
Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

For many male friends, the most serious functional problem is nothing more than the body cavernosa is too weak, and there is no resilience at the critical moment, even if you use all kinds of methods to be invigorated, or even if you are excited, you will quickly turn back. For such a situation, it will get better quickly through the syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, after all, young people have a good foundation and have a strong ability to recover themselves.

Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

For most friends, if the tendons are weak and not used, the spleen and kidneys are too weak, and if there is a problem with the foundation of the sky, the yang energy of the body will be weak, and the yang energy will be weak, and the fire of life will not burn. When we want to act, the fire of the life gate needs to be burned, the yang energy is strong, the fire will burn the Zongjin will be tough and hard, and how long the firepower burns directly determines the state of Zongjin's persistence. Many people are indeed not weak and can barely be excited, but without too much yang support, the problem of excessive sensitivity of the cavernous body will occur.

Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

By greatly replenishing the yang qi of the spleen and kidney, you can be simplified, why do many people always get better? I always think that the body needs to be replenished everywhere, and it is very easy to appear twenty or thirty kinds of big squares, just like a machine gun hitting a rabbit, and the final result can be imagined. By attacking the spleen and kidneys, a little bit can drive the yang energy of the whole body to flourish.

Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

Mr. Li from Bengbu, Anhui Province, is weak and weak, unable to complete most of the time, unable to exalt, losing the quality that young people should have, and worrying all day long because of this disease. Symptoms:

1. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

2. Dizziness and tinnitus

3. God is weary

4. Be less angry and lazy

5. Poor stool and poor appetite

6. Poor memory, distracted in a daze

7. In winter, I am afraid of cold and wind, and my hands and feet are not warm

8. The tongue is light and fat, the tooth marks are heavy, and the pulse is sluggish and weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

Dialectic: Yang qi deficiency, cavernous body dystrophy

Treatment: replenish yang qi and nourish the tendons

Astragalus membranaceus, Atractylodes macrocephalus, Pseudostellaria radix, Yam, Cornwood meat, Rehmannia, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Danpi, Coix seed, cinnamon, licorice, dew honeycomb, dodder seed. He was instructed to insist on abstaining from sex, to be pure and have few desires, to live a full and regular life, and not to indulge in illness and not to be able to get out. After a period of conditioning, the tendons are tenacious and powerful, and the mental state is getting better and better, and Jingguan can be controlled freely.

Men add [hard] soup to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and they are invincible

If I want to quit sex, it doesn't mean that I don't have the bad habit of hand addiction on the surface, but don't be easily tempted, because as long as I move my heart, I will move my kidneys, and I can't keep my kidney qi if I don't have enough kidney. Therefore, for some friends who have been injured for many years, a little bit of heart will flow white, indicating that the yang energy is already very weak, and the history and frequency of sperm injury are also very high.