
Customized construction of industrial parks, enterprises "move in" This Nansha state-owned enterprise said that there will be surprises next......

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Customized construction of industrial parks, enterprises "move in" This Nansha state-owned enterprise said that there will be surprises next......

Aerial photography of Nansha Shuju Building

Customized construction of industrial parks, enterprises "move in" This Nansha state-owned enterprise said that there will be surprises next......

Renderings of Xinxin Industrial Park of Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center

Customized construction of industrial parks, enterprises "move in" This Nansha state-owned enterprise said that there will be surprises next......

Renderings of the R&D and production project of the intelligent driving and riding control system.

Written by / Nandu Chuangxiang Bay Area reporter Zheng Yunan

The spring tide is surging and urging people to forge ahead. In the first quarter of 2024, there was good news from a number of projects in Nansha District, and Guangzhou Nansha Development and Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nansha Development and Construction Group"), a state-owned enterprise deeply engaged in Nansha, also sounded the "charge" for a new round of high-quality development.

In the past year, Nansha Development and Construction Group has closely focused on the theme of high-quality development, anchored the work goals, and made positive progress in a series of major projects and key projects. Eight key projects, including Nansha Futures Financial Industrial Park, Yuanzhu New Town, Zhujiang Street Yichong, and Hengli Island Plot, have started construction smoothly, and strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and other industries have gradually gathered into a trend, helping to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and effectively playing a leading role in promoting regional economic development. Under the special circumstance of less than one month of actual trial operation and drill, the service guarantee work of the 20th anniversary annual meeting of the International Financial Forum (IFF) was successfully completed, showing the beautiful image of Nansha to friends at home and abroad.......

Based on strategic positioning, strengthening industries, improving capabilities, promoting transformation, and stabilizing growth, the builders are racing against time and working hard to spell out the "spring" of project construction, and be a good leader in the journey of promoting the new development of Nansha.

Anchor the "Xinchen Sea" and lay out the "1+4+N" industrial pattern

The R&D and production project of intelligent driving and riding control system (Phase I) is the layout of Guangzhou Nansha Science and Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nansha Production and Development Company"), a subsidiary of Nansha Construction Group, to lay out "1+4+N" (that is, "1 center": Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center; "4 platforms": R&D platform, incubation platform, investment platform and service platform; "N parks": multiple industrial parks. One of the industrial structures.

The project will officially start in September 2023 and is expected to be delivered in the first phase within 230 days. Wang Mingjun, deputy general manager of Nansha Development and Construction Group, introduced, "From the beginning of the company's intention to settle down, the team intervened in advance to understand the demand for factory land, communicated the design drawings, and achieved 'starting construction when the land is handed over', without delaying a day." We customize according to customer needs, even if it is a manufacturing enterprise, it can basically realize the move-in. ”

In fact, this is not the first customized construction case of Nansha Industrial Development Company. Wang Mingjun was most impressed by the Zhongke Aerospace Flight Technology Industrialization Base located in Dagang Town, which is an innovative measure to successfully apply the "land delivery and construction" model of Nansha engineering construction project approval reform, and is also a representative work of the company's business transformation and upgrading.

In order to allow manufacturing enterprises that need large factories and large industrial facilities to be put into production quickly as soon as they come to Nansha, Nansha has innovatively implemented customized construction of industrial parks, so that manufacturing enterprises can also "move in". Wang Mingjun said that with the continuous optimization of the business environment in Nansha District, it is believed that more and more engineering construction projects will enjoy the real benefits of reform.

It is understood that customized construction is guided by the needs of project users, tailor-made construction content and construction scale, so as to achieve a complete fit between the carrier space and the production process, so that the production space is just right, the production environment is satisfactory, and the production efficiency is doubled. "The application of this model can shorten the construction period of the project plant, and the pace of enterprise production will also be accelerated." Not only that, Nansha Industrial Development Company also provides one-stop convenient services for project users in terms of company establishment (office), construction management, consulting services, transitional residence, etc.

In June 2022, the headquarters of Zhongke Aerospace Co., Ltd., the user of the Zhongke Aerospace Flight Technology Industrialization Base project, moved to Nansha, Guangzhou, and since the delivery of the project, three "Nansha made" rockets have been successfully launched into space. The relevant person in charge said that Nansha has basic advantages in artificial intelligence, semiconductors and integrated circuits and other industries, so that Zhongke Aerospace can better cooperate with outstanding private enterprises here, so that rocket R&D and production can develop from relatively closed military manufacturing to mature commercial aerospace industry.

Anchoring the industrial layout of "Xinchen Sea", in November 2023, Nansha Industrial Development Company was officially listed, based on the industrial pattern of "1+4+N", and has built more than 10 professional high-tech industrial parks and talent service facilities such as commercial aerospace, biomedicine, integrated circuits and third-generation semiconductors, and international talent communities.

Different from the previous operation of the industrial park, Wang Mingjun said that this has higher requirements for the team's service ability and product professionalism, and it also gathers innovation and industrial chains, and also makes the investment promotion work more accurate. Focusing on the goal of "industry first", Nansha Industrial Development Company has the ability to provide one-stop supporting services for settled enterprises from project research and development to landing production.

It is understood that in 2024, Nansha Development and Construction Group will also set up industrial research institutes and other platforms to further increase cooperation in Hong Kong and Macao, and provide a Nansha landing platform for the transformation of scientific research projects of Hong Kong and Macao universities. In terms of industrial support, we will continue to improve living and commercial facilities, fundamentally solve the living problems of enterprise employees, and help the integrated development of industry and city.

The green development concept of digital and intelligent integration "equips" itself with smart software and hardware

The construction site of the project is in full swing, and in the commercial office building, intelligent operation is another vivid embodiment of the future city. Huang Min, deputy general manager of Nansha Development and Construction Group, believes that only by improving the level of operation and service can we achieve the goal of attracting phoenixes from nesting to fixing nests.

"At this stage, the company's commercial carriers are all over the core areas of Nansha, and we have been committed to the ecological development of enterprises in the field of business offices in Nansha, not only providing office and production carriers, but also providing corresponding supporting services at all stages of enterprise development, docking industry resources, and meeting the needs of diversified development of enterprises." Huang Min introduced that the green operation concept of digital and intelligent integration is another innovative measure of Nansha Construction Group to improve user stickiness and promote the development of industrial ecology.

Huang Min introduced that Nansha Kaijian Group regards sustainable development as the long-term vision and core concept of the enterprise. In the process of operation, we insist on taking a long-term view, and in practice, according to the development of smart technology and the continuous development of customer demand scenarios, we adopt a variety of innovative and constructive measures to continue to create a healthy and environmentally friendly building environment.

"We will see more and more urban projects 'equipping' themselves with smart hardware and software." Huang Min introduced that the company has strengthened the safety management of parks and buildings and the ability to respond to public emergencies. A series of smart property management systems are used to achieve low energy consumption, integrate energy saving and consumption reduction into every bit of the project, realize the intelligent interconnection of "people, equipment, space and environment", and give the building vitality. Construct an office ESG ecosystem in building operations, and introduce systematic ESG standards applicable to the real estate industry; In terms of property services, we have set up a professional LEEPAP team to provide sustainable building property services, "all because the integration of digital intelligence and green operation make buildings greener and smarter, which is one of our core competitiveness." ”

Some industry insiders pointed out that in 2024, Guangzhou's office market will usher in a new round of supply peak. Huang Min said frankly, "Under the pressure of a new round of supply peaks, we are also forced to continue to focus on services, supported by industrial asset platforms and enterprise services, and improve our core competitiveness in the commercial market." ”

In recent years, Nansha Development Group has focused on the development model of industry aggregation and industrial linkage. Huang Min introduced that in the field of commercial offices, let the same type and upper and lower chain enterprises gather together, which can not only give full play to the advantages of enterprise alliance, but also improve customer stickiness and promote the development of industrial ecology. As the button of the ecological chain, it should play the role of conduction and platform. At present, the company has made precise positioning and professional agglomeration adjustment for its various commercial carriers. For example, the Data Gathering Building uses the influence of the data exchange and Nansha Big Data Company to gather a number of data technology industries to settle down and build a big data industry agglomeration center. "After the introduction of the data industry support policy, there will be a better development guarantee for enterprises settled in the agglomeration area."

In addition to the Digital Gathering Building, the company also operates the Innovation Building, which is mainly based on scientific and technological innovation enterprises, and the Pearl Development Building, which is mainly based on financial and futures industries. "These settled companies can also accurately match each other through our platform to promote cooperation." Huang Min said.

In the International Financial Forum Conference Center project, in the future, it will combine Nansha's artificial intelligence, automobiles and ships, deep space and deep sea and other characteristic industries to build an independent exhibition brand, and at the same time focus on international important forums, large-scale cultural and sports events, brand exhibitions and other foreign exchange activities, further promote the implementation of the relevant work arrangements of the "Nansha Plan", and help Nansha create a new image of international high-end exhibitions "based in the Bay Area, cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world".

Digital empowerment of modern governance boosts the development of smart cities

At present, Nansha Development and Construction Group has undertaken a series of smart city infrastructure construction and platform-based operation and management construction projects serving education, medical care, people's livelihood and other smart cities, such as the international talent community informatization project, the infrastructure and intelligence project of Nansha Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lingshan Island-tip digital integrated management platform project, the Nansha District smart public transport supervision service platform and demonstration line project and other different scenarios, as well as making breakthroughs in the application of infrastructure such as urban water management.

In February 2024, the release of the "Work Plan for New Urban Construction Linkage to Empower the Construction of Nansha Smart City to Create Benchmark Application Scenarios" proposes to promote the integrated and linkage development of new urban infrastructure construction and the construction of Nansha smart city, and promote the typical application scenarios of "new urban construction" to be effective in the construction of Nansha smart city, which is an important measure for Nansha to build a modern city with "smart growth, exquisite urban area, Lingnan characteristics, pastoral style, and Chinese style".

Huang Min said that this will bring new opportunities for the company's next stage of development, and point out the direction for the company to promote technological innovation and deepen the exploration of multiple application scenarios and solutions.

In the future, the company will also focus on expanding projects in the fields of smart water, smart education, smart transportation, smart community, smart park, urban comprehensive management service platform, etc., empower people's livelihood services with digital technology, and strive to improve the level of convenience and intelligence, and improve people's livelihood and well-being. According to the actual needs of Nansha's smart city construction, we will work with partners to continuously accumulate scenarios and deepen scenarios, and innovate and form a series of digital application scenario solutions that can be replicated and promoted, so that the results of smart city construction can benefit more Nansha residents.

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