
A good place to live, work and travel - the latest report from Bazhou District

author:China's Yangtze River

Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, uses the "Fengqiao Experience" to innovate and explore the work of "mass appeals", so that the people's urgency and sorrow can be effectively solved, and it is an effective path for the innovation of Chinese-style modern grassroots governance. "We will continue to improve the ability of grassroots governance, continue to start from the subtleties that the masses care about, attract more forces to participate, and accelerate the realization of a governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing." "Choose a new track for the industry, improve the development of new results, and make Bazhou a vibrant city near and far." Yu Bin, secretary of the district party committee, said.

Under the strong leadership of the new district party committee and government, we will take the doxxing of appeals as the starting point, the elimination of the stock of letters and visits as a breakthrough, the creation of a new mechanism as the overall control, the construction of a new pattern as the carrier, the people's satisfaction as the test yardstick, and the achievement of practical results as the goal, so as to promote the work to a higher level and promote the great development of the region, so as to transform gorgeously. Today's Bazhou District is a good place to live, work and travel.

Let's talk about livability first. "Overall planning, integration of urban and rural areas", urban and rural integration, a new look. The regional GDP took the lead in breaking the 20 billion yuan mark, with 399,000 mu of high-standard farmland and more than 900,000 mu of grain and oil sown annually.

Urban civilization has been significantly improved. 135 old residential areas were renovated, 11,000 households in dilapidated shantytowns were 900,000 square meters, 680,000 square meters of houses were returned, 28 main and secondary roads and 33 back alleys such as Bazhou Avenue and Nanyan Avenue were renovated, parks such as Wangwangshan Sports and Jinqiao Lake Wetland were built, 16,000 parking spaces were added, and 14 farmers' markets such as Qixing and Chengxi were renovated; The built-up area is 28 square kilometers, and the urbanization rate is 64.9%, an increase of 5.06% over 2016. The landscape belt of Jiangnan Binhe Road has been basically formed, with 110,000 square meters of new green space, and the greening rate has reached 38%; 33 new (re)built public toilets; 11 new parking lots and 5,097 parking spaces; renovate 34 back streets and alleys such as Nanmen Lane and Nanchi North Road; 141,000 square meters of illegal buildings were demolished. 100 public toilet signage was improved and 32 public toilets were repaired and renewed. Set up 100 new tidal parking spaces to solve the parking difficulties.

Rural revitalization is on the right track. All 114 impoverished villages have withdrawn, 81,679 impoverished people have been lifted out of poverty, the city has taken the lead in lifting itself out of poverty, relocating 32,730 impoverished people, renovating 128,000 dilapidated houses, and completing the planning and preparation of 22 township general plans and control regulations and 117 new practical villages. There are 5 provincial-level "100-town construction pilot towns" and 1 provincial-level "characteristic town", and 3 national-level health towns and 12 provincial-level health towns have been established. There are 32 provincial-level "Four Good Villages", 37 municipal-level "Four Good Villages", and 50 beautiful and happy new villages. To make up for the shortcomings of infrastructure, 1,832 kilometers of new (reconstructed) roads, 480 kilometers of household roads, and 209 rural centralized drinking water safety projects have fundamentally solved the difficulties of 78,400 poor people in traveling and drinking water. It was listed as a demonstration county (district) for the construction of a happy and beautiful new village in the province. There are 5 healthy townships, 25 healthy communities, and 100 healthy demonstration families, enhancing health awareness and optimizing the health environment.

Infrastructure upgrades. Bawan Expressway, South Ring Road, Batan Road, and Liangding Road were opened to traffic, and projects such as Hanbanan Railway and Cangba Expressway were promoted; 200 kilometers of county and township roads, 5,600 kilometers of rural roads, 100% coverage of organized villages, provincial-level "four good rural roads" demonstration counties, 150 kilometers of tourist roads from Bacheng to Nanyang, Tianxingqiao Huanhu Road, etc.; 31 sick and dangerous reservoirs were strengthened and reinforced; 120 kilometers of gas pipelines, 59,000 new users, 500 5G base stations, 100% communication coverage, and 100% optical fiber broadband coverage in administrative villages.

