
"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


Time is unhurried, but it will never stop, the beginning of summer is coming to an end, and Xiaoman is coming as scheduled. In contrast, the small full season has a more summer flavor, when not only the temperature is higher, but the rain is more frequent, and it is one step closer to the truly difficult summer. At this time, the growth of crops has entered a critical period, and we need to prepare for a smooth summer.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

The so-called "summer disease-free three-point deficiency" is due to the fact that in the hot climate, the body consumes a lot, but the appetite is often relatively poor, which is easy to make the "income and expenditure" unbalanced. So the hotter it is, the more you have to know how to eat. In the small full season, all kinds of fruits, vegetables and other ingredients are on the market one after another, providing more choices for our "summer supplement". As the saying goes, "Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", so let's share with you 3 kinds of foods that are very delicious and seasonal in this season, which are not only delicious and delicious, but also full of nutrition and help us nourish our body.

No. 1 fresh: anchovies

I love Jiangnan Xiaomantian, the anchovy is chilled at the beginning. This is the praise of the ancients for anchovies, which enter the most delicious moment in the small full season. Its delicate bones and flesh are tender and delicious, which has made countless gentlemen and people crazy since ancient times, and is regarded as a "treasure in the water" by people. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, folic acid, as well as calcium, zinc, selenium and other ions, which help to replenish the stomach, promote appetite, clear heat and detoxify, protect the cardiovascular system, and strengthen bones. It can be described as a delicious and nutritious product.

Recommended method: Steamed anchovies

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

1. For a medium-sized anchovy, clean out all kinds of internal organs, wash thoroughly, and then drain and set aside. In addition, prepare two spoons of glutinous rice wine, green onion and ginger, and a little fresh meat and winter bamboo shoots.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

2. Soak the green onion and ginger in warm water for 20 minutes, you can squeeze out the juice of the two kinds first, then put the anchovy in it and soak it in the green onion and ginger juice for 20 minutes.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

3. Scoop up the anchovy and wipe it dry, put it on a plate, and pour glutinous rice wine over its surface. Then put the bamboo shoots and ham slices on the surface as well. Then drizzle with a little light soy sauce.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

4. First of all, add water to the pot and put the steaming drawer on high heat to boil, bring the anchovy in, continue to steam for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and bring it out after it is fully cooked.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

No. 2 fresh: lotus root

Lotus root is the homologous organ of lotus root, which is as transparent as jade, also a vegetable and medicine, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, crude fiber, as well as iron, calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic salts, which helps to nourish blood and qi, appetize healthy food, antioxidant, increase immunity, etc. Its taste is fresh and tender, very crisp to chew, and it is particularly delicious and greasy to eat on hot days.

Recommended method: Stir-fried pork with lotus root

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

1. Soak a handful of fresh lotus root ribbons in baking soda for a while, then rinse them several times to wash off all the dirt.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

2. Cut the lotus root ribbon into the shape of small cubes and put it in the water to further clean out the dirty things that may be in it.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

3. Cut a little fresh meat into small slices, put some cooking wine, green onion and ginger, mix well with light soy sauce, and marinate for 10 minutes.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

4. Heat the oil, when the oil is hot, slide the shredded meat into it, and quickly pull it a few times to change color. Continue to add a little garlic, ginger, rice, and millet pepper to enhance the flavor.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

5. Pour the lotus root into it, fry it quickly with the ingredients in the pot for about a minute, then add light soy sauce, chicken essence, a little salt, sugar and stir-fry quickly, put some sharp peppers and stir-fry well. Turn off the heat and pour in a spoonful of rice wine, continue to stir-fry well and then remove from the pan and put on a plate.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

No. 3 fresh: edamame

No edamame is not summer, and you can eat it from the beginning of summer. It is fresh and crisp, rich in protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other ions, which helps to replenish deficiency and relieve fatigue, relieve constipation, promote metabolism, and strengthen muscles and bones. Edamame can be stir-fried, can be boiled into soup, of course, the most classic way to eat is boiled, one bite to eat the taste of summer.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

1. First put the edamame in the drain basket, rinse it several times to wash out the dirt on the surface, and then soak it in salt water for a while to further sterilize.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

2. Scoop the edamame out of the water, put it in a large basin, sprinkle with salt, then put silicone gloves on your hands, and then start kneading the salt and edamame until the salt is easy, and let it stand for more than half an hour.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious

3. Then put the edamame in the pot, add wide water and start boiling, and continue to cook for 15 minutes after the water boils. Turn off the heat and eat it out of the pot, and the flavor is crispy and tender. The subtle saltiness brings out the flavor of the edamame. Of course, if you like to eat five-spiced food, you can also add star anise, bay leaves, peppercorns and other spices when cooking.

"Xiaoman tastes 3 fresh, and the long summer is not sick", what does it mean? On May 20th, Xiaoman, the season is delicious and delicious
When the season comes, remember to taste three fresh foods for your family: anchovies, lotus root, edamame, the taste of this season, but also the taste of early summer, delicious and seasonal, good for the body. This article is the original of Little Jasmine's Gourmet Record, and it is not easy to code words, and it is strictly forbidden to plagiarize and carry bad self-media. Everyone is welcome to like, collect and retweet! Thank you for your support!