
On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


It is often said that "long summers are long", which not only refers to the long summer, but also highlights the difficulty of summer. In fact, in folk tradition, people are also accustomed to call the dog days "long summer", which is the hottest time of the whole summer and even the year and is a test for everyone. In order to be able to survive the long summer smoothly, people must start from the beginning of summer, make reasonable adjustments, and take care of their bodies.

Xiaoman is already the second solar term of summer, one step closer to the long summer, and as the summer flavor gradually thickens, at this time it can already be clearly felt hot, and at the same time, after entering this solar term, the rainfall will also increase significantly, which means that the alternating test of high temperature and humid heat. Therefore, from this time on, we should pay more attention to the maintenance of the body, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, rest more, and keep up with the diet.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

The poor appetite of people on a hot day does not mean that they consume less, on the contrary, they must supplement more nutrients for the body to avoid a deficit in the body. However, the tonic must be under the premise of taboo in order to make up for the right food. Entering the Xiaoman solar term, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay a solid foundation for Changxia.

Eat 3 kinds

Sample 1: Peas

In early summer, fresh peas grow, fresh and green, soft and sweet. It is rich in protein, vitamin C, dietary fiber, carotene, choline and other ions such as calcium, copper and zinc, which helps to clear the liver and protect the eyes, replenish energy, detoxify and strengthen the body. It can be used for cooking or soup, and it is delicious and appetizing in various ways.

Recommended method: pea and shrimp puree cake

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

1. Prepare a bowl of green peas and wash them, pour them into boiling water and cook them for three to five minutes to cook them preliminarily.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

2. Prepare some fresh shrimp peeled out, grind into a puree in a food processor, then mix with carrots, eggs, add a little black pepper, salt, and stir all the ingredients well.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

3. After that, pour in the peas and stir them together with the mixture to distribute them evenly.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

4. Pour a little corn oil in a frying pan and heat it thoroughly, scoop a spoonful of the mixture into it, gently flatten it into the shape of a small cake, and then sear it over medium heat until it is set and shows a burnt yellow color.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

The second sample: bitter chrysanthemum

When your appetite is low, it is very appetizing to eat a little bitter dish, and bitter chrysanthemum is one of the few bitter leafy vegetables. It is refreshing, crisp and tender, and it is very simple and delicious to stir-fry cold and hot. In addition, it contains a large amount of chlorophyll, vitamins, niacin, alkaloids, as well as calcium, copper, iron, etc., which help to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, clear the heart and calm the nerves, detoxify and remove fire, etc.

Recommended method: Scrambled eggs with bitter chrysanthemum

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

1. Prepare a bitter chrysanthemum, cut off the roots, break the large leaves, wash it, and drain the water. Then chop some for easy stir-frying.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

2. Put the bitter chrysanthemum in a large bowl, knock in the eggs, add a little chopped green onion, white pepper, salt, then stir the egg mixture and mix it with it.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

3. Heat the cooking oil in the pot, pour the bitter chrysanthemum egg liquid into it, gradually solidify it from the bottom, turn it with a spatula, fry all the parts of the egg liquid into pieces, you can fry it for a little longer, the fragrance of the eggs will be stronger, and when the color begins to burn yellow, immediately turn off the heat and put it on the plate.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

Sample 3: Mushrooms

The weather is hot, and many people can't raise their appetite when they think of big fish and meat, so you can eat more mushrooms at this time. In contrast, it has a delicious and smooth taste and can be served cold or stir-fried. More importantly, the nutrients contained in it are not inferior to meat, the proportion of protein is even higher than that of pork, and it also contains a large number of vitamins, inorganic salts, etc., a proper nutritional library. It helps to promote metabolism, protect the heart, detoxify and strengthen muscles and bones, etc.

Recommended method: Stir-fried broccoli with mushrooms

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of mushrooms, first remove the large hard roots with scissors, and then tear them directly into small flowers by hand. Soak in salted water and rinse further.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

2. Boil the water, pour the mushrooms into it, stir a few times first, make it fully contact with the hot water, boil for about two minutes, pick up the foam after it appears, and rinse it further.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

3. Boil some more water in another pot, pour the broccoli into it, and blanch it until the color deepens and then remove it.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

4. Both ingredients rely on garlic flavor to enhance the fragrance, so put more, fry in oil until fragrant, pour in two dishes, add light soy sauce, salt, and a little vinegar, and simply fry until the flavor is in, and immediately put it out of the pot.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

Avoid 2 foods

1. Spicy food

Poor appetite in summer, although eating some spicy taste can help open the taste buds, but not too spicy, especially spicy food, it is easy to irritate our mouth, esophagus and stomach, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. At the same time, food that is too spicy is also easy to catch fire, which makes people irritable and uncomfortable.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer

2. Greasy food

When it is hot, not only is our appetite low, but our spleen and stomach are often weak, so we should eat light and refreshing foods that are easy to digest. Greasy food will increase the burden of digestion and metabolism, and excessive fat intake is not good for health. Therefore, it is said that you should avoid touching greasy food during the small full season.

On May 20th, Xiaoman, don't forget to be busy: eat 3 things, avoid 2 foods, and avoid mouths reasonably, so as to lay the foundation for a long summer
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