
Happy to see the ancient health practice and young people "bond"

author:Health News
Happy to see the ancient health practice and young people "bond"


Xinhua News Agency recently reported that Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a traditional health care team composed of post-00 college students, and the team members are committed to studying ancient health exercises such as Mawangdui guidance and spreading traditional culture. It is of great significance to promote the integration of medical treatment and prevention.

Mawangdui Channeling Technique is one of the sports projects "Health Qigong" recognized by the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China. In addition to the Mawangdui channeling technique, ancient health exercises such as Yijin Jing, Wufowl Opera, and Baduanjin are also favored by many young people. Compared with modern fitness methods, these ancient health exercises are soothing, easy to learn and learn, and can not only play the functions of fitness, healing, and recuperation, but also relax the body and mind, cultivate sentiment, and stabilize emotions.

The rise of ancient health practices is inseparable from the support of national policies. The "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline clearly proposes to support the promotion of traditional ethnic and folk sports such as tai chi and fitness qigong. The "Opinions on Promoting the Inheritance, Innovation and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" requires that the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine health care and health care methods such as tai chi and fitness qigong (such as Baduanjin) should be vigorously popularized. At the same time, this is also inseparable from the help of colleges and universities. In order to cultivate more students' interest in traditional health exercises, many schools have offered courses on ancient health exercises. For example, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine listed Mawangdui Guiding Technique as a compulsory course in physical education, and established the Mawangdui Guiding Technique Club and the Five Poultry Opera Club; Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine offers TCM guidance courses throughout the school; Many colleges and universities in Ningxia have successively offered traditional sports courses such as Baduanjin......

At present, the prevalence of chronic diseases in mainland China is showing a trend of younger people. According to the Healthy China Action (2019-2030), the prevalence of hypertension among residents aged 18 and above was 25.2%, and dyslipidemia reached 40.4%, both showing an upward trend. Due to the fierce competition for study and work, the sub-health status of young people is also more obvious. Ancient health practices are widely disseminated and shared among young people, which is beneficial to changing the sub-health status of young people, improving their health level, and inheriting traditional culture.

In the past, there have been some people with ulterior motives who claim to be "qigong masters" and use superstition to amass money and harm the health of the masses. While disseminating traditional culture, we should pay attention to removing the false and retaining the true, insist on discriminating treatment and critical inheritance, so that the inheritance of ancient health practices will become a long-lasting trend.

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Happy to see the ancient health practice and young people "bond"

Text: Wang Shang (Media Person)

Editor: Guan Zhongyao

Proofreading: Ma Yang

Review: Qin Mingrui, Xu Bingnan

Happy to see the ancient health practice and young people "bond"
Happy to see the ancient health practice and young people "bond"

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