
When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

author:Shuangqi Town Inn

Text丨Shuangqi Town Inn (We don't have much time in this earthly world, it's not worth wasting time trying to please those vulgar and despicable scoundrels!) )

Only a week later, a young woman in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, who had been honored as a grandmother at a young age, broke into her granddaughter's middle school with a loudspeaker, and used technical means to deafeningly insult her granddaughter's teacher for 20 minutes.

The filthy words that resounded throughout the campus during this period did not conform to her grandmother's glorious status, and also insulted the reputation of the female group - every word was not separated from the umbilicus.

In her insults, we can glimpse the selfish soul floating over the campus, the wings of the entire education ecology are about to break, and education is crawling on the ground like an old dog with a broken backbone, unable to breathe.

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

I can't imagine: if your parents become teachers, and your parents are wantonly abused by the parents of the students you teach, your parents are still enthusiastic, unencumbered, and like this group of students as always, like this kind of educational ecology, and work hard and painstakingly.

Teachers in this situation, if they do not be the "fork pole", "horse and bird" in the education ecology, but only be a "teacher who leaves school and does not think about the people in the school", Buddhism, and indifference, then he is already a rare good teacher in a special environment!

If you can rest in such a harsh environment, then, or you are a "fork pole", "horse and bird" in the education ecology, and you can grab many other benefits from the parents of students in the education ecology; Or maybe you're not mentally normal, a more masochistic than a masochist, right?

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

The young grandmother abused the teacher for no more than what she believed was a strained relationship between her granddaughter and the students in her class.

Reason for Magic! The relationship between her child and her school classmates is tense, is there any following possibility: first, her child's original family is the kind of violent and domineering family of origin, and the classmates in the school are not willing to accept the children who come out of this kind of original family; Second, except for her children, the other classmates have a problem with their original family atmosphere: they are affected by this realistic atmosphere with a strong commercial atmosphere, and they are affected by this realistic atmosphere full of the law of the law of the jungle and the beast.

In either case, you have to be sure that 90 percent of teachers (especially those with junior titles) are never going to intentionally lead and create such tensions!

On the contrary, the teacher group will only strive to educate the students to be good children who are kind to others, selfless, helpful, and motivated!

If someone must maliciously speculate about teachers, then, "If you want to add sin, why should you do it"? In line with the starting point of "no need to be suspicious, no suspicion in employing people", parents of students who maliciously speculate on teachers' behavior can choose good teachers for their children and find close friends. What good is this kind of behavior of holding a loudspeaker in public and wantonly insulting a teacher to his own children? Will it change the way teachers teach, or will it change the inner thinking of students in schools?

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

As a junior teacher with 26 years of front-line teaching experience, my peers and the group of parents who follow me know where I stand: I am not the kind of person who tries to cover the festering wounds in the education ecology! My position has always been objective and neutral!

Parents of students can insult teachers, but this kind of abuse should be limited to two aspects: first, careful investigation, when the evidence is conclusive, the individual teacher has done unspeakable dirty things to the individual student; Second, teachers are like businessmen who steal money from students and their parents.

If a teacher misbehaves in both of these areas, I support the group of parents of students abusive to the individual teacher – the relevant abuse directed at the conclusive individual, no problem at all!

However, allow me to illustrate the two phenomena mentioned above that can insult the teacher community: there must be very few teachers who do things to students who are three points below the umbilicus – there is no doubt about that! The teachers who grab money from students and their parents are often the "forks" and "horses and birds" in the teacher group - the specific characteristics are: senior title winners, backbone teachers, excellent teachers, famous teachers, this director, that director, this principal, that principal!

These teachers, not only the parents of the students are helpless, but also the honest teachers are also helpless!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

Putting aside the problems of "forks" and "horses and birds" in the slippery education ecology that students' parents can never capture, what kind of existence does the existence of students' parents look like in the current education ecology?

But any parent of a student, they don't care about the "Family Education Promotion Law" at all, they like to treat it as nothing; They don't care about the cultivation and maintenance of their original family atmosphere at all, they are full of the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle; They try to take advantage of the world, and they hope that everyone in the world should submit to the feet of their children!

It is also ridiculous to say that now these rabble of parents of students have actually contributed to the tragic emergence of bullying and bullying among minors: when they are responsible and honest teachers to discipline and punish those students with poor conduct on campus, they are always easy to be bewitched by the individual family members of these students with poor conduct, collectively stand on the opposite side of the teacher group, look at the jokes of the teacher group, talk about the crimes of the teacher group, and increase the amount with their hands, gloating!

