
In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

author:Bogutong is down today

It is hard to imagine that for the sake of a Jiang Qing, Comrade Chen Yun would have differences with other comrades of the Party Central Committee. Before Jiang Qing's trial in 1980, the central authorities held discussions on the issue of sentencing. Most people believed that the death penalty could be imposed on the leaders of the counter-revolution as an example. However, Chen Yun's view is different from everyone's.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

When he explained his reasons, looking back, one could not help but be impressed by his courage. What role did he play in the operation to crush the counter-revolutionary group? Why would he oppose the execution of Jiang Qing?

Deal with opinions and create differences

In 1976, as the operation to smash the counter-revolutionary group was well underway, Jiang Qing also went from an ambitious politician to a prisoner who lost his freedom.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Times are changing, and she can no longer be as arrogant and proud as she used to be, but unfortunately she does not have a clear understanding of the current situation.

In prison, she did not cooperate with the staff's censorship actions, and always regarded herself as the wife of the country's leader, but whenever it came to key information, she always prevaricated with the words "highly confidential".

Her beak was harder than a duck, and it was difficult for the staff to pry it open by all means.

At this time, Jiang Qing still had illusions, and always felt that her small gang had not completely failed. It wasn't until 1977 that things didn't get any better for her, and she finally despaired.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

According to insiders, Jiang Qing tried to commit suicide when he was detained in Qincheng Prison. She slammed her head against the wall, and when she sensed her intentions, the hard walls were replaced by rubber walls, and the patrols intensified their surveillance of her.

Self-termination was just a means for her to escape from reality, and it was impossible for her not to be afraid in the face of death.

With the collapse of the core members of the counter-revolutionary group, some of the reactionary elements implicated in them were also uprooted one after another. Now that the country's leaders have made up their minds to put things right, it is impossible to leave them with any chance of making a comeback.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Until her trial in 1980, Ms. Jiang's state in prison was volatile.

Sometimes, she can calm down, sit at her desk and read the newspaper, or write memoirs and articles. Sometimes, she would suddenly go crazy again, bang her head against the wall, eat toothpaste skin, and make trouble for the staff several times.

Every time Jiang Qing was interrogated, "The Interrogator" was faced with a wooden face.

She doesn't show too much outgoingness and takes an avoidant stance most of the time. It seems that as long as the matter is undecided, she has countless excuses to exonerate herself.

In the process of interrogating the counter-revolutionary groups and gathering evidence, the party and state leaders also had many other things to do.

Cracking down on counter-revolutionaries is one thing, adjusting the state policy and line and restoring the normal productive capacity of the state on the other.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, a turning point in China's development history, was held during this period. Vigorously grasping the productive forces is the common vision of the leaders and the common people, and taking economic construction as the center is also in line with the development needs of the current times in China.

In addition, the veteran revolutionaries and veteran comrades who were persecuted by Lin Biao, Jiang Qing and others should also be treated in the fairest way by history after the matter is investigated.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Some people can go back to the mountains, preside over work, and return to a normal rhythm of life. Some people have passed away and are unable to witness their innocence, so their families can only witness it.

No matter how many differences and disputes arise within the central government, Jiang Qing is always calm and calm. As long as the result of the trial is not out, she feels that she still has room for improvement.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Investigators have collected more and more evidence, and Jiang Qing's charges have become clearer. Towards 1980, the issue of sentencing for counter-revolutionary groups was also put on the agenda.

Whether it is a central organ or a local unit, most people are full of disgust and resentment when they mention Jiang Qing. This person took the lead in disrupting China's normal social order and attempted to usurp the party and usurp power, and his crime is unforgivable.

They believe that only by sentencing Jiang Qing to death can the hatred in the hearts of leading cadres and ordinary people be eliminated.

Especially those innocent cadres who were persecuted, only Jiang Qing's death can comfort the souls of these people in heaven.

It can be said that the imposition of the death penalty was already the trend of the times at that time, and it was also in line with the emotional direction of the public.

However, no one expected that at the critical moment, Comrade Chen Yun, who had always remained calm, would put forward completely different opinions.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

When everyone was in full swing because of Jiang Qing's handling method, he mostly remained silent, and only after thinking about it clearly and organizing the language did he clearly state his opinion.

It's just that his conclusion is unexpected, especially when compared to his performance in previous actions, his point of view is even more perverse.

Strong crushing, against the death penalty

Before completely smashing the "Gang of Four", Chen Yun's attitude was firm and strong in the face of this evil group.

In September 1976, at the beginning of Chairman Mao's death, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was hesitant to solve the "Gang of Four" problem. Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying, the two leaders, have also had many discussions because of this.

At that time, there were two roads before the Central Committee, the first of which was to exclude the members of the "Gang of Four" from the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in a legal and open manner by convening the Third Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee, and to take away their real power step by step.

This path is relatively smooth, less risky, and relatively smooth to implement, but there is also a high probability of failure.

The second way is to go all out and take special measures to isolate and censor the "Gang of Four" and restrict their personal freedom. As for what kind of special means, this will take time to debatable.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Faced with two choices, Ye Shuai felt that it was difficult to choose, so he thought of Comrade Chen Yun, who had been on the battlefield for a long time. He asked General Wang Zhen to convey his thoughts and invited Comrade Chen Yun to offer suggestions.

Comparing the two paths, there will always be one with a greater chance of winning, no matter how much risk needs to be taken in the process, Chen Yun will be inclined to that path.

