
Accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces and lay a new foundation for Chinese-style modernization

author:Zhen Theory

Text丨Chen Jiangsheng

Abstract: Chinese modernization is not aimed at certain groups of people or specific strata, but to achieve common prosperity for all people, and to make the lives of more than 1.4 billion people better and better, and no one will be left behind. This requires not only the creation of sufficient material wealth, but also the system that enables the broad masses of the people to truly enjoy the benefits brought about by social development and the technology required to realize this system.

"To realize socialist modernization and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most fundamental and urgent task is to further emancipate and develop the social productive forces." We must have a deep understanding of the fundamental role of the new quality productive forces in promoting Chinese-style modernization, and accelerate the formation of new-quality productive forces in the practice of Chinese-style modernization.

Accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces and lay a new foundation for Chinese-style modernization

In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we must increase innovation, cultivate and expand emerging industries, advance the layout and construction of future industries, and improve the modern industrial system. The picture shows the production workshop of Shenzhen Baoan Xinwangda Electronics Co., Ltd. Photo by Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reporter Liu Gang and correspondent Gao Shan

Modernization must be built on a solid material and technological foundation. We have seen that, on the one hand, for a long period of time, with the advancement of Chinese-style modernization, the productive forces have achieved sustained and rapid development, forming a material production capacity sufficient to support China's huge population to achieve an all-round well-off; On the other hand, the main contradiction in mainland society in the new era has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. We have reached the time when we need more new productive forces to further consolidate the material and technological foundation of Chinese-style modernization, so that we can continue to push Chinese-style modernization forward.

We should deeply study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply grasp its essence and essence, and earnestly understand the fundamental role of new quality productivity in Chinese-style modernization, "actively cultivate strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and enhance new momentum for development."

Deeply understand the fundamental role of new quality productivity

Unlike the modernization of any other country in the West, Chinese-style modernization is not the modernization of a small and medium-sized country with a population of one million or tens of millions, but the modernization of a large country with a population larger than the total population of the existing developed countries. This requires us not only to have material materials that can provide more than 1.4 billion people with food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, social security, etc., but also to have technologies that can meet people's needs for efficiency, convenience, fairness, and even self-esteem. These needs can no longer be effectively met by the expansion of the old productive forces, but can only be effectively met by the need for new quality productive forces to achieve an improvement in both the quantity and quality of the development of productive forces. Taking energy demand as an example, if we continue to rely mainly on coal power, even according to our per capita electricity demand today, it may be unsustainable. Not to mention, continue to grow to the level of per capita electricity consumption that the United States has today. Therefore, we must take the road of new energy, and we must develop new quality productivity.

Chinese modernization is not aimed at certain groups of people or specific strata, but to achieve common prosperity for all people, and to make the lives of more than 1.4 billion people better and better, so that no one is left behind. This requires not only the creation of sufficient material wealth, but also the system that enables the broad masses of the people to truly enjoy the benefits brought about by social development and the technology required to realize this system.

At the technical level, the original level of productivity and the corresponding technical means still need to be improved. In particular, after we have made historic achievements in eliminating absolute poverty and overall regional poverty, it is imperative to add new quality to the old productive forces and reform the old methods in order to effectively protect people's enthusiasm for creating wealth and effectively ensure that low-income groups can have basic public services and social security. Only with the addition of new quality productivity, the adoption of new technologies, and new and more popular education models, such as the promotion of digital technology, and the use of digital to empower education and production, can the whole society join the torrent of promoting social development and its own development; Only then can the distribution of social resources be more fair and reasonable, the gap between the rich and the poor will naturally be narrowed, and the beautiful vision of common prosperity will naturally unfold.

Material and spiritual prosperity are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and it is necessary to realize the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization. This requires us to continuously emancipate and develop the social productive forces to achieve great enrichment of material civilization, and at the same time to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization in society through a series of channels and measures, and not to allow the development of spiritual civilization to lag behind the development of material civilization. Only when the building of material and spiritual civilization is done well, the material and spiritual strength of the state is enhanced, and the material and spiritual lives of the people of all nationalities throughout the country are improved, can the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics advance smoothly.

