
Chongli District is making every effort to build a well-known "sports and health care demonstration area" in China

author:Released in Zhangjiakou

I thought that when the spring flowers were blooming, Chongli, who was known for its ice and snow, was going to "cool down". However, in this "May Day", "Chongli Health Care" has unexpectedly earned a wave of attention.

Chongli District is making every effort to build a well-known "sports and health care demonstration area" in China

Since the beginning of the "May Day", Zhangjiakou Chongli Olympic Park has entered summer operation. Zhai Ruofan, deputy general manager of Zhangjiakou Xingyuan Sports Cultural Tourism Operation Co., Ltd., the venue operating unit, said that this year, the theme of their summer operation is "Winter Olympics Holy Land Health Paradise". Since the recruitment of wellness sojourners began in late April with this theme, more than 100 wellness rooms have been booked so far, and with the passage of time, the booking popularity has shown an increasing trend. "In addition to the new friends recruited this time, among the guests who booked, there were winter skiers who booked for their parents, and there were also those who booked their own wellness rooms and invited 'old friends' to come with them." In the face of unexpected market feedback, Zhai Ruofan bluntly said "very surprised".

In the "non-ice and snow season" to bring enough popularity and continue the heat, Chongli needs more support beyond "sports and cultural tourism". Based on policy guidance and objective conditions, it is undoubtedly a good choice to develop the health care industry and lay out the elderly care in Beijing. So, what are the factors that promote Chongli to focus on health care, and how does the local area innovate and develop and focus on building a "new business card" of the well-known "sports and health care demonstration area" in China?

Times and potentials

"Chongli is very suitable for the development of the health care industry." When I met Ao Xiang, the deputy head of Chongli District, he was preparing for a new round of docking in Beijing. As a native of Wuhan who lived in Beijing all the year round, he objectively judged that the development of the health care industry in Chongli was a common choice of "time" and "potential".

Speaking of the advantages of Chongli District in the development of health care industry, Ao Xiang opened the conversation.

The unique geographical landform has laid a natural foundation for the development of the health care industry in Chongli. Located in the border area of the Bashang Plateau and the Baxia Plain, spring and autumn are connected, the climate is suitable, the climate is comfortable for 7 months throughout the year, and the average temperature in summer does not exceed 20 °C, which is suitable for living and refuting the heat; The microclimate of the mid-mountainous area and the country parks and leisure trails built with the terrain are convenient for leisure and fitness, and both the natural climate and infrastructure are conducive to the development of the health care industry in Chongli.

The preparation and hosting of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has laid a good ecological foundation for the "Winter Olympics City". The forest coverage rate of the whole region is 71.53%, P M2.5 is kept below 20 micrograms/cubic meter all year round, and the concentration of negative oxygen ions in the air quality is 10,000 per cubic centimeter.

The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is advancing in depth, and the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the track" is running faster and faster, and Chongli will be included in the vision of relieving the key areas of Beijing's health care industry. In 2023, Chongli District will be included in the second batch of key areas in Hebei Province to undertake Beijing's elderly care needs, adding another firewood to the development of Chongli's health care industry in terms of policy.

To develop the health care industry, high-quality and stable medical resources are indispensable. The national regional medical center, based on the Chongli Campus of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, has become the "core competitiveness" of Chongli District in the development of the health care industry. With the construction of the "Disease Prevention, Anti-Aging, Rehabilitation and Elderly Care Complex" in the hospital's logistics and life support area, Chongli District has taken a solid step in the development of the health care industry.