He had repeatedly studied the list of the 10th Central Committee, and it seemed that he was soberly aware that Jiang Qing's ultimate goal was to empty the power of the Party Central Committee and push his own men and henchmen to core posts.

No matter how the list of the Central Committee is adjusted, as long as there is a glimmer of leeway, Jiang Qing is likely to continue to stir up trouble.

Therefore, Chen Yun believes that since you want to act, the more thorough the better.

On the night of October 1, he changed into his coat, lowered the brim of his hat, and secretly hid in the back seat of a car, trying to lower his body as much as possible to avoid attracting the attention of the "Gang of Four" eyeliner.

At this moment, whether it was him or other central leading cadres, Jiang Qing's people were all around the residence. If they make any disturbances, the counter-revolutionary clique may know about them in time and respond to them.

Therefore, Chen Yun rashly went out, seemingly impulsively, but in fact it was a rational behavior after assessing the risk.

He went to Ye Jianying's residence to visit in person, and there was only one core point, that is, the struggle with the "Gang of Four" was inevitable.

It can be said that the solution to the "Gang of Four" problem through special means was directly promoted by Chen Yun.

With Chen Yun's statement, Ye Jianying and Hua Guofeng no longer hesitated, but made every effort to carry out specific arrangements for the arrest of the "Gang of Four".

With the full cooperation of all parties, the Party Central Committee succeeded in pulling out this stubborn nail without wasting a single soldier or paying losses.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

How firm Chen Yun's attitude was at the beginning, how incomprehensible his opposition to Jiang Qing's execution was later.

It stands to reason that the old revolutionaries of the Party Central Committee have the same feelings for the "Gang of Four." They hated the group that almost tore down the roof, and they also grieved for their old comrades-in-arms who were persecuted.

It is precisely because of this that the execution of Jiang Qing is in line with human nature.

When the discussion could not be promoted, he even said: "If all the members of the Politburo unanimously agree to the death penalty for Jiang Qing, then I cannot change the result, but I want to note five words on the minutes of the meeting, and Chen Yun disagrees." ”

At that time, he really couldn't be understood, but by understanding his reasons and looking back at the past from God's perspective, people could understand his true intentions and admire him even more.

Intra-party struggle, grasp the scale

The "Gang of Four" aroused great public indignation, and when the masses of the people wrote letters to the central authorities, they also mentioned the issue of executing their clique members.

As a veteran comrade who has been tested for a long time, Chen Yun is fully able to understand the feelings of other comrades and the broad masses of the people, as well as their feelings.

However, as a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and as one of the leading cadres of the party and the state, he cannot but be responsible for his own work and the future and destiny of the country.

Before making a big decision, he must not first consider emotions, whether they are the emotions of the public or his own.

Weighing the pros and cons, clarifying right and wrong, and making the most appropriate decision in a limited space is what he should do.

He believes that although killing Jiang Qing can relieve everyone's hatred, it will not be beneficial to the development of the party and the country.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

The "Gang of Four" provoked contradictions, but in the final analysis, it was actually an intra-party dispute. The nature of this thing cannot rise and cannot rise. Since it is an intra-party struggle, it is necessary to use the Communist Party's way to solve the problem.

The imposition of capital punishment is not an effective form of resolving the struggle within the party. The slightest carelessness can easily cause some rebellious feelings, and even expand the situation, affecting the evaluation of old things by future generations.

Therefore, he was in favor of imposing a heavy sentence on Jiang Qing, but he was in no way in favor of imposing capital punishment, that is, carrying out the death penalty.

Looking back now, we have to admire Comrade Chen Yun's lofty pattern. His views can effectively stabilize the order within the party and stabilize the direction of the party and the country in the transitional stage.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Chen Yun's opinion was very resolute, and those comrades who were in favor of Jiang Qing's execution were equally resolute. The two sides could not convince each other, so they had to take a step back, and the final outcome of the trial was a compromise.

In 1980, the Special Court was formally opened, and several of the main culprits of the counter-revolutionary group were tried one after another. In 1981, the verdict was officially handed down, and the judge sentenced Jiang Qing to death with a two-year reprieve.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Since there is a reprieve, it means that there is room for relaxation. The decision to suspend also provided a prerequisite for Jiang Qing's later commutation of the sentence to life.

The verdict was recognized by people from all walks of life inside and outside the party, and did not arouse sensitive public opinion abroad, and was widely supported.

As Chen Yun himself said, at the critical stage of the country's transition and transformation, he adhered to a stiff style while being cautious and cautious, crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Only in this way will he, together with other comrades, be able to hold up our entire country steadily.

On the issue of promoting Comrade Xiaoping's comeback and on the issue of reversing unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, Chen Yundu has made quite powerful contributions. It is precisely because of his support that Deng Gong can show his strength and complete his strategic planning.

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Standing up at a critical moment, and retiring after completing the task, Chen Yun has never been associated with selfishness in his life.


Chen Yun's strong advocacy of sentencing Jiang Qing to a heavy sentence instead of the death penalty was not out of selfishness, but only out of his attitude of being responsible to the party and the state. In that turbulent period, if the Party Central Committee took a wrong step, the result was likely to be a catastrophe. He would rather bear the blame, the doubts and the stigma, but also walk firmly in the right direction.


People's Daily Online:

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Communist Party of China News Network:

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

Communist Party of China News Network:

In 1980, before the public trial, whether Jiang Qing should be executed, Chen Yun's words were admirable

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