
Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

author:Palm Qujing

In the face of complicated and trivial grassroots political and legal work, he is not only the "commander" of grassroots social governance work, but also the "mediator" of contradictions and disputes, and the legal "waiter" of the masses. In dealing with the problems of "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the masses, he listened to the voices of the masses, responded to the concerns of the masses with a patient, sincere, careful and dedicated work attitude, solidly promoted the resolution of social contradictions and disputes, and made every effort to promote the construction of peace and rule of law. He is Xu Wankai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, member of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Comprehensive Management Office of Nagu Town, Huize County.

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony
Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

Be a good "commander" with heart and affection

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

As a member of the political and legal committee, Xu Wankai is well aware of the heavy responsibilities of the post and the arduous mission and tasks. He insisted on focusing his main work energies on the overall planning and coordination of political and legal work and the work of the center for comprehensive management of social security. Regularly convene the relevant principal responsible persons of the comprehensive management office, police stations, courts, judicial offices, etc., to study and implement the work arrangements and spirit of the meeting of the higher-level party committees and political and legal committees, and analyze and judge the security and stability situation in the jurisdiction, and strive to "raise the governor, inform the matter, and inform the situation". Under his leadership, Nagu Town highlighted the four keys of "investigation, accounting, processing, and cancellation", and set up 3 special law popularization teams with "technical specialization" and 1 "Homeinn" itinerant mediation team and 1 rule of law volunteer team, formulated the special action plan for solving people's worries and clearing the backlog of cases and the special action plan for popularizing the law to strengthen the foundation and make up for the shortcomings, and set up a village-level comprehensive management center workstation and conflict mediation center in 18 village (resident) committees, and selected and matched 18 full-time comprehensive management mediators. Focusing on the three links of "construction, management and use" of the grid team, we will improve the grid management mechanism of the "three bees" project of the grassroots service of municipal social governance, divide 1 town level grid, 18 village (community) level 2 grids, 256 village (resident) group unit level 3 grids, 1631 unit grids, equipped with 256 third-level grid members, 388 part-time grid members, 18 villages (communities) by 12 leaders, 67 village-based team members, 78 village team members, 72 village cadres are attached to 200 village groups, 402 party members are the head of the central household, 1,779 are the head of the household, and each head of the household is responsible for the work of the masses, and each head of the household contacts and guarantees 5-10 households, and the grassroots social governance system of the town is more sound, and the investigation and mediation of contradictions and disputes are organized, networked, positional, systematic, carrier, and fruitful.

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony
Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

Concentrate wisdom to be a good "mediator"

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

To maintain social harmony and order, we must be fair and law-abiding, and administer according to law. As a political and legal worker who has worked in procuratorial organs and discipline inspection and supervision organs for many years, Xu Wankai has always adhered to the rule of law as a basic working method, and insisted on carrying out work and coordinating matters in accordance with laws and regulations. When he first arrived at Ren Nagu's work, in the face of the complicated political and legal work at the grassroots level, in order to adapt to the work and promote the work as soon as possible, he took the "Regulations on the Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China" as the "mentor" of his work, conscientiously studied and comprehended the working methods, and strived to make the work ideas not only benchmark with the spirit of the superiors, but also connect with the actual situation at the grassroots level. In the resolution of contradictions and disputes, he actively learned and practiced the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, integrated the police station, court, comprehensive management office, anti-crime office, judicial office and 18 villages (communities) comprehensive management of social security, and comprehensively carried out "dragnet" investigation with units and villages as units, a total of 1,401 cases of various social contradictions and disputes, 1,287 cases of mediation and resolution, the dispute acceptance rate reached 100%, the success rate of mediation and resolution reached 91.86%, and the return visit rate reached 95%, and the total number of letters and visits in the town decreased significantly. The homicide rate and the number of juvenile crime cases are both zero, effectively promoting the implementation of work tasks such as petitioning and maintaining stability, public security management, legal services, and conflict resolution.

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony
Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

Improve quality and efficiency and be a good "waiter"

Looking for the most beautiful political and legal cadres and police丨Xu Wankai: Work hard to solve contradictions, perform duties and protect harmony

"No matter what case contradictions and disputes are handled, only by finding out the situation at the first time and digging out the demands of the masses and social relations can we play a good role as a staff assistant for the decision-making and deployment of the town party committee and government." Xu Wankai said. To this end, after he was transferred to work in Nagu Town, he immediately traveled to 16 villages in 2 communities of Nagu to understand and familiarize himself with the actual situation of each village (community). In the work of popularizing the law, he took the initiative to focus on the key areas, key objects, and key places in the town, and adopted the methods of "explaining the law with cases", "popularizing the law with cases", "face-to-face" and "one-to-one" to carry out legal popularization publicity, and held 36 legal literary and artistic activities. Through the observation of courts, mass meetings, fire pond meetings, bench meetings and other forms, more than 60 sessions of law popularization publicity and education have been carried out, more than 20,000 copies of publicity materials have been distributed, more than 40,000 people have been educated, and a total of more than 15,900 people who know the law and reason have been trained, and 2,200 demonstration households have been cultivated.

The edge of the sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. As a grassroots political and legal cadre, Xu Wankai has always treated his work with a high sense of responsibility and professionalism, adhered to the concept of "grasping comprehensive management, ensuring safety, and promoting development", earnestly performed his job responsibilities, pioneered and innovated work measures, and contributed his strength to the peace and stability and economic and social development of Nagu Town.