
Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness

author:Weicheng release

After the new crown epidemic was released, many people felt that their physique was not as good as before, some people were yang and yang, and some people had some post-new crown sequelae, and many families with children were tossed by various viruses and bacteria mycoplasma from the beginning of the year to the end of the year last year, and saw that the children's physique was getting worse and worse. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, these problems are mostly related to deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency, and yin deficiency, so in order to avoid falling into the previous predicament again this autumn and winter, it is necessary to make up for the deficiency in the summer, especially the deficiency of the spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

Yam is a good ingredient that is good at tonifying the deficiency of the spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness
Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness


Tonify the lungs

Yam into the lungs, can not only replenish the lungs, but also moisten the lungs and nourish yin.

Children who have experienced pneumonia and prolonged cough before will eventually hurt their qi, yin or yin.

People with insufficient lung qi are prone to colds, shortness of breath, fatigue, low voice, and wheezing when they move slightly, while people with lung yin deficiency are prone to dry cough, hoarseness, dry mouth and throat, and need to eat more yams to make up for the deficiency of the lungs.


50 grams of yams (20 grams of dried yam tablets or yam powder) per day should be halved within one year of age, and older children and adults can flexibly increase the amount.

Wash the yam, scrape off the fibrous roots of the epidermis, slice it, add clean water, (if it is a dried yam tablet, soak it for half an hour) boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes, you can drink, of course, the yam can also be eaten.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness

If it is accompanied by thin white phlegm, you can use barley and tangerine peel to boil water or porridge in yam to drink.

Cough and phlegm porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams of coix seeds, 50 grams of yam, 6~9 grams of tangerine peel, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Method: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and decoction the tangerine peel first, remove the slag and extract the juice, wash the coix seeds, yams, and japonica rice into the pot and cook the thick porridge with the tangerine peel juice.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness


Tonify the spleen

Yam into the spleen, can not only replenish the spleen, but also can replenish the spleen yin. Therefore, people with weak spleen and stomach, whether they are qi deficiency or yin deficiency, can use yam to replenish qi and nourish yin.

People with spleen qi deficiency mainly manifest themselves as poor digestion, eating less, abdominal distension (and aggravation after meals), loose or sticky stools or constipation, physical fatigue, fatigue, lack of energy, lazy speech, yellowish complexion, emaciation and other symptoms.

Spleen yin deficiency is mainly manifested as dry mouth and thirst, loss of appetite, abdominal distension and loose stools, easy fatigue and weakness, dull complexion, dry lips, red tongue and little lichen.

However, it should be noted that yam can be replenished, that is, it is added to it, but it is slimy when steamed, and it is also easy to stagnate qi and help dampness. People with spleen deficiency are prone to dampness, stagnation, and heat, so they need to match yam with other ingredients.

People with weak temper and heavy dampness can use yam with poria cocos, coix seeds, lotus seeds, etc., to make Sishen soup.

Shijin soup


Barley, lotus seeds, dried yam slices or yam powder, poria cocos, about 20 grams per flavor.

1. Soup: You can cook it alone, or you can add it to any other soup you want to cook and cook it together, because the taste of Sishen soup is sweet and bland, and it will not affect the taste of other soups.

2. Cooking porridge: When cooking porridge, cut the ingredients of Sishen soup into small cubes, and cook porridge with glutinous rice or rice, and stick to it for a long time.

People with weak temper and stagnation can use yam with chicken gold, hawthorn, malt, sulforaphane and so on.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness

Carrot yam inner golden soup


250g carrots, 30g of white yam (10g of dried yam slices or yam powder), 10~15g of chicken inner gold.

After washing and cutting the carrots and yams, boil them with the chicken and water, turn off the heat after 30 minutes, and drink.

People with weak spleen and dampness can use yam with red adzuki beans, poria cocos, coix seeds, etc.

If it is simply that the spleen is a little deficient, but there is no accumulated food, cold and dampness, dampness and heat, and the operation of the qi machine is also smooth, you can use yam boiling water alone to make up for it.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness


Tonify the kidneys

Kidney deficiency mainly includes kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, and kidney essence deficiency. Yam can not only replenish kidney qi and kidney yang, but also play a tonic role in kidney yin deficiency and kidney essence deficiency.

The symptoms of kidney yang deficiency are cold intolerance, accompanied by backache, cold intolerance in the waist, cold in the limbs, frequent urination, clear and long urine, and increased nocturia.

Kidney yin deficiency is mainly manifested by backache, hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, and insomnia.

Patients with insufficient kidney essence may have symptoms such as hair loss or premature graying of beard, loose teeth, forgetfulness, fatigue and so on.

If the kidney yang deficiency is more obvious, you can use yam with walnuts.

Yam walnut kidney porridge


100 grams of Chinese yam (40 grams of dried yam slices or yam powder), 20 grams of walnuts, 100 grams of japonica rice

Wash and slice the yam, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the yam, walnuts, and rice to the pot after the water boils, and add a little salt to taste after the porridge is cooked.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness

Both kidney yin deficiency and kidney essence deficiency can be paired with yam and black sesame seeds, which are good at filling in essence and marrow.

Black sesame yam porridge


100 grams of Chinese yam ((40 grams of dried yam slices or yam powder), 20 grams of black sesame seeds, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Wash the yam, put on gloves, scrape off the skin and cut it into small slices;

Wash the rice. Place in a pot and add plenty of water.

Bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes;

Put the yam and black sesame seeds into the pot, gently spread and continue to cook until the rice grains bloom and the yam is soft.

Children who often catch colds, experience pneumonia, and have a long cough need to use it to improve their physical fitness


There are many types of yams, and the best medicinal value is Huai Yam. "Shennong's Materia Medica" contains: "Yam is good in Henan Huaiqing. ”

Huai Yam, in ancient times, specifically referred to Huaiqing Mansion, is the yam species produced in Qinyang, Wenxian, and Boai in Jiaozuo, Henan Province, which is relatively better. The iron stick yam we often talk about is a kind of white yam.

You can use dried yam slices, powder made of yam slices or fresh white yam, but the amount of fresh white yam should be increased.

It is best to choose pure natural dried yam slices, such dried yam slices look a little yellowish or grayish-white, and there is no sour smell. And the ones that look very white and smell sour are all smoked with sulfur, so it is recommended not to choose.