
"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

author:Weihai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism
"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Kunyu Mountain Food "Wild"

1. Wild game delicacies in the mountains one

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set
"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

The earth that has been sprinkled with drizzle,

A vibrant atmosphere,

Early summer has just arrived, and everything grows.

I always have to go to Kunyu Mountain,

Blowing the wind in the mountains,

Taste the flavor of the farmhouse,

Start a journey of food "wild",

Feel the game,

Aftertaste on the tip of the tongue.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set



The smart fairy spirit of Kunyu Mountain grows delicious wild game. Among them, there are many strange insects, and the insect feast is amazing, which is really the delicacy of Wendeng Kunyu Mountain!

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Most of the yellow bright, monkeys, grasshoppers, pine pupa, silkworm moths and scorpions in the insect banquet are brought by farmers from the mountains, and then processed to become a delicious insect feast.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set
"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

When you bite into it, the first bite is crispy, and you can clearly hear the "click" sound in your ears, and the second bite is full of burnt aroma.

It looks like an "abominable" insect, but once you eat it, it makes people want to stop, and the more you chew, the more fragrant the taste, so that the burnt crispy and crispy of the insect reaches the top of the flavor between the chewing of the lips and teeth.

The mouth is crispy, dry but not woody, which is the unique taste of grasshoppers, scorpions and other insects after their shells are burned; Chewy and sweet, this is the main flavor of clams and bee pupae after being cooked at high temperatures.



"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

May acacia flowers, Kunyu Mountain has opened the acacia flower mode, driving on the road does not know when to waft the fragrance of acacia flowers, for foodies, acacia flowers are not only beautiful or delicious.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

It is very special to make steamed bun stuffing with acacia flowers and meat, a mouthful of full spring taste, break open the fluffy and soft dough, the thick fragrance of acacia flowers comes to the face, and the fresh fragrance of the meat filling is fused together, the soup is rich, a mouthful of juice, and it is particularly enjoyable to eat.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

The local tiger dish is a hot dish, but it is particularly appetizing. This tiger dish is not the other "tiger dish", it is not the Northeast cold salad that we are familiar with, but the "tiger dish" that really grows in the mountains and wilderness of Kunyu Mountain in Wendeng.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Tiger vegetables are difficult to pick and prickly, the most is the experience of local farmers in the school, you need to boil water first, and then cold water to thorn, the tiger vegetables that have experienced a complex process have a flexible taste, fresh and salty taste but refreshing, and are the best choice to stimulate appetite before and after Futian.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

The pork belly is thin, the smell of oil is more prominent, the freshly processed bracken neutralizes the fat, and the excellent ratio of meat and vegetables is the best match with the freshly baked dumplings.



After every rain, the fungi of Kunyu Mountain are ready to go out in the dense mountain forest.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Compared with ordinary mushrooms, the porcini mushrooms of Kunyu Mountain have a more unique game, fried with leeks or green peppers, it is like a sponge, the soup is adsorbed, put in the mouth, and gently bite, as if drinking a mouthful of rich fresh soup.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Taste the farmer's banquet in Wendeng Kunyu Mountain is indispensable to come to a running pheasant stewed mushroom, the deliciousness of this dish is inseparable from the credit of hazel mushrooms, the meat is firm running pheasant and delicious hazel mushrooms after several hours of stewing, become soft and smooth, scoop a spoonful, even the soup with meat, a bite down the fatigue of the day will disappear, comfortable to the extreme.



May is the May of the sweet cherries of Kunyu Mountain, stained with the cool dew of the early morning, the bright loveliness, and the bright red fruits presented, smooth and full.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

"The wind curls in front of the oblique sun court, and thousands of pieces of green oil leak red beads", now the small cherries in Kunyu Mountain are ripe just right, and they are in the harvest period.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

Here, cherry trees are planted one after another, branches are connected, and the mountains are all over the field, and the mountain wind blows by, and the leaves are blowing, blowing a sea of cherries.

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set
"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

The round and full cherries swayed in the sun, shining dazzlingly, like a brilliant and precious red agate, no one can resist the temptation of this hanging branch.

This Saturday,

will usher in the Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival,

Bring the family this weekend,

Meet at Wendeng Kunyu Mountain,

Let's go to a "wild" food appointment!

Source: Wendeng Cultural Tourism

Review: Zhang Hua

"2024 Kunyu Mountain Cherry Festival" eats "wild" in the "Sea Fairy Mountain", and has its own set

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