The time to speed up the formation of new quality productive forces is not waiting for us

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, we have created abundant achievements in material and spiritual civilization, but it is no longer possible to support the simple expansion of the existing productive forces in order to do a good job in the "two combinations" and meet the higher demands of the masses of the people for their material and spiritual lives. Only with the addition of new qualitative productive forces, the realization of new and great developments in science and technology, such as the exponential increase of computing power to the revolutionary improvement of algorithms, and the new development of science and technology from the way energy is generated and used to the mode of human perception and perception, can we consolidate the material and technological foundation for the development of civilization and ensure the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization.

Realizing the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, while achieving economic development and social progress, and protecting the ecological environment on which people depend for survival is the proper meaning of Chinese modernization. However, under certain conditions of productive forces, there are often huge contradictions and conflicts between economic development and ecological and environmental protection, and without sufficient natural resources, it is impossible to realize the needs of economic development, and excessive extraction from nature will cause damage to the ecological environment, which is a reality that cannot be surpassed. The per capita cultivated land area of the mainland is less than 1/2 of the world average, and the land area with a high degree of livability accounts for only 19% of the mainland's land area. The per capita freshwater resources are only 1/4 of the world average, and the spatial and temporal distribution is extremely unbalanced. The per capita reserves of bulk minerals such as oil and gas, iron, and copper are far lower than the world average, and the dependence on foreign countries is high. The per capita forest area is only 1/5 of the world average, and nearly half of the timber is imported. If we take the old path of consuming a lot of resources and energy and wantonly destroying the ecological environment in exchange for economic development, it is not only inconsistent with the requirements of Chinese-style modernization, but also unsustainable and unworkable. And the idea of lying flat and not developing is also undesirable. Therefore, the only option is to focus on improving productivity conditions and promote the development of new production, circulation and consumption with low pollution, low energy consumption and green development. In other words, in the current and future period, whether it is to implement the concept of green development, promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, or rely on limited resources to continue to promote development, new quality productivity is the only and necessary choice.

We will never follow the old path of some countries to achieve modernization through war, colonization and plunder, but will take a new path of holding high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, seeking our own development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, and better safeguarding world peace and development through our own development. This requires us to be strong enough, and only when we are strong can we have the ability and confidence to safeguard world peace and development. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we have created one miracle after another in economic and social development, our economic strength and comprehensive national strength have been markedly enhanced, and our international status has been continuously enhanced.

At present, the world is facing major changes unseen in a century, and uncertainties have increased significantly, and the United States and the West are not only constantly suppressing the mainland, but also causing trouble around the world, provoking more and more conflicts. In order to ensure that Chinese-style modernization moves forward in accordance with our own ideas and along our own trajectory, we must enhance our ability to innovate in science and technology as soon as possible, firmly grasp the initiative of development in our own hands, and raise our ability to safeguard peace and development to a new height.

In the practice of Chinese-style modernization, we should speed up the formation of new quality productive forces

Chinese-style modernization is the result of the CPC leading the Chinese people in the practice of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the method of accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces must also be implemented in the practice of continuously promoting Chinese-style modernization. The formation and development of new quality productive forces should be adapted to local conditions, by strengthening the layout of national strategic scientific and technological forces, cultivating and expanding emerging industries, building ahead of time and laying out future industries, and using advanced technology to empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

"Firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions" requires us not to copy and copy in the process of developing new quality productivity, but to proceed from the actual situation of each locality, make good use of local resource endowment, industrial base, scientific research conditions, etc., and develop new quality productivity according to local economic and social conditions.

