
Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer

author:Palm Qujing
Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer
Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer

Dog days are a general term for the first, middle, and last volts, and are the hottest periods of the year. Dog days occur between the summer and the beginning of autumn, and are the hottest and humid days of the year. According to the rules of the ancient Ganzhi calendar on the mainland, the three volts are divided into three stages: the beginning, the middle and the end, and each stage has its own special meaning. Dog times

Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer

The time of the first ambush is generally from the middle of July to the end of July in the solar calendar, and the specific time is fixed as 10 days. These 10 days are from the third Geng day after the summer solstice, and are divided according to the correspondence of the heavenly and earthly branches, and the ten days before this Geng day are counted as the first day.

The duration of the volt is generally 20 days, because the volt is divided into three stages, but it is not every year. In some years, there is no middle volt, that is to say, the middle volt is or there is no year, and only in the year with more Geng days does there exist.

The time of the end of the year is generally the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn in early August, and the usual date is at the end of early August or the beginning of mid-August.

The dog days of 2024 start on July 15 and last until August 23, for a total of 40 days.

First Days: Starts on July 15 and ends on July 24.

Mid-volcan: After the first volcane, it starts on July 25 and lasts until August 13, a total of 20 days.

Last Fushi: The last is Suofushi, which starts on August 14 and ends on August 23.

Dog Dog Notes

Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer
Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer

Dog days are the hottest time of the year, and Qujing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine warmly reminds you to do these things in advance and spend the summer comfortably to avoid heat stroke and other health problems.

1. Diet and health

Avoid too greasy, spicy, salty, and sweet foods, and focus on light and easy to digest. It is recommended to eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods such as tofu, chicken, fish, etc. At the same time, you can drink some Huoxiang Zhengqi water or light salt water in moderation to help beat the heat.

2. Living and health

During the dog days, you should avoid wearing too much or too thick clothing to avoid affecting heat dissipation. It is advisable to choose lightweight, breathable clothing, such as cotton, linen, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping the body dry and avoiding being in a humid environment for long periods of time.

3. Exercise health

During the dog days, excessive strenuous exercise should be avoided and some light exercises such as walking, jogging, etc. should be chosen. These exercises can help the body sweat, boost metabolism, and enhance physical fitness.

Prevent heat stroke and cool down

In hot weather, it is necessary to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, keep indoor ventilation good, and turn on air conditioners or fans appropriately. At the same time, you should pay attention to replenishing water, don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water, you can drink some herbal tea or mung bean soup and other cool drinks.

Woo Healthy Living

Maintain a good sleep schedule and get enough sleep. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a good attitude and avoid excessive mood swings. If you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention promptly.

Popular science: Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer

As the old saying goes, "Raise three nines in winter, and raise three dogs in summer"

Dog days are the hottest phase of the year and the most important time of the year for wellness

May all the big friends and children be able to do it this summer

Spend time in good health and comfort!