
Long Qiang went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football

author:The world is Pu'an
Long Qiang went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football

On May 14, Long Qiang, vice governor of the state government and secretary of the Pu'an County Party Committee, went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football. County leaders Ma Xin and Zhou Zhi participated.

Long Qiang went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football

Long Qiang and his entourage successively came to Longxi Shiyan Primary School in Xicheng District, Dongcheng District National Experimental Middle School and Pu'an County No. 1 Middle School to inspect the campus football facilities on the spot, investigate and understand the teachers' teaching and students' daily training, and solve the problems and difficulties restricting the development of campus football on the spot.

Long Qiang stressed that all relevant departments and schools under the county should always adhere to the goal of running an education that satisfies the people, combined with the "double reduction" policy being implemented, take multiple measures and carry out football on a regular basis, continuously enhance students' physique, exercise and improve the comprehensive quality of students, and promote the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor. It is necessary to conscientiously plan as a whole, actively organize students to participate in more football events, exercise and cultivate students' sense of competition, cooperation spirit and strong perseverance, so that students can accumulate experience and improve their skills through football events, and better open up channels for self-"ascension" to achieve growth and success. It is necessary to pay attention to the daily maintenance and maintenance of facilities and equipment such as campus football fields, and extend the service life of facilities and equipment to the greatest extent under the premise of ensuring complete functions and safe use. It is necessary to continue to increase publicity, create a good atmosphere for participating in football and loving sports activities, and promote the high-quality development of campus football.

Long Qiang went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football

During the investigation, Long Qiang also visited and condoled the teaching police from the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the members of the graduate teaching support group of the Chinese People's Public Security University and the teachers of Longmen County, listened to their opinions and suggestions on better promoting the development of campus football, expressed his gratitude to them for rushing to Pu'an to support and promote the development of Pu'an education and sports, and also encouraged them to not forget their original intentions, work steadfastly, bring advanced education and teaching concepts to Pu'an, and promote the improvement of Pu'an education and teaching level. All relevant departments and schools under the county should do a good job in providing services, and do their best to give more care and care to the people's police, graduate students, and teachers who support education, so that they can give full play to their wisdom and talents and devote themselves to education and teaching.

Relevant departments of the county, Jiufeng Street, Chayuan Street, and relevant responsible comrades of schools involved participated in the investigation.

Source: Pu'an County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Liao Gaolin

Editor: Ma Jingjing Second review: Wang Shuangquan Third review: Sun Zhongzhong

Submission email: [email protected] Tel: 0859-7234012

Long Qiang went to some primary and secondary schools to investigate the development of campus football

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