First, it is necessary to rely on the advantages of local resources to integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, enhance the added value of resources through scientific and technological innovation, and promote regional economic development and industrial upgrading; Second, it is necessary to stimulate the potential of data elements, through the collection, analysis and use of multi-source data, to understand the distribution of regional resources, industrial structure and market demand, etc., to achieve collaborative innovation with surrounding regions, and jointly develop general underlying technologies; Third, in the process of promoting the comprehensive deepening of reform, we should take into account the particularity and differentiation of various localities, maintain the combination of principle and flexibility, formulate corresponding measures according to the actual situation of each locality, and provide a suitable innovation environment and strong policy support for the development of local new quality productive forces.

"Strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength is the key path to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological power", which requires us to take the national strategic needs as the guide on the basis of adapting measures to local conditions in the process of developing new quality productive forces, gather forces to carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, and strengthen forward-looking, pilot, exploratory and disruptive technology research; It is necessary to deepen the regional cooperation of the industrial chain, give full play to the advantages of industrial resources in different regions through regional cooperation, and realize the complementary advantages of the industrial chain, so as to form a strong joint force for the development of new quality productivity; It is necessary to pay attention to the research and development of core technologies of emerging industries, based on the current national development strategy and industrial development foundation, lead the development of emerging industries through scientific and technological innovation, support innovation resources to be tilted towards leading enterprises in the industry, and promote the technology research and development of leading enterprises in the industry; It is necessary to plan the layout in advance in the fields of cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future networks, deep-sea aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, etc., and seize the new track of the development of new quality productivity.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that traditional industries are the foundation and lifeblood of national economic development, which is related to the stable development of the social economy, and it is necessary to further promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries with scientific and technological innovation. Only when the traditional industries are well developed and stabilized can we lay a solid foundation for the development of new productive forces. In the process of developing new quality productivity, we cannot ignore and abandon traditional industries, but insist on establishing first and then breaking down, bringing the old with the new, and actively promoting the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries.

First, based on the differentiated needs of different industries, we should accelerate the deep integration of information technology such as big data and 5G with traditional industries, and promote the intelligent development of traditional industries; Second, it is necessary to promote new industrialization, accurately grasp the basic laws of promoting new industrialization, actively promote the high-end development of traditional manufacturing industry, strengthen new technology innovation iteration, and accelerate the manufacturing industry to move towards the middle and high end of the value chain; Third, it is necessary to use advanced technology to strengthen the green and low-carbon development of traditional industries, deepen energy conservation and carbon reduction into the transformation of traditional industries, and promote the efficient recycling of resources.

Any new thing needs to go through a long process from generation, development to growth, and new quality productivity is no exception. Therefore, in the process of developing new quality productive forces, we must be patient, not in a hurry, and not give up halfway. On the one hand, it is necessary to actively develop venture capital. Give full play to the role of venture capital as a "catalyst" for scientific and technological innovation. The key to the development of new productive forces lies in innovation, and scientific and technological innovation requires a lot of financial support, and small and medium-sized enterprises, as an important subject of scientific and technological innovation, often face the dilemma of shortage of funds. Therefore, on the basis of respecting the laws of the market, it is necessary to create a policy and institutional environment conducive to the development of venture capital, so that more capital can flow into small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and cultivate a good soil for the development of new productive forces.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the patient capital. The development of new productive forces cannot be achieved overnight, so it is not feasible to rely on short-term capital that obtains returns and returns through fast entry and fast exit. It is necessary to provide a stable policy environment and legal guarantee for the formation of patient capital through the formulation and implementation of long-term development plans and strategies, guide more short-term capital to transform into patient capital, and provide a long-term stable and continuous capital supply and power support for the development of new quality productive forces.

"To realize socialist modernization and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most fundamental and urgent task is to further emancipate and develop the social productive forces." We must have a deep understanding of the fundamental role of the new quality productive forces in promoting Chinese-style modernization, and accelerate the formation of new-quality productive forces in the practice of Chinese-style modernization.

[The author is a professor at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Administration) and vice president of the Graduate School]

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