Groups are never good at thinking, and there is nothing rational about them – this is an axiom of Group Psychology that cannot be refuted.

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

As if this time the student's grandmother rushed into the campus and insulted the teacher with a loudspeaker, I saw some comments from the parents of the students in the comment area of many related news: "Insulting the teacher? It should be, it deserves it! ”

Regarding the student's grandmother's insult to the teacher, because the wording of my previous related text was a little more intense, in the comment area of my text, there was no naked hatred of teachers and school hatred of education; However, there are some cover-ups, left-right comments about him mixed in, and the ugly performance continues.

For example, a netizen aggressively questioned me: The school management is so strict, and the security guard at the gate does not allow anyone outside the school to enter, how did this old lady with a tweeter enter the school so easily?!

What is the implication? Doesn't it imply that I'm lying, that I'm making up hot events?!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

Crowds are always easily seduced, and you really have to admit it!

Some of my fellow teachers were a little out of step under this kind of question-and-answer commentary, saying, "How can people stop people from entering the school when they have a valid reason?" ”

This answer seems to have caught the loophole of many rabble, pouting and baring their teeth, "What is the right reason?" You can say it! "It's normal for people to have doubts! "Blah blah

If you want me to say, what is the legitimate reason and what is not the legitimate reason, let me ask you one point: the sources of the regular media are overwhelming, can't you check the relevant reports of the regular media? The regular media has told you conclusively: the student's grandmother broke into the school with a loudspeaker!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

Could it be that your opinion is that the regular media, which often report on how unethical the teaching community, are lying at this time, simply because the details they report are not to your taste, and you have the right to choose not to believe them?

I, a junior teacher with 26 years of front-line teaching experience, have always been well-founded in the words I have coded over the years, and I am definitely not fictional!

As a teacher like me, who is not popular with the "fork boys", I clearly know that I have to avoid risks - if I fabricate some news, it is especially easy for people to retaliate against me!

In the face of the regular media reports, you all feel incredible, shouldn't you seriously reflect on it: Are the various behaviors of the parents of students now so bizarre that they are beyond comprehension?

Is there a strict management system for the guards at the school gate? The gatekeeper management system at the school gate is only strict for the parents of the students and the teachers of the school!

For those parents of students who are absolutely refined and egoistic, all kinds of management systems in the school can be trampled on by students' parents, and the management system at the school gate is really monolithic?

In addition, do you think that the security guards at the door who rely on "connections" for the elderly are supermen? No, they're nothing! They don't have enforcement powers, and parents are well aware of that!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

In each of the above sentences, which point did I say wrong?!

I can tell you bluntly: if this continues, the decade of teachers standing and kneeling on a high platform in a jet posture will be repeated! Our generals will ruin everything with pride!

Back to the incident at the beginning of the article - fortunately, in the thousands of chaos that have emerged, this matter has a result: the local "six doors" did something, and quickly sent the "grandmother" into a relatively closed environment for five days of reflection alone, but there was no fine.

This is not an online case, let alone a real case.

On the Internet, even during online classes during public health events where teachers and students do not meet each other, the mother was brazenly abused in the so-called home-school communication group just because the teacher criticized a student for not listening to the online class in time.

In the end, the student's parents were placed in a closed environment for 10 days and handed over Wu Baiyuan's punitive funds. She stood in front of the camera with a smile and apologized while wearing a mask, and the problem seemed to have disappeared.

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!
When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

That's all? No, do you remember the fact that a teacher in a landmark city in Henan Province was abused to death by a minor during an online class, and was only discovered many days after the incident?

If you notice this, if your family has also passed away in this way, you know how sinister minors and minors' families are now!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!

In the reality outside of the Internet, if you look at the comments under my text, you should be able to see such an example given by my fellow teachers: parents of students break into the school and abuse the teacher, and the teacher ignores it; The parents of the students began to beat the teacher, and the teacher was forced to fight back. But this time he fought back, so that the parents of the students found the target of "touching porcelain", and opened their mouths to ask for huge compensation!

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!


Again, Xunzi is not your child, but he is more far-sighted than yours! Xunzi said: The country will prosper, and it will be a valuable teacher and a heavy master. If you are a noble teacher and a master, the law will exist! The country will decline, and it will be light on the master and cheap. Light teacher and cheap master, people have fast! If people are fast, the law is bad!

In the face of the case of light teachers and cheap teaching, do you have a sense of dirty and dirty pleasure?

Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors! #头条创作挑战赛#

When a teacher is scolded, a group of people are eager to try! Those who deceive the teacher can also destroy the ancestors!