After talking about the "time" and "potential" in his heart, Ao Xiang mentioned the shock and excitement when he first learned about the scale of Beijing's health care market. "It was at a symposium on the health care industry, and an expert from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that there are 190,000 people over the age of 65 in Changping District, and these elderly people have more or less musculoskeletal problems. Experts from Peking University Rehabilitation Hospital at the same scene said on the spot that they could do musculoskeletal disease screening and pain rehabilitation management in Changping District, and believed that the project in Chongli had basic medical resources. Speaking of these, Ao Xiang put down the documents in his hand, unconsciously began to compare with the words, his eyes still flashed with surprise, he said: "At that time, I thought that if we can undertake this project, even if we can only undertake part of it, it will be an opportunity for Chongli, and it will also be a pivotal industry in the future." ”

Those who come and cannot be lost, the time is also. With the gradual clarity of its own advantages, a series of phased development goals have formed a prototype in Ao Xiang's heart. In his notebook, he wrote down his vision for the industry at that time: "We can build the health care industry into the main goal of undertaking Beijing's non-capital functions, establish a unique health care system, and create a new business card of 'health care city' in addition to the halo of the 'Winter Olympics'." ”

Move with the times and follow the trend. Under the leadership of the Chongli District Party Committee and the District Government, the relevant departments of the district thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "promoting the construction of medical alliances and promoting the extension of the Beijing-Tianjin pension project to qualified areas in Hebei" and the provincial and municipal party committees to accelerate the development of the health care industry, vigorously develop the health care economy and make arrangements to attract the elderly in Beijing and Tianjin to come to Zhang for the elderly.

A deep problem of still water has begun.

Seek and do

When it comes to the health care industry, Guo Yanwei, deputy director of the Chongli District Development and Reform Bureau, feels that "every step of development is a trade-off." ”

Spreading out a thick stack of information, Guo Yanwei chatted about the development of the health care industry in Chongli District. At the beginning of 2023, the city will take that year as the "key project construction year" to promote the development of the pension industry in the Beijing area, and determine the key development of 30 collaborative pension industry projects in Beijing such as health and livable communities and pension complexes. In April of that year, Chongli District was selected as the second batch of key areas in the province to undertake Beijing's pension needs, and they actively sorted out the basic situation and development advantages, and promoted the development of the whole industry chain of the health care industry from a high starting point.

"According to the original idea, Chongli District will start from four aspects, relying on the foundation of sports, culture and tourism industry, to create a sports and health care industry that integrates with sports, relying on the advantages of ecological environment resources, to create a sojourn and health care industry that integrates with the ecological environment, relying on the construction of national regional medical centers, district traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, district rehabilitation centers for the disabled, etc., to create a medical and health care industry that integrates and develops with medical resources, and relies on green agriculture and animal husbandry, local characteristic agricultural products and Chinese herbal medicine planting to create a series of health food industries with the same origin of medicine and food. Promote the development of the dietary health care industry. Guo Yanwei said that since then, all relevant units, departments and enterprises in Chongli District have been busy all the time.

While doing a good job in its own work, Chongli District actively "goes out" to benchmark and promote roadshows.

The Chongli District Party Committee and the District Government are mainly responsible for leading teams to the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and other advanced areas around Beijing to "learn from experience"; A number of enterprises have also consciously joined the ranks of promoting "Chongli Health Care". On September 15 last year, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Elderly Care Service Collaborative Development Project Promotion Conference was held in Yanqing District, Beijing......

Everything is moving forward at a steady pace.

The change took place in April of this year.

On April 19, the municipal government issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Health Care Industry in Zhangjiakou City", which identified four key industries of medical services, pension services, health tourism, and sports and fitness, as well as four cultivation industries of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmaceutical manufacturing, health food, advanced medical equipment and rehabilitation aids, and health management services. In the future, the "4+4" health care industry system will connect the city's "medical, pharmaceutical, health, health care, and tourism" fields to help the high-quality development of the city's health care industry.

It is also in this guidance that Chongli District has been further clarified to strengthen the sports and health industry, focusing on the National Regional Medical Center of Chongli Campus of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and providing trauma treatment, rehabilitation and recuperation, health guidance, chronic disease intervention and other health and fitness services for the people of Beijing and Zhangzhou. Cooperate with Beijing medical institutions to form a sports injury medical resource gathering area based on the Chongli Campus of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University; The use of Winter Olympics facilities extends to sports and health care, and does a good job in summer recuperation, so as to create an international ice and snow tourism destination and a sports and fitness gathering area.

From "big comprehensive" to "big special, small comprehensive", it is a trade-off and a focus.

The blueprint is superimposed on the construction drawings, and Chongli embarks on the road of building a well-known "sports and health care demonstration area" in China.

Points and polygons

Drive out of the Chongli Exit of Zhangcheng Expressway to the direction of the city, and it takes less than 5 minutes to arrive at the "Disease Prevention and Anti-aging Rehabilitation and Elderly Care Complex" - a row of white and brown small high-rise buildings, interspersed with 4 beige buildings. "These four buildings with special colors are medical care and health care complex buildings, which are expected to be partially completed by the end of the year, and 48 apartments with constant temperature and humidity have been put into use." Following the direction of Si Dayong, deputy general manager of Zhangjiakou Jishang Real Estate Development Company, the owner of the project, everyone's attention focused on a small high-rise building that had completed the interior decoration. He said: "This building is full of home-based senior living apartments, and 147 units have been fully furnished. We conducted a trial operation of this room type during the Lunar New Year this year, and more than 200 rooms were booked from February to March, of which 70% were booked by Beijing guests. ”

In the home-style pension house, the light-colored jacquard bedding attracted everyone's attention. "We just want to keep it clean and tidy while making our guests feel at home," Si said. ”

"Your project is called 'Disease Prevention, Anti-Aging, Rehabilitation and Elderly Care Complex', will such a professional name not be conducive to enhancing popularity?" "Actually, if you think about it from another angle, this name reflects our professionalism." Si Dayong introduced while walking that their project is located across the road from the Chongli Campus of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University and in the logistics life support area of the National Regional Medical Center, which is a key project for the development of the health care industry in Chongli District, and it is also the first real estate project in the district to successfully transform into a health care industry.

What is the confidence in the transformation of real estate and health care? Shi Hongbin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chongli Campus of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, told reporters that after the Beijing Winter Olympics, the hospital adjusted its focus and carried out health management and guidance work with rehabilitation as the starting point and information platform as the support, so as to provide medical security for regional health care. Based on the hospital's green channel and health guidance for medical services, the "Disease Prevention and Anti-Aging Rehabilitation and Elderly Care Complex" will also achieve a high degree of integration of home and rehabilitation elderly care services.

The establishment of a new industry is a "surface" construction. It is necessary that in this "surface", between the points, the dislocation develops, and the harmony is different.

This summer, the Zhangjiakou Olympic Village and some ski resorts have been "transformed" into health resorts, providing short-term rental services for sojourn, health and wellness. "Chongli has a cool climate in summer, which is very suitable for the elderly to escape the heat. We are specially equipped with laundry rooms, gateball courts, senior activity centers and other facilities, and the canteen meals are based on the standards of the national team, so that they can live here with peace of mind and comfort. Zhang Litao, general manager of Zhangjiakou Xingyuan Sports Cultural Tourism Operation Management Co., Ltd., said. Zou Zhongqiao, deputy general manager of Zhangjiakou Fulong Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., also said that the ski resort will hold summer health activities featuring mountain scenery, leisure and entertainment, and summer vacations.

Guo Yanwei introduced that it is not only a characteristic town, but at present, Chongli District is actively supporting policies to encourage "beautiful villages" with a homestay development foundation such as Xia Sandaohe and Shangwopu to pay attention to the health care population, and form a "1+N" sojourn and health care carrying system in the whole district with the guidance of "disease prevention, anti-aging, rehabilitation and elderly care complex", with ski resorts, homestays and communities as complementarity, in line with various types of target customer groups, so as to promote the high-quality development of the health care industry.

On the day of Mengxia, everything is beautiful. The well-known "Sports and Health Care Demonstration Zone" in China has started, and the vibrant Chongli has risen with new hope. (Reporter Wu Jianwei, correspondent Li Wei, Zhou Dawei)

Edited by Ice

Source: Zhangjiakou News Network

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