
From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

After entering May, the pace of pension adjustment in 2024 will officially enter the critical stage of announcement, planning and implementation, which also indicates that a new round of pension adjustment will soon come.

In the context of annual adjustments, pension recalculation has also become the focus of everyone's attention. So why should pensions be recalculated? And which retirees will have their pensions recalculated? What changes will be brought about by the recalculation? Let's take a look:

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?


Why pension recalculation?

According to the requirements of the national pension adjustment, in fact, the annual pension adjustment is limited to the elderly who go through the retirement procedures and receive pension benefits before December 31 of the previous year. Most of the elderly who went through the retirement procedures after January 1 of that year will usher in pension recalculation.

In fact, why should the pension of the retired elderly be recalculated? It's really a question of guaranteeing fairness.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

According to the pension calculation formula, the pension of our retirees is linked to the average social wage of the previous year of retirement. But after all, it takes a certain amount of time for the average social wage of the previous year to be announced, and the time for the announcement of the average salary is generally in June and July, so the elderly who retired in the first half of the year often use the average salary of the previous year.

Once the full-caliber average salary or pension calculation base for the new year is announced, the pension of the elderly who have retired this year will need to be recalculated.

In other words, as long as the average salary is adjusted every year and the pension policy is raised, the pension treatment will be recalculated every year.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

1. Adjustment of the average social wage

In the process of calculating pensions, the average social wage is one of the factors in calculating pensions. If you retire in the first half of this year, then your pension is calculated using the average social wage of the previous year, and after the average social wage of the previous year is counted, the local government will recalculate and make up the difference in pension for the first half of the year.

For example, if you retire in March 2024, then when calculating and paying your pension, the average salary will be used in 2023, and the average salary in 2023 will not be counted until around July 2024, and after the statistics are out, the pension in the first half of 2024 will be recalculated, and then the pension of retirees will be refunded and undercompensated.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

2. Pension increases

As of the end of 2023, the mainland's pension has achieved 19 consecutive increases, and there is already news of a new round of pension increases this year, which also indicates that the pension will be raised 20 times in 2024.

So far, the mainland's pension increase has not been announced, but as time goes by, after the pension is announced, as long as eligible retirees can be recalculated and adjusted in this year's pension adjustment plan.

In addition, because of the special situation this year, there is another reason that will lead to the recalculation of pensions, and then look down.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

3. Recalculation of retirees

In fact, for the retired people of government institutions and institutions, the pensions issued in most areas are temporary advance pensions, which are issued in September 2014. The main reason is that the pension calculation method of the retired people is more complicated, and the pension treatment of the retired people in many regions has not been cashed, that in this year, the 10-year transition period has passed more than 9 years, and many regions will cash out the pension treatment of the retired people this year, then in this case, the local pension treatment of the retired people will be recalculated, and the difference in the pension will be repaid.

The above are the three reasons that lead to the recalculation of the pension and the repayment, if you meet the above conditions, then, your pension benefits will also usher in the recalculation and repayment.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?


Will I receive 3 sums of money if I meet the conditions?

In addition to the recalculation of pensions in some groups of people, in this pension recalculation group, some elderly people will receive three additional payments for their social security cards:

1. The monthly pension difference of some public institutions that have retired "middle-aged people" will be repaid

Before the pension is straightened out, the pension received by the retired person is calculated according to the old method, but after the pension is straightened out, the pension of the retired person will be calculated according to the comparison of the old and new methods, and the new method is higher than the old method, the higher the proportion of repayment, the difference between the monthly pension will be.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

2. The repayment of occupational pension for retirees of government agencies and institutions due to recalculation.

As a supplementary pension, the occupational pension is issued separately from the basic pension, and in many places, it is also repaid separately from the pension when it is reissued, and the time is not the same.

However, the amount of occupational annuity is not large, if it is a middle-aged person who retires early, the monthly occupational annuity may be two or three hundred yuan, even if it is reissued, it is generally a few hundred or thousands of yuan, and it is rarely able to tens of thousands of yuan.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

3. The difference between the basic pension and the transitional pension caused by the adjustment of the pension calculation base is repaid.

Since the annual pension calculation base will be adjusted according to factors such as the average social wage, it is necessary to recalculate and make up the difference in the pension of retirees in the current year.

From May, the pension of some retirees will be recalculated, and those who meet the conditions will receive 3 sums of money?

Finally, do you meet the conditions for receiving 3 sums of money, and how much can you receive?

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