
When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ People have poor hardness in middle age, a recipe to help you recover your strength, Zongjian will not fall and be happy every night!

Recently, many older fans and friends have asked me how to adjust the hardness difference of stubbornness? I have made all kinds of tonic for the kidneys but I feel that it doesn't work, what is the reason, how does Chinese medicine treat this disease, and what are the good ideas to regulate?

When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

For the body cavernosa is too weak and loses its flexibility, we should first bear the brunt of it, and should treat it from the liver, spleen and kidney. The kidneys are the main bones, the liver is the main tendons, the spleen is the main meat, and the spongy tendons are as tough as bones when you have ideas, and as loose as meat when you are quiet. It is not normal to get up when you should not get up, and it is also abnormal to always get up when you shouldn't, so we can enhance the flexibility of the corpora cavernosa by regulating the liver, spleen and kidneys.

When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

For this disease, we can't just go to tonic, but also remove some evil qi, such as some damp evils, such as some cold evils, such as some blood stasis. These evil qi often exist at the same time as good and void, and the lingering makes you always in a sub-healthy state. Many people have also tried their best to make up for it, but they still haven't gotten better, and to put it bluntly, they haven't handled the relationship between righteousness, weakness and evil. So it's not that Chinese medicine doesn't work to solve your problem, but that the symptoms are not right at all, and the wrong symptoms can only be treated without pain or itching, and the disease hangs here and always stagnates.

When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

Mr. Wang from Shandong, has had functional problems for more than a few years, and has made up for it many times in the past, and it is very reliable every time, but it doesn't work for himself, I don't know if it really doesn't work or he doesn't insist enough, because this disease makes him very unconfident, and he always thinks about this problem every day, and he can't be interested in anything. Symptoms:

1. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

2. The scrotum is moist, cold, and cannot be contracted

3. Oily skin, oily hair on the face and acne

4. Stool non-molding, viscosity

5. Frequent urination

6. Repressive personality

7. Alas sigh

8. The tongue is light, white and greasy, the groove is deep, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

Syndrome differentiation: deficiency of qi and blood, dampness and stasis

Treatment: replenish qi and blood, dissolve dampness and stasis

You can use yam, rehman, yam meat, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Danpi, Sichuan hyssop, cooked coix seed, boiled licorice, wolfberry fruit, dodder seed, raspberry, lotus leaf, centipede, lychee core, malt. He was instructed to eat a light diet, eat less sweets, big fish and meat, exercise appropriately, and go to bed before 10 o'clock every night. After a period of conditioning, the toughness of the sponge body is improved, just like ordinary people.

When people reach middle age, the hardness is poor, a recipe to help you recover your strength, and Zongjian will not fall and rejoice every night!

I've seen too many generous people, I can't tell the difference between the monarch and the minister, and the beauty says that his name and body are empty everywhere and need to be made up, often twenty or thirty kinds are mixed together like a machine gun hitting a rabbit, and the final result is only known if I try it. The road is simple, many times the disease is very pure, the cause and pathogenesis are very simple, but the complex is the human heart.