
The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


The alternation of day and night in nature seems to remind us of the importance of sleep in life. However, the different lengths of days and nights and the natural climate also have a direct impact on our sleep. In summer, the climate is hot, the days are long and the nights are short, people are easy to be angry, irritable, and often "tossing and turning" at night. Once you don't rest well, you will have no energy, dizziness, and dizziness the next day, which will greatly affect your work and study efficiency.

So going into the summer, getting a good night's sleep is a very important thing. First of all, try to avoid thinking too much about things before going to bed, which can make your mind restless. Try to let yourself go and not think about it. The décor in the bedroom should also be as neat and elegant as possible, not too messy, and try to keep yourself comfortable. At the same time, we can pair some foods that naturally help us sleep at dinner, so that we can adjust from many aspects to fall asleep faster and rest better.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

Eating according to the season is the wisdom we should follow at all times, so remember to arrange the food to help you sleep in the summer. Let's share with you 3 kinds, eat two ends in three days, clear your heart and calm your nerves, remove annoyances and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn.

Type 1: Forget worries grass

Forget worry grass is also our daily common daylily, its name is not called in vain, it contains a lot of lecithin, pineal gland, aspartine and phosphorus, etc., which helps to clear the mind and sleep peacefully. At the same time, it also contains amino acids, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium and other ingredients, which help to replenish nutrition, clear away heat and dampness, laxative and detoxify.

Recommended method: Stir-fried daylily

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

1. Daylily is generally stored as dry goods, take out an appropriate amount before cooking, soak it in cold water to soften, and it will be good for ten minutes. Then cut off the stiff stems and wash them further.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

2. Then prepare some more pork belly, rinse it with warm water first, then dry it and cut it into slices.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

3. Before stir-frying, boil some hot water, pour the daylily into it, cook for two minutes, and then remove the water.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

4. Put the pot directly after turning on the fire, heat it over high heat, pour the pork belly into it, first keep it standing and fry for a while, turn it when the fat precipitates some of it, until it is fried until it is browned, put ginger slices and green onions to fry the fragrance, and then add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and balsamic vinegar to the inside.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

5. After pouring the daylily into it, quickly fry it with the fat in the pot, then add a little salt, and continue to fry until it tastes, and then you can put it on a plate and take it out of the pot.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

Type 2: Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are the seeds of lotus and are food of the same origin as food and medicine. Its taste is slightly bitter, rich in choline, phospholipids, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other ions, which helps to regulate mood, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and it is also beneficial to our spleen, stomach and lungs. Summer is the season when lotus seeds grow, so eating more lotus seeds is also a reflection of eating in season.

Recommended method: Lotus seed pork heart soup

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

1. First of all, prepare some lotus seeds, lilies, and sand cucumbers, clean them separately, soak them and set aside.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

2. A small piece of pork heart, cut into thin slices, soak it in baking soda water for a while, and then change the water and wash it well. Put it in a pot, pour in wide water, ginger slices, then turn on the fire, until the impurities in it are boiled out, and then pick up and wash.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

3. Then put the pork heart into the stew pot, put lotus seeds and other ingredients into it, continue to add drinking water, and simmer for about two hours.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

4. Finally, add some wolfberries to the inside, stir evenly and simmer for five minutes, you can add a little salt to taste, and you can drink.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

Type 3: Milk

Milk is a must-have drink in almost every household, and it belongs to the tonic in people's eyes. It has long been a great source of protein and calcium. At the same time, it contains a lot of tryptophan, neuroactive peptide, magnesium and other ingredients that are good for sleep. So you can drink some milk or milk-based food an hour before bedtime.

Recommended method: Milk and red bean soup

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

1. Wash the appropriate amount of red beans and soak them in cold water for more than two hours, so that they will taste more sandy and glutinous when cooked. After turning on the heat, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and continue to cook for half an hour, cooking it through, preferably until it blooms.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

2. After the red beans are cooked, put a piece of brown sugar in it and stir it with a spoon in a circular motion until it completely melts into the soup.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn

3. Finally, pour the pure milk into the pot, immediately turn off the heat, and continue to stir well with a spoon to mix the soup with each other and enjoy. Sweet and fragrant, delicious and nourishing, it helps you sleep well.

The weather is hot and "tossing and turning", eat more of these 3 things, clear your heart and calm your nerves, and sleep in good spirits at dawn
The weather is hot, and "insomnia" has become a thing that often bothers people, so you might as well eat more of the 3 foods shared today to help you sleep. This article is the original of Little Jasmine's Gourmet Record, and it is not easy to code words, and it is strictly forbidden to plagiarize and carry bad self-media. Everyone is welcome to like, collect and retweet! Thank you for your support!