
Man, learn to make yourself happy

author:Xiao Zhang, who lives every day

There is no standard for happiness, there is more than one way to be happy, and the days you like are good days.

I heard a friend say: You don't need to learn to make yourself happy, but you don't know how to regulate and stabilize your emotions at the beginning, you need to practice more, and having happiness is part of having a good life.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

1. Have the ability to adjust your mood.

When the weather is bad, you adjust your mood. When life doesn't go well, you adjust your mentality. As long as you can take care of your emotions, life will win more than half of it.

2. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world.

Don't take everything to heart, when we try not to worry about those insignificant things, there will be less burdens in our hearts, and the whole person will be much more relaxed.

Many things in life can be classified as idle things, and if you don't worry about these things, happiness will return.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

3. Learn to say no and live for yourself.

Don't be too well-behaved, you can refuse what you don't want to do, don't force what you can't do, and pretend not to hear if you don't like it.

Your life is not about pleasing everyone, but about being kind to yourself, don't always want to make a good impression in the hearts of others, don't feel any guilt, everyone has the right to choose to say no.

Fourth, listen less to other people's evaluations and care less.

As long as you have more contact with others, you will hear a lot of comments, some are pleasing to the ear, and naturally there are some that are not pleasing to the ear, it doesn't matter, others just say it casually, you don't pay too much attention to it, it will only affect your mood.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

5. Learn to affirm rather than deny yourself.

Everyone should affirm themselves, believe in themselves, seize their own shining points, focus on their strengths and favorite things, and in the process, they will find a lot of happiness.

6. Desire should not be ahead of ability.

Don't ignore this, how much anxiety in life is caused by expecting too much.

People are small, energy is limited, don't ask too much, don't want too strong, to recognize your own strength, to control your greed, do what you can, love the people you like, don't perfunctory others, don't wronged yourself, behave with your heart, don't seek perfection, just have no regrets.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

7. Treat everything in life as an experience.

Don't be anxious in advance, don't worry about the sky, don't think nonsense, don't complain, life is an experience, an experience, nothing more than to see the moves, build bridges when encountering water, open the road in the mountains, overcome thorns and thorns, survive the mountains and rivers, and will be able to willow banks and flowers.

8. Learn to make yourself happy and learn to please yourself.

People, come to this world, you have to live happily, one day less to live, happy is one day, unhappy is also one day, anyway, this day will pass, why not make yourself happy? He does not make pleasure in the world, but pleases himself.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

9. The heart is the foundation of everything.

The joys, sorrows, and sorrows of life are all determined by your own heart, and who and what you will meet is also determined by your own heart, and the heart is the root of everything, as well as the root of happiness and trouble.

Man, learn to make yourself happy

Live for yourself, reward yourself, affirm yourself, and learn to make yourself happy.