
Enjoy labor, happy life, and enjoy growth

author:The style of western Anhui

——A series of activities for the 2024 Labor Education Week of Mozitan Town Central School in Huoshan County

In order to study and implement the requirements of the "Implementation Opinions of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Anhui Provincial People's Government on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Universities, Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era" and the "Notice of the Anhui Provincial Department of Education on Organizing and Carrying out the 2024 Provincial Student Labor Education Publicity Week", the Central School of Mozitan Town, Huoshan County, will carry out a series of activities for the 2024 Labor Education Publicity Week with the theme of "Labor Creates a Happy Life".

First of all, create a strong atmosphere and create a pattern of labor education. Through class meetings and parents' meetings, the school allows parents and students to fully understand the connotation and significance of labor, stimulate students' enthusiasm for labor, and cultivate students' correct concept of labor.

Enjoy labor, happy life, and enjoy growth

Second, we should give full play to the resources of labor education and carry out practical activities. Students in grades 1-5 carry out weeding activities on campus, and students in grades 6-9 carry out campus sanitation and cleaning. Organize students to plant flowers and crops in the school's labor base, and let the class students claim the green plants, and take good care of the vegetables in the "responsibility field". Through these practical activities, students have learned a lot of labor knowledge and mastered basic labor skills, and in the process, everyone feels the hard work of labor, and also understands the value and significance of labor.

Enjoy labor, happy life, and enjoy growth

Thirdly, through the linkage between home and school, the depth of labor education should be broadened. Parents and students choose one or two regular household tasks, such as household tasks such as hygiene, nutritious cooking, storage and tidying, to build a warm home with their parents and promote the traditional virtues of hard work.

Finally, the school also organized a student volunteer activity of "small hands join hands with big hands, village cleaning together". Use the words and deeds of students to drive parents to actively participate in the village cleaning action, and influence a township through a student to drive a family and a school to create a good atmosphere for the whole people to participate in environmental improvement.

Enjoy labor, happy life, and enjoy growth

Labor can cultivate morality, increase intelligence, strengthen the body, and cultivate beauty, and has comprehensive educational value. In the next step, our school will take the "Student Labor Education Publicity Week" as an opportunity to further strengthen labor education, plant the seeds of labor in the hearts of students, cultivate correct labor awareness, develop good labor habits, improve labor ability, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. (Source: Central School of Mozitan Town, Huoshan County Photo: Wang Juan Preliminary Examination: Yu Fangjiang Review: Wang Yu Final Examination: Wang Xianwu)

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