen, farmers are most afraid of strong winds or continuous rainy weather.

Strong winds will cause wheat lodging in patches, wheat lodging will not only affect the grain filling, but also affect the harvest of wheat, such as May 14 and May 15, there were winds of more than 11 in some areas of Henan in the mainland, and the wheat has almost been parallel to the ground, and the yield reduction can be said to be a foregone conclusion. If there is continuous rainy weather, then the wheat that has not been harvested will germinate and mold, which will eventually lead to a bumper wheat harvest and poor yield, so too much rainy weather when the wheat is about to mature is not expected to be seen by farmers.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

Today is the ninth day of the first month of April, there is an old saying in the rural areas of the mainland called "harvest wheat does not harvest wheat, see the ninth day of the first month in April", which is to say whether the harvest of wheat this year is good or not, then we look at the weather on the ninth day of April, according to the experience of our ancestors, the weather on the ninth day of April will affect the weather trend in the future, so what is the omen of the ninth day of April today? Let's see what the agricultural proverb says.

In January and April, the ninth day is sunny, and the wheat is full of warehouses

This agricultural proverb means that if it is a sunny day on the ninth day of the fourth lunar month, then according to the experience of our ancestors, this indicates that the wheat will be harvested, and the wheat harvest will fill the granary, which also indirectly indicates that the wheat is not prone to continuous rainy weather when it is about to ripen.

When the wheat is about to mature, farmers hope that the weather will be mainly sunny, and the sunny weather is conducive to the accumulation of photosynthetic products, and the wheat grain will be fuller, and the 1000-grain weight will be greatly increased.

Just as the agricultural proverb says "the ninth day of the fourth month of April, pigs and dogs do not eat black", the "black" here refers to sorghum, sorghum belongs to coarse grains, due to the poor taste, sorghum is generally used to make wine or feed livestock, this agricultural proverb means that if the weather is sunny on the ninth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, then it indicates that the harvest of wheat will be better, even if even the livestock at home have to eat, indicating a bumper harvest of wheat.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

In February and early April, the nine winds roared, and the mango seeds were empty

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is very simple, if there is a strong wind on the ninth day of the fourth month, then according to the experience of our ancestors, it indicates that when the wheat harvest is in the solar term of mangzhong, the wheat harvest will be relatively poor.

It is the time when the wheat is harvested in the north of the mainland, and the wheat is in the grain filling period on the ninth day of the fourth lunar month, and if it encounters windy weather at this time, the wheat may fall in patches, and the wheat harvest will be seriously affected.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

In March and April, the wheat was waterlogged

This agricultural proverb means that if it rains on the ninth day of the fourth lunar month, then according to the experience of our ancestors, it indicates that there will be a lot of rain in the future, and there may be continuous rainy weather, the wheat may be waterlogged, and when the wheat is harvested, we may have to cut the wheat in the water.

If there is continuous rainy weather during the wheat ripening season, it will not only affect the ripening and harvesting of wheat, but also affect the drying of wheat, and the risk of wheat germination and mold growth will increase, which is a phenomenon that farmers do not want to see.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

4. Nine rains in the first month of April, 45 days of storms

This agricultural proverb means that if it rains on the ninth day of the fourth month, then according to the experience of our ancestors, this indicates that there will be a lot of rain in the future, and the "45-day storm" here does not refer to 45 consecutive days of rain, but to the continuous rain in the future.

Tips: Ancient people's resistance to natural disasters is weak, modern agricultural technology is constantly developing, in the wheat filling period we can spray 400 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can not only improve the photosynthesis of plants (wheat grains will be more full), but also can greatly improve the resistance of wheat plants, such as lodging resistance, dry and hot wind resistance, disease and pest resistance, is very conducive to wheat high yield.

"Harvest wheat or not wheat, look at the ninth day of the first month in April", what is the sign of the ninth day of April today? Look at the agricultural proverb

In summary, according to the experience of our ancestors, the ninth day of the fourth month of April is "sunny but not rainy", and the ninth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar means that the wheat is about to ripen, if it rains on the ninth day of the fourth month, it indicates that there will be a lot of rain in the future, which is not conducive to the maturity and harvest of wheat. Of course, agricultural proverbs have a strong regional nature, and today's climate is completely different from ancient times, so we can refer to agricultural proverbs, but these agricultural proverbs are also warning us to pay more attention to weather changes, so as to arrange agricultural production reasonably.

Today, on the ninth day of April, what is the weather like there? Feel free to leave a message.