Balanced development of education. 5 primary and secondary schools such as 12 primary schools and Bazhong Guangzheng Experimental School, 12 new kindergartens, 107,000 square meters of new (reconstructed) school buildings, and 400 sets of teachers' turnover houses. Won the title of "National Compulsory Education Development Basically Balanced County (District)". increase financial security, and promote the construction of county-level medical and health sub-centers, close-knit urban medical groups, and township medical and health institutions; It has built 3 medical institutions integrating medical care and elderly care, 12 social elderly care service institutions, 8 home service stations, 90 day care centers, and 3 community elderly care service complexes.

It can really be said that the countryside scenery is picturesque, the city is suitable for settling down, the passage is smooth and convenient, the school is in front of the house, the medical resources are complete, and the living environment is around.

Let's talk about Yiye. How well the cadres do depends on whether the masses are satisfied.

"I've been coming to Bazhou District for several years to make Tujia cakes. Previously in South Pond, now Half Street. There is a large flow of people here and a good service environment. As long as people are not lazy, they are not afraid of not making money, I think it's good! Brother Wang, who came to Nanjiang County to start a business, said. Sister Zhang, a local lady who is in the fruit business together, also has the same feelings.

Boss Wang, who is engaged in the wholesale of daily groceries in Bazhong, Guang'an, said, "For more than 20 years, I have liked it very much and brought me wealth. Especially in recent years, it has changed a lot! My fellow is envious. ”

Boss Liu, who came to Jiangxi to do the door and window business, was even more endless, "The cadres in Bazhou are good, hospitable, warm and helpful, anyway, I have special feelings." Bazhou has good greenery and fresh air, which makes people feel very comfortable. Bazhou has a good service, and the matter of the child's transfer is deeply understood, and the person has not yet arrived to do it properly......"

Make real efforts for employment. Strive to build "Bashan Aunt", "Bashan Construction Engineering", "Bashan Chef", "Bashan Tour Guide", "Ba Shi Tea Art" and other "Ba" labor service brands, open entrepreneurship training courses, and provide projects, business guidance, entrepreneurial loans, policy consultation and other services. 9 large-scale job fairs were held, and more than 100 small-scale, mobile and roving recruitment activities were carried out to solve more than 10,000 jobs; carried out 6 special activities such as the "Spring Breeze Action", "supply and demand meet, two-way choice"; Deepening cooperation between the east and the west, there are 12 poverty alleviation workshops and workshops, and more than 300 people are employed at their doorsteps. 16 village-level industries were optimized, 31 new varieties and 39 new technologies were promoted, 140 science and technology demonstration households, 112 new agricultural entities, 150 new farmers were cultivated, and 5,000 practical skills were trained.

The public's reputation is due to the work of "mass appeals". None of the doxxing demands are missed. Districts, townships, and villages have set up centers (stations) for rapid handling of mass appeals at different levels, and co-located with comprehensive management, legal aid, and grid management. Through online "collection", mailbox "collection", questionnaire "collection", mass "mention", household "talk", research and "digging", etc., the "mass petition" was changed to "cadre petition", and there were 32,578 doxxing appeals. Improve the mechanism of integrated scheduling. Through regular joint meetings, coordinate and dispatch difficult demands across departments, industries, and jurisdictions. Set up a "red and black list" and strengthen the use of results. In the past three years, 188 cadres have been promoted in this work, accounting for 63% of the total. The resolution rate of doxxing appeals was 99.6%, and the number of petitions decreased by 57.5% year-on-year compared with 2020; The number of discipline inspection petitions decreased by 28% year-on-year; Online public opinion decreased by 76.3% year-on-year. The social reputation has been comprehensively improved. "The Great Doxxing of Mass Appeals" was rated as the city's "Top Ten Problem Solving Matters" and "Top Ten Innovative Breakthrough Measures", and was reported by the mainstream media more than 100 times, and was named "Advanced County (City, District) for Safe Construction in the Province", and Yu Bin, Secretary of the District Party Committee, was invited to the first "China Rural Revitalization Beijing Forum" and delivered a speech.

Only by taking the masses to heart will the masses remember you in their hearts.

Finally, we will introduce the best of yours. It has a long history, and has been established in Bazhou in the Northern Wei Dynasty for more than 1,900 years; The hometown of celebrities, the revolutionary pioneer Dong Xiuwu, the civilian educator Yan Yangchu, the Three Kingdoms Yan Yan, Prince Zhang Huai, the anti-gold hero Zong Ze and other models have been praised to this day; It is known as the "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art" and "the hometown of Chinese folk art", with 10 categories and 12 small intangible cultural heritages, and regional customs and operas such as dialects, comedies, and folk song adaptations are also quite popular; The red fertile soil, the creation of Tong, Nan and Ba as the center of the country's second largest Soviet area - Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area, gave birth to the Red Army spirit of "wisdom, courage and firmness, difficulty elimination and innovation, unity and struggle, and endless victory", there is the country's largest Red Army generals and marshal stele forest, there is Xiaoping inscribed the name of the museum "Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Museum", there is a bounded brand Red Army Martyrs Memorial Hall......

In-depth practice of the "two mountains" theory. 161 "scattered and polluted" enterprises were rectified. Eliminate heavily polluted weather, and the average annual rate of good air days is more than 95%. The river (lake) chief system has been fully implemented, and the "10-year fishing ban" has been orderly and effective. The forest coverage rate is 52.46%. It has successively won the titles of "China's Climate and Health Capital" and "National Forest City". For four consecutive years, it has reached the standard of "National Ambient Air Quality Standard City".

The huge natural oxygen tank is known as the "climate health capital of China". The forest coverage rate is 63%, the negative oxygen ions are 10,000 per cubic centimeter, and the air quality rate is 96.7%. It has built health and cultural tourism projects such as Tianma Mountain Forest Health Resort and Yunshang Qingshan, and 5 "Bashan B&Bs" such as "Xiangban Childhood" in Sushanping Village and "Chengshan Farmhouse" in Changtan River. Create 7 characteristic cultural tourism boutique routes, such as health and wellness vacation, meditation and retreat, cultural experience, food and medicine health preservation. Protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage such as "Bazhong Shadow Puppet Show", "Ascending Festival on the 16th Day of the First Lunar Month", "Zaolin Fishery" and "Baqu River Opera", continue to hold activities such as the Peach Blossom Festival of Shanshui Lake, the Qinba Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Tourism Festival, and the Sanjiang Dragon Boat Race Cultural Tourism Festival, and use activities such as the Bazhong Culture and Art Festival, "China Tourism Day" and "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" to promote the Bazhou cultural tourism brand. Guided by "strong agriculture, beautiful rural areas, and rich farmers", we will promote the "three districts of the same construction" in rural areas.

Advocate salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy mouth, bones, weight, and scientific diet; We will guide 53,000 households to improve water, toilets and stoves, and add 560 harmless garbage storage points.

The years have been stormy, and the hard work has been brilliant. With the goal of "refreshing, forging ahead, and happiness", and promoting the development of new quality productivity with the correct view of political performance, through the "three strong and three synchronous", "four major projects", "four breakthroughs" and "four major improvements", we will promote the revitalization and development of the old revolutionary area, the modern trade and logistics agglomeration area at the junction of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Chongqing, the cultural tourism and health care demonstration area in the suburbs of northeast Sichuan, and the city's green industrial development demonstration zone, and contribute to the construction of "three cities, two places and one hub".

The mountains are undulating, and the forests are boundless; Brand new buildings, thriving industries; Birds are flying, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing; Rivers and streams are crisscrossed, and ponds are dense; The smoke and waves are colorful, and the water and sky are blended...... The new Bazhou District is worthy of its name, the first good district, "Impression Bazhou", looking forward to guests from all over the world, come to sightseeing, investment, real estate and enjoy life, will live up to your expectations!

(The author Li Maofeng, a member of the Bazhong City and Bazhou District Writers Association, a member of the Bazhong Literary and Art Critics Association, a certified poet of China Poetry Network, a blue V poet, China Writers Network and China Poetry Network have collections of works, and his works include essays such as "Meet", "Summer Solstice Guangwu Mountain", "My Low Primary School" and other novels are scattered in "Sichuan Daily", "Sichuan View News", "Bazhong Evening News", "Sichuan Rural Daily", "Bazhong Radio and Television News", etc.) Among them, "College Students Break Up 76 Pairs of Doll Parents" won the first prize of the 2000 Sichuan Provincial News Award; "Meet" was shortlisted for 60 "Bazhong City 2020 Qiming Ophthalmology Cup My Poverty Alleviation Story", Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions "I Care About You the Most" Poverty Alleviation Collection Works Popularity Award, "Transmutation" won the "China Village" 2022 Essay Excellence Award, and "Father and Food" won the third prize of the 2023 National Literary Original Competition. This article was created on May 1-3, 2024, in Chunfengli, Chengdu)