
It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses


Domestic people have always had an obsession with buying a house, not only because the house can provide a stable living environment for everyone, but more importantly, whether it is into married life, or when it comes to children's education, including future pension and medical care, etc., are closely related to the house.

In addition, the investment value of houses has also made people more inclined to accumulate wealth by buying and hoarding houses in the past.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

However, when buying a house, there are also many particulars, such as the floor, the fourth and 14th floors have always been considered unlucky floors, causing many buyers to avoid these floors.

In fact, professionals think that it is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy these "3 floors", which are all standard poor houses.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses


Why many people are disgusted with the 4th and 14th floors

In fact, there is not much difference between the 4th floor, the 14th floor and the ordinary floor, and the reason why people are more reluctant to these two floors is mainly in the numbers.

Because these two numbers will make people have some bad thoughts and even make everyone think of some unlucky things.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses
It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

(1) The pronunciation of 四 (sì, shi) is very similar to "dead" (sǐ, shi). As a result, many people think that the fourth floor is an unlucky floor, because the word "death" is related to death, which may bring bad luck and misfortune.

(2) The pronunciation of the number "14" (yīsì) is similar to that of "一死" (yīsǐ, meaning that you will die) and is considered unlucky by many people.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

Because of this, many people will try their best to avoid things related to these two numbers in their lives, and even when buying a house, they will actively avoid using these numbers, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to themselves.

However, insiders think that in the process of buying a house, it is not the fourth and 14th floors that should be avoided, but the following three floors, because once you buy a residence on these three floors, the more you live in the future, the more upset you will be!

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses


Avoid the three floors, and the more you live, the more upset you become

1st floor: Clogged floors

In everyday life, the drainage system of a house is an important part of maintaining a comfortable living environment, and once a building's drainage pipe becomes blocked, it can cause a series of more serious problems.

In high-rise buildings, the floor with the highest probability of congestion is the second floor. This also has a lot to do with the design of current high-rise buildings.

Because in high-rise buildings, the first floor is generally set as an independent drainage layer, but the drainage of the second floor and above is borne by the second floor.

As a result of this design, the drainage system on the second floor may become clogged due to various reasons, such as pipe walls, which may become rough due to long-term deposition of dirt, and these dirt will accumulate to a certain extent, causing pipe blockage.

In addition, over time, the exhaust system will also deteriorate, which will lead to a decrease in the impact resistance of the pipes, which in turn will greatly increase the probability of clogging the sewer pipes.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

Once the drainage system is blocked, then the problem will almost be concentrated in the pipes on the second floor, in this case, there may be fecal water and sewage gushing out of the toilet and drain, which will cause great distress to the residents, not only affect the living experience of the residents, but also affect the health of the residents.

Therefore, whether it is a group that just needs to buy a house, or an improvement group, in terms of choosing a floor, it is still necessary to be aware of this potential risk, and try to avoid the second floor and the floor that is easy to block, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to your own residence in the future.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

The second floor: the channel steel layer with water seepage

The so-called "channel steel layer" is for construction safety, and I-beams used to fix the outer cantilevered scaffolding will be laid through the wall every few layers. Because after completion, these I-beams will be recycled and reused by the construction party in most cases, so when extracted, large and small "patches" will be left on the surface of the wall, that is, the traces left by the steel frame after passing through the wall at that time.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

Because the I-beam is embedded in the building, the weight of the scaffold is all pressed on the floor slab of the channel steel layer, which brings huge pressure to the floor slab of the channel steel layer. According to professionals, whether the external scaffolding project uses the traditional I-beam cantilever or the new beam side embedded cantilever, it will increase the risk of cracking and water leakage on the external wall or floor slab.

In other words, the biggest concern when buying a channel steel layer is whether these holes will leak water and crack the walls and floors.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

In fact, as long as the developer deals with these holes in accordance with the formal process, there will be no such problems.

However, there are always some construction units that cut corners, resulting in water damage to the structure and internal space around the channel steel layer, causing water leakage and dampness.

Therefore, when buying a house, one of the most reliable ways is to hire a professional home inspector or engineer to conduct a home inspection, they can inspect the structure of the house in detail, including the design and construction quality of the channel steel layer, the home inspector or engineer can identify any potential water seepage problems, provide professional advice, and inform the structural condition of the house;

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

Based on their assessment, they can better understand the potential problems and make informed home purchase decisions, and if they find water seepage, they must ask the building unit to repair it free of charge and make sure that there is no risk of leakage before purchasing.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

Here, I would like to give you a general reference rule to try to avoid buying a house with a channel steel layer.

Take every 5-6 layers as an example:

Channel layer calculation:

The total floor height is 6 floors, and the channel steel layer is 3 floors;

The total height is 11 floors, and the channel steel layer is 6 floors;

The total height is 17 floors, and the channel steel layer is 7 and 10 floors;

The total height is 27 floors, and the channel steel layer is 5, 10, 15 and 21 floors;

The total height is 33 floors, and the channel steel layer is 6, 12, 18 and 24 floors.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

3rd floor: The hot Nishito floor

The so-called western household refers to the type of house facing west. Generally speaking, there are 3 characteristics of the West Side Household:

(1) The sunshine time is too long: although the west side of the house has good lighting, but the west-facing house is also called the west sun, the afternoon sun is strong, and the indoor temperature is high under long-term irradiation. Especially in summer, the ultraviolet rays are strong in the afternoon, and the west-facing apartment facing the afternoon sun is easily damaged by the long-term ultraviolet rays, and the furniture is also easy to be damaged.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

(2) The problem of western exposure. The biggest problem for households in the west is the west. In the hot summer, the west façade may absorb a lot of sunlight heat, making the indoor temperature rise, which not only increases people's demand for air conditioning, but also increases people's living costs.

(3) The west wall of the side house is prone to water seepage. In the event of a rainstorm, the west wall may be washed away by rainwater, resulting in gradual damage to the wall structure and even water seepage. Once this happens, it will affect the dryness of the indoor environment, and it may also lead to corrosion of the walls, and even mold growth, which poses a great threat to the health of the occupants.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

However, in response to the seasonal changes in the side households and the problem of water seepage on the walls, insiders have also given several solutions:

(1) Wall insulation improvement:

Installation of external wall insulation layer: Installing insulation materials on the surface of the exterior wall, you can choose materials with good thermal insulation performance, such as polystyrene board, rock wool board, glass fiber cotton board, etc. These materials have a low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation properties, which can effectively reduce the heat transfer of building facades.

Replace insulated windows: Use double or triple insulated windows to increase window insulation and reduce heat loss.

Use shading measures: consider installing sunshades or blinds on windows; These shades can block sunlight when needed, reduce indoor temperatures, and provide a more comfortable living environment.

There is also the option of manual or motorized sunshades to adjust the inflow of sunlight as needed.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

(2) Indoor temperature regulation:

Install air conditioning and heating equipment: Choose energy-efficient air conditioning and heating equipment and adjust the indoor temperature according to the needs of the season.

Use insulated curtains: Install insulated curtains on windows to effectively block hot and cold air from the outside from entering the room.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

(3) Water seepage problem in the wall:

Exterior wall waterproofing: A layer of waterproof coating can be applied to the surface of the exterior wall to improve the waterproof performance of the wall. At the same time, regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out to prevent rainwater from penetrating.

Indoor moisture-proof measures: In addition to using a dehumidifier to remove moisture, maintaining good indoor ventilation every day can also reduce the possibility of water seepage on the wall.

It is better to buy the 4th and 14th floors than to buy the "3 floors", they are all standard poor people's houses

In short, compared to the 4th and 14th floors, it is best not to buy the above "3 floors", and once it is unavoidable, it is recommended to do a series of preventive work in the future to avoid getting into greater trouble.

Wan Ziwen said: Every word of the article was typed out by me, and I clicked "watching" to let me know that you are also "doing your best" for life.

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