
The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

Recently, many fans and friends have asked a lot of questions: how can we lower the threshold of Jingguan, and how can we solve the problem of collapse at the touch of a button? After all, if the ability in this area is too poor, it will affect people's mood very much, and they will make themselves very anxious and irritable, and they will not dare to find a partner, nor dare they dare to think about the problem of marriage and children. For this question, can Chinese medicine be well regulated, and whether the symptoms are good or not?

The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is a weakness of yang qi and a dereliction of duty, and this astringency we refer to the astringency of the kidneys. However, many people will say that I have also taken all kinds of supplements for my kidneys, why is it still not getting better? When your kidneys are deficient, the spleen and stomach are also very weak, and the ability to accept and transport is greatly reduced, and no matter how good the tonic is, it will not help if you don't digest it. If you make up for it, you will have diarrhea, and if you make up for it, you will have loose stools, so if you want to make up for it, you must strengthen your spleen and stomach.

The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

In addition, we also need to pay attention to the problem of cold and dampness, and whether the problem of cold and dampness is handled well or not will affect whether your disease is good or not. For example, if you have symptoms of weakness very obviously, but you have dampness in the scrotum and the stool is not formed, you can't make up for it at this time, or you can adjust the problem of dampness on the basis of supplementation. It can also be said that for most people, the functional problems are often spleen and kidney deficiency, cold and dampness internal disturbance.

The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

Mr. Liu, from Chengdu, Sichuan, has been injured for many years, and later knew the harmfulness of this habit and slowly quit it, but the functional problems still did not improve, and he was also very anxious. Symptoms:

1. Weak tendons, easy to give up halfway

2. Backache and leg pain, intolerance to physical labor

3. Memory loss, easy to forget, easy to be in a daze

4. Hair is short and bald

5. Frequent urination bifurcation, dripping and inexhaustible

6. Poor appetite, poor food, unformed stools

7. Mentally exhausted, less breathless and lazy

8. The tongue is light, pale, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

Dialectic: Yang Qi is weak, and the essence is not kept

Treatment: Replenish yang qi and keep the essence pass

It can be used with atractylodes, astragalus, ginseng, yam, cornwood meat, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, danpi, hyssop, cinnamon, cooked coix seed, epimedium weed, centipede, dodder seed. Tell him to maintain a normal and peaceful state of mind, continue to adhere to the good habit of abstaining from color and eating lightly, eat small and frequent meals, and insist on anaerobic exercise. After a period of conditioning, the sensitivity of the cavernous body decreases, and the memory is enhanced, and the body can act freely and normally.

The object always leaks when you touch it? This small square is in tune with yin and yang, and it is very simple to be long-lasting

The reason why many people have heavy desires but turn away too quickly is because the body is in a state of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity due to the weakness of yang energy, and this nameless fire of excitement will always be high above your brain and make you restless. Therefore, only if the desire is good will it be reduced, and it will be like a normal person to live.