
Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

author:Three-point moment

In the fast-paced modern life, many people often feel physically tired and lack of energy, which may be a sign of a lack of qi and blood. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi and blood are the cornerstones of maintaining good health and vitality, and that a lack of qi and blood may cause symptoms such as paleness, fatigue, and decreased sleep quality. Especially for us who are often busy, it is especially important to replenish qi and blood, because abundant qi and blood can not only improve the quality of life, but also help to resist aging and maintain youthful vitality.

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

So, how to effectively replenish qi and blood? Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that in addition to maintaining good lifestyle habits, dietary conditioning is a simple and effective method. In particular, some soups, because of their easy digestion and absorption, are ideal for replenishing qi and blood. By regularly consuming these carefully selected soups, you can help rejuvenate from the inside out, improve blood circulation, enhance skin radiance, and slow down aging.

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

In this article, we will introduce four soups that are particularly suitable for replenishing qi and nourishing blood, which are not only delicious, but also easy to obtain and easy to make. It is recommended to prepare these soups twice a week and drink them consistently, which will help to significantly improve the condition of qi and blood, so that you can feel noticeable changes in your body.

Recommended recipe 1: Stuffed dumplings with white fungus wine

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Tremella wine stuffed dumplings are not only sweet, but also very suitable for replenishing qi and nourishing blood, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with insufficient qi and blood. Tremella is rich in gum, which can moisturize the skin; Sake brewing, on the other hand, helps to promote blood circulation.

Main ingredients: white fungus, glutinous rice dumplings, wine, rock sugar

Here's how:

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Soak the white fungus in water in advance, tear it into small pieces, and remove the pedicle.

Put the soaked white fungus and an appropriate amount of water into a pot and cook over low heat until the white fungus is soft and glutinous.

Add the glutinous rice dumplings and continue to cook until the dumplings float.

Pour in an appropriate amount of liquor, add rock sugar to sweeten, and simmer for a few minutes over low heat to make the soup sticky.

After turning off the heat, it can be eaten after cooling slightly, which is not only a delicious dessert, but also a nourishing health product.

Recommended recipe 2: yam beef soup

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Yam beef soup is a nutritious soup, yam has a unique effect on nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the kidney, and beef is rich in protein, which can effectively replenish physical strength and enhance physical fitness.

Main ingredients: yam, beef, ginger slices, wolfberry

Here's how:

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Cut the beef into cubes and boil in water to remove the blood.

Put the beef, ginger slices, and enough water in a pressure cooker and cook quickly.

Peel and cut the yam into cubes and add to the pot when the beef is half-cooked.

Finally, add the goji berries and continue to cook until all ingredients are cooked through, season and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 3: Red date egg soup

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Jujube egg soup is a simple blood tonic for paleness, fatigue and weakness caused by lack of qi and blood, jujube is rich in vitamins and iron, and eggs are a good source of protein.

Main ingredients: red dates, eggs, wolfberries, water

Here's how:

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Wash and pit the red dates, put them in a pot with the goji berries, and add an appropriate amount of water.

Once the heat is boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer.

Once the eggs have been beaten, pour in slowly when the soup is about to cook, stirring quickly to combine.

Simmer until the eggs are cooked through, season and serve.

Recommended Recipe 4: Pork belly chicken chestnut soup

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Pork belly and chicken chestnut soup is a nourishing soup, pork belly and chicken are rich in high-quality protein, and chestnuts can provide energy, which has a good effect on restoring physical strength and nourishing blood.

Main ingredients: pork belly, local chicken, chestnuts, ginger slices

Here's how:

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

Clean the pork belly, cut into strips, and cut the chicken into cubes.

Remove the chestnuts and put them in the soup pot with the pork belly and local chicken.

Add an appropriate amount of water and ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.

Cook until the meat is soft and the chestnuts are cooked through, season and serve.

Traditional Chinese medicine advice: If you are deficient in qi and blood, drink more of these 4 bowls of soup, 2 times a week, to replenish qi, nourish blood and anti-aging!

These nourishing soups are not only delicious, but also help to nourish qi and blood, provide the nutritional support needed for middle-aged and elderly people, make your twice-weekly diet healthier, and have remarkable anti-aging effects, so that you can face every day full of